People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

One hundred and six collapsed pirates

In fact, just as Ah Jin guessed, Li Yan used their Creek Pirates to test new weapons.

Who made this new weapon a naval gun, and the Creek Pirates are the only pirates in the East China Sea that have a large fleet and can do a good naval battle?

Think about the fact that most of the pirate groups on the great route are just one ship, but the Creek Pirates in the East China Sea have built a fleet of dozens of ships, and Each is armed to the teeth.

This is not for you to test, who is to test?

"They're going to fire again!"

Just when Akin was thinking about how to deal with it, the pirate in charge of the lookout suddenly shouted.

Immediately afterwards, another row of flames flashed on the opposite warship.

"Everyone, intercept the shells!"

Seeing this, Ah Jin immediately roared and picked up two specially made kidnappers with iron balls on the front of him.

If this was put in Li Yan's previous life, it would probably scare a group of people, and the flesh would block the cannonballs.

However, in the world of pirates, this is completely normal operation.

When the protagonist group first went to sea, Zoro and Sanji, who had no Devil Fruit, intercepted naval artillery shells as simple as eating and drinking.

You must know that Zoro was only a swordsman at that time, and he had not yet reached the realm of swordsmen, and Sanji was also half a catty.

Therefore, in this pirate world, as long as you have a little bit of strength, you are not afraid of guns.


Only for early flintlocks and early front-loading smoothbore guns in the Pirate World!

Under Akin's order, all the pirates also took up their weapons and stared at the sky, trying to capture the flight path of the shells.

Soon, they saw that the shells that were flying in, just...

The capture is captured, but isn't this speed too fast, there is no time to react at all!

From capturing the trajectory until the shells fall, there is not even a second. After all, to catch the flying shells with eyesight, even people in the pirate world can only be within 500 meters, unless it is strength. stronger person.

And the new shells fired by the new naval guns have a flight speed of more than 700 meters/S. For ordinary pirates, even if you capture the trajectory, what can you do in less than a second?

Of course, there is one exception, and that is Ah Jin.

The moment he caught the cannonball, he jumped up, the kidnapper in his hand aimed at a flying cannonball and pulled it out directly.

According to past experience, this time, the shell can be shot at a distance of at least ten meters before it explodes.

However, at the moment of contact, Ah Jin already felt something was wrong.

Heavy, it is too heavy!

Also, what shape is this?

Not those spherical shells at all, but a kind of cone and still spinning at high speed.

"Get out of here!"

With a loud shout, Ah Jin used 120% of his strength to finally deflect the cannonball a little bit, but that's all.

However, the fuze was also triggered after being hit. You must know that Li Yan specially asked Levine and the others to make the triggering fuze of the shell more sensitive.

After all, this pirate world likes to physically intercept cannonballs, right?

So, just after the shell was fired by Aginge, it exploded directly, just less than three meters away...


With a roar, a figure in the air was directly flown out of the sky, until it flew dozens of meters and hit the deck of another battleship, leaving a classic human-shaped hole.

And the large warship it was originally located in, although Ajin desperately stopped a shell,

But it was directly hit by two other shells.

But after all, it is a large warship. It was not directly bombed and sunk like the previous medium-sized warship, but it has also been severely damaged. Even the keel is cracked, and it has no repair value.

On the medium-sized battleship, a group of pirates found Akin covered in blood under the deck.


"Quick...let all ships...receive immediately...and notify Captain Creek..."

Supporting the consciousness that was about to be disintegrated, Ah Jin explained a few words intermittently, and then tilted his head and fainted.


This can make all pirates anxious.

After all, in the Crick Pirates, in some respects, Ajin's prestige is even higher than Crick. These pirates are afraid of Crick, but they really respect Ajin.

If it wasn't for the fact that Akin gave up on Crick, and he waved his flag, at least half of the pirates would be willing to start a new career with him.

"Quickly, do as the commander-in-chief ordered, flagging all ships to withdraw to the Glen Isles, and inform Captain Crick of the situation at the same time!"

The spiritual pillar fell, and the pirates were confused for a while, but fortunately, Ajin had given the correct order before he lost consciousness. Although it was a little messy, the pirates still acted according to the order.

three kilometers away.

"Lieutenant Colonel Larnas, the pirate fleet seems to be starting to retreat!"

"Keep attacking, before they've finished turning the U-turn, a few more waves!"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel!"

Picking up the binoculars and looking at the pirate fleet that was slowly turning and trying to turn around, Larnas came to Smog.

"Colonel, according to my estimation, we should still be able to attack three rounds before the pirate fleet completes the U-turn, but if we want to pursue afterward, we can only use the guns on the bow to attack. It's unlikely they will wipe out the Glens before they return to it!"

"It's alright, you just need to complete the corresponding test. As for the rest... I'll take care of it. After all, if you beat them all, wouldn't my assessment be in vain..."

Smoked a cigar, Smoke said indifferently.

Seriously, even he was frightened by the two rounds of shelling just now, so let's not talk about the range. Just talking about this new type of shell, the triggering fuze is so sensitive and the power is so powerful that it is aimed specifically at those shells. The guy who likes to block artillery shells with flesh.

Based on what Smog had just seen, when Ajin intercepted the cannonball, he knew that if he did not use the power of the Devil Fruit, and only relying on physical techniques to intercept it, he would not end up much better than Ajin.

This power is really too great, it is almost comparable to the blow of the lieutenant generals who are good at physique in the headquarters.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is just an ordinary lieutenant general, not an elite lieutenant general, let alone the non-human Karp.

After listening to what Smog said, Larnas also nodded.

Then he continued to command the shelling.

Just over a minute...

After enduring three rounds of shelling again, the pirate fleet finally completed the turn, and immediately fled to the Glen Islands frantically.

It's just that there was a large warship and a fleet of eight medium-sized warships when they came, and at this moment...

Only four medium battleships remain!

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