People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

One hundred and twenty-six Horqin naval battle (on)

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch ()"

In fact, although most of the world is the sea, ships are also the main means of transportation from the nobles to the commoners.

However, in this world, there are not many naval battles in the true sense.

After all, due to the technical limitations of weapons, the smoothbore guns that fired round shells in the early days were almost inaccurate at a distance of 300 meters, so the wars on the sea were basically dominated by side-to-side battles.

Battles with the main theme of bombardment between battleships are basically non-existent.

At this moment, the entire battleship has been swept across, and the two two-mounted turrets at the bow and stern have also slowly rotated.

If it weren't for the fact that the main hull was still made of wood, it would have been a bit of a battleship in the past.

At this time, Usopp was no longer on the front deck, but climbed to the observation deck at the highest position of the battleship, and held a microphone for communication within the ship.

Seeing that Usopp kept telling all the gun positions various parameters on the observation deck, Li Yan was speechless.

People in this world don't know how long their brains are. Without using any instruments, they can see all the parameters of the other party's distance, ship speed, etc., all with a pair of eyes.

If it were me, I would never be able to do it...

At the same time, ten kilometers away, the Pirate Fleet.

"That warship hasn't escaped yet?"

"Yes, and it also hit the hull sideways!"

Said Capo, the staff officer of the Blood Wolf Pirates who offered a bounty of 138 million Bailey.

"Captain, I have a bad hunch. Did you notice that this warship is completely different from the standard warships of the Navy, and even different from all the ships we have ever seen!"

"Not only that, you look at the two turrets on the bow and stern of the ship, isn't the barrel a little too long?"

Holding the telescope, Capo said to Garfield while observing the warship.

To be able to mix up today, and gather three supernova-level subordinates, Garfield will naturally not be a brainless person.

After hearing Kapo's words, he also observed with the telescope for a while.

"That's right, it's really not normal!"

"Seeing that our 25 pirate groups didn't run away, this is one!"

"And such a distinctive warship is two!"

"And those huge and strange naval guns, that's three!"

"There are so many doubts, so be cautious!"

"In this way, let's not rush forward and let the other pirate groups try each other's jinliang first!"

Nodding, Garfield also said after a while of analysis.

"Okay, I'm going to inform the captain of the sea!"

"It's really interesting. It seems that the guys who can kill Weisen and Talos are really not ordinary people, but it's okay, it's just extraordinary, so I have the qualifications to let me hunt!"

When Capo left, Garfield continued to observe with the telescope, and at the same time raised the corner of his mouth slightly and muttered to himself.


It goes on and on!

Finally, after ten minutes, the distance between the two sides was narrowed to within five kilometers.


After Usopp's voice was conveyed along the metal pipe to each gun position, the seamen who had been prepared for a long time simultaneously controlled the naval guns and fired the shells.

boom boom boom boom...

A whole row of 2 main turrets and four secondary turrets fired at the same time, and even Momotu was frightened by this power.

The huge recoil directly pushed the entire warship sideways a distance of about three meters. Fortunately, Adam Baomu had enough leather, and there was no damage to the hull when the new main gun was tested for the first time. It completely resisted this huge recoil.

"Quick, re-adjust the hull, and at the same time quickly reload the artillery shells, prepare for the second round of salvos!"

Usopp's voice was again transmitted to the various departments of the battleship through the metal pipe, and the sailors also acted quickly.

With such a powerful cannon, even if he didn't hear the sound, Garfield could still see through the telescope, the huge sparks that appeared at the mouth of each cannon.

What shocked him even more was that after the gun was fired, the entire large warship was pushed several meters away by the recoil.

Such a scene made him suddenly feel very bad, his eyes fixed on the sky, trying to capture the location of those cannonballs!

However, the pirates in the other pirate ships did not think so much as Garfield.

In their logic, this navy warship is afraid that it will be fooled by our large fleet?

Shooting at five kilometers, are you kidding us?

The pirates looked relaxed and did not take this round of shelling seriously.

But just a few seconds later, they realized that they were wrong...


At Usopp's level, coupled with this new rifled naval gun, the first wave of shelling at a distance of five kilometers can achieve a hit rate of about 15%, and after subsequent corrections, it can even reach more than 25%. Degree.

Twelve shells, with a sharp squeaking sound, quickly swept a distance of five kilometers, and finally smashed into the array of the pirate fleet.

Although most of them did not have several kinds of targets, they also hit one shot, and even hit two near misses.

The pirate ship that was directly hit was not large, just a medium-sized pirate ship.

The key is that his luck is very bad. The shell that hit him was fired from the main cannon of the 280MM cannon at the bow of the ship.

After the shell fell, it penetrated the deck directly and exploded in the lower cabin.

What's more, this cabin is also the shell storage warehouse for its ships.

The huge power directly blew the pirate ship into two pieces, followed by an even bigger explosion caused by hundreds of shells, completely tearing the pirate ship into pieces. Fragments were scattered, flying around, and the whole sea surface that was scattered in the end was...

As for the other two pirate ships that were hit by near misses, although they were not so miserable, they were all near misses within 20 meters.

The hull was torn apart, and the sea water continued to pour into it, and even many pirates on the deck were directly shaken into the sea by the strong shock wave.


Seeing this, even Garfield's hands holding the telescope at this moment trembled.

What the hell is this?

Could it be the legendary Hades?

Although Garfield had heard of the three ancient weapons, he didn't know much about it. He only knew that Pluto was a powerful warship.

And to talk about a powerful warship, isn't this one in front of you?

Therefore, Garfield will have such an idea.

If Li Yan knew this, Garfield was guessing at this moment whether his battleship was Hades, and he would definitely be speechless for a while...

not educated...


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