People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

One hundred and forty, hundreds of millions are gone

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These naval weapons, Diamanti admitted, really surprised him, and they were really powerful.

And the square army under his command indeed suffered heavy losses.

But that's the end of it!

Although this kind of weapon is a kind of crushing existence to ordinary pirates, it does not have the ability to kill for those who can skillfully use domineering.

Furthermore, several of Rao G and the others were already on the deck, and the opponent's weapon was useless at this moment.

With a hard step, Diamanti also jumped over.

Of course, when he was in the air, he also received the treatment that Rao G and others enjoyed before. The machine gun sounded instantly, and countless bullets directly focused on him.


Diamanti completely dismissed this, and directly activated the ability to fly the fruit, and the body turned into a cloth shape with almost no thickness, as if from a three-dimensional creature to a two-dimensional creature, avoiding all the The bullet, then changed back to its original state again, and landed firmly on the front deck of the warship!

"Is this the flying fruit? It's really weird enough. It feels like a multi-purpose version of the crane's staff to wash the fruit..."

Looking at Diamanti's body changes, Li Yan was speechless.

"Leave this major general to me, and you will take care of the rest of the navy, so be quick!"

"rest assured!"

Rao G and the other four nodded and rushed towards the sailors on the deck casually, while Diamanti slowly drew out his Western sword and stared at Li Yan.

"I have to admit that your new weapons are really powerful, but that's only for ordinary people!"

"Sword·Snake Sword!"

With a low shout, Diamanti suddenly launched an offensive, a stab at Li Yan.

If it was someone else, they might not take this move seriously. After all, Diamanti's straight thrust is not very fast, and it is not difficult to avoid it.

But Li Yan knew that the key to his move was not speed, but his ability to fly fruit.

After transforming the western sword in his hand into a cloth-like form, he can attack randomly, or suddenly restore the hardness of the sword when the opponent is dodging, achieving the effect of two straight stabs.

If you use kendo to break this move, to be honest, it's really not that easy to break. It's like Bucky's split fruit, which has a certain restraint on sword moves.

Therefore, the best way is to attack instead of defend.

"Flying Slash·Horizontal Slash!"

Diamanti, who was rushing forward, also widened his eyes when he saw the black and white horses rushing in front of him.

He thought that this was an ordinary rear admiral, and he could kill him with one move.

That's why the snake sword was used at such a long distance.

But as a result, they directly threw a flying slash, forcing themselves to dodge and retreat instead of continuing to dash forward to cast the snake sword.

The most important thing is that this slash also carries sword intent!

As the strongest swordsman under Doflamingo, and a swordsman who is very close to the great swordsman, he is all too aware of the sword intent that Li Yan carried in this slash.

I didn't dare to be careless at the moment.

"Bull Cloak!"

Pull the cloak directly behind you forward, completely covering yourself in it.

Don't think it's just an ordinary cloak, it's actually a cloak made of steel by Diamanti using the ability of the flying fruit.

Although it looks the same as a normal cloak and even weighs the same, it actually has the same hardness as steel, and even shells can't break it.

Of course, the gun here refers to the old-fashioned front-loading smoothbore guns of this world.


With a loud bang, Diamanti's figure also quickly retreated, bowing and sliding on the deck for several meters before stopping.

However, looking at the intact appearance of the cloak, it should have been completely resisted and not injured!

"It's useless, even if the swordsman has the ability to cut iron,

But still can't cut off my cloak! "

With a flick of his right hand, he loosened his cloak, and Diamanti said confidently, showing his figure again.

Although this cloak is actually steel, but through his ability to fly fruit, he has the hardness of steel and the softness of cloth.

Hardness and softness should be two completely contradictory existences, but it is such contradictory characteristics that exist on Diamanti's cloak at the same time.

So that even if Jianhao can cut through steel, it is still difficult to cut through his cloak.

"what's so funny?"

After pretending to be compulsive, he found that Li Yan looked at himself with a hint of ridicule, which made Diamanti suddenly a little angry.

However, Li Yan ignored him and pointed to his cheek instead.

What do you mean?

But in the next second, Diamanti suddenly felt a chill on the right side of his face, and then his face changed suddenly.

A red line gradually appeared on his cheek, and a trace of bright red blood oozes out.

"This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible, and you don't seem to notice anywhere else?"

Hearing this, Diamanti seemed to realize something and suddenly lowered his head, then stared at the boss with a look of disbelief.

His clothes were separated by at least a dozen openings.

In other words, his bullfighting cloak did not completely block the opponent's slash, but a lot of sword energy penetrated the cloak and attacked him?

Diamanti is a very arrogant person. At this time, he feels as if he has been humiliated, especially after he has just finished pretending, the meaning of humiliation is even stronger.

Even if he held the Western sword in his hand high.

"Take it, kid, you're not the only one who knows how to fly!"

"Half Moon... Funeral!"

The Western Sword was swung down suddenly, and a barrage of swords swept towards Li Yan directly against the deck. The powerful wave of sword energy it stirred did not look like an ordinary swordsman at all.


At this moment, a classic national curse suddenly burst out of Li Yan's mouth.

It's not because Diamanti's move surprised him, it's really...

You said you, flying slash, just fly slash, why do you have to stick to the ground?

Look at this deck, it was cut like tofu, these are Adam's treasure wood, you just cut it down, and the Adam's treasure wood worth 200 million to 300 million will be wasted, okay?

What a joke!

More importantly, you can't hide yourself...

If you dodge this, the cabin behind you will probably be split in two by this cargo, and the loss will be huge.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Li Yan had no choice but to push hard, and immediately swung out a flying slash, hitting Diamanti's slash.

The two sharp swords collided with each other in the air, and in the end the condensed sword energy exploded, leaving a big hole in the front deck of the warship.

Seeing this scene, Li Yan's heart was dripping with blood.

Another billions gone...

Sure enough, the swordsman's destructive power is too great, it's better to deal with him early, or maybe his warship...

Must fall apart!

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