People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

One hundred and forty-seven, are you sure this thing is a slash?

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch ()"

Doflamingo is not a fool, plus he has a traitor in the top ranks of the navy.

Therefore, if the headquarters sends strength to cooperate with Li Yan, he will not come easily.

But if high-level combat support is not dispatched, and the navy in the East China Sea is alone, Kizaru feels that this power is still a little weak.

Although in the eyes of their generals, Doflamingo is the same, but in the lieutenant general, there is really no one who can win Doflamingo steadily.

Even the peach rabbit and the tea dolphin, who are candidates for the generals, are estimated to have a five-to-five fight.


"Peach Rabbit is on your warship!"

Just when Kizaru was thinking like this, he suddenly discovered something and asked immediately.

"Well, she said she wanted to stay in my branch for a few months!"

"Yoyo, little brother Li Yan is fine, I'll soak a flower from our navy. If the tea dolphin finds out, he'll probably find you absolutely!"

"What's the matter, I don't have that kind of relationship with Gion!"

"I still deny it. It doesn't matter. That girl Taotu will be so interested in you?"

The yellow ape, who looks like a salted fish on the outside and is extremely shrewd on the inside, has already seen through everything.

But it's a pity that Li Yan, the idiot, still didn't realize this.

"If you have that girl, Taotu, you can guarantee that you won't lose, but it's still very difficult to win!"

After teasing Li Yan for a few words, Kizaru returned to the topic again.

"General Yellow Ape, why don't we discuss it before you come to a conclusion?"

"Yo, Li Yan, you are getting more and more terrifying. You are actually going to challenge the general?"

Kizaru said with an exaggerated shocked expression.

That cheap appearance, if it wasn't for Li Yan's lack of strength, I really wanted to punch him directly.

"But it's okay, I'm also curious about your current strength, here?"

"Please go to the island. This warship has been repaired for a long time. I don't want to be destroyed again!"

Hearing this, Li Yan categorically refused the proposal to discuss directly here.

Just kidding, if you have a fight with Kizaru here, then this warship can really be scrapped directly...

"That's okay, Nuoqigao, don't hide, let's go together!"

After nodding, Kizaru shouted in the direction of the stern.

Soon, Nuoqigao walked out with his head bowed like a child who did something wrong.

In fact, from the very beginning, both Li Yan and Kizaru already knew that Nuo Qigao was eavesdropping there.

But that doesn't matter.

For Li Yan, Nuoqigao is a die-hard loyalist with a loyalty of 100 points.

As for Huang Yuan, this is his own direct disciple, and even if she didn't eavesdrop, he planned to take her to watch the battle.

After all, watching his own fighting style should also bring a lot of inspiration to Nuoqi Gao's use of fruits.

"I want to go too!"

Just when the two were about to take Nuoqi to the island, Taotu suddenly came out and said.

I hadn't seen it before, but just felt it, Li Yan's sword energy when he defeated Diamanti.

Well, now there is such a good opportunity, you can see that Li Yan is going all out to fight against General Huang Yuan, and he can't miss anything he says.

Maybe, if I have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes, I might have missed that scene before.

Taotu Ke is still very curious about the special sword energy that Li Yan had before.

"Hey, we still have a one-year appointment. You can just look at my cards like this, is it really good?"

"Yo, a one-year appointment, let's hear it, the old man is very curious!"

The four words of a year's appointment, but instantly aroused the curiosity of the yellow monkey. Although he is old, the heart of the gossip is still very strong.

"Don't ask, General, this is my secret and this guy's secret!"

"Yo, it's scary,

The secret between the opposite sex, well, then I won't ask, but let's go, I'd better go back to rest early after I'm done, it's already overtime, remember to use the Corona 18 to settle the overtime pay. ! "

In the end, the four of them came to the island together.

Li Yan and Kizaru stood 30 meters apart, while Taotu and Nuo Qigao retreated to a 100-meter appearance battle.

"bring it on!"

He beckoned to Li Yan, and it was obvious that Kizaru was not ready to take action.

However, this is also very normal. The famous naval admiral for many years has a discussion with Li Yan. This is basically a kind of guiding discussion. How can Kizaru take the initiative to attack? It is more to let Li Yan attack. Learn about his current level of strength.

"Then General Huang Yuan should be careful..."

"Flying Slash, White Tiger!"

Pulling out the big sharp knife and going every day, Li Yan didn't hide his clumsiness, and directly swung out a flying slash.

Immediately after the white horse was swung out, even less than a meter away from the sword, it began to change its form. Suddenly, a lifelike white tiger appeared and rushed towards the yellow monkey with its teeth and claws.

Even the yellow monkey was shocked.

His main method is fruit ability, but in order to cooperate with this fruit ability, Kizaru has practiced swordsmanship. Although he can't say that he can reach the level of a great swordsman, the swordsman's cultivation is still there.

Therefore, Kizaru could clearly feel the terrifying sword intent contained in this slash.

And the most important thing is, why the sword qi can turn into a lively beast, this is not just shaped by the sword qi, didn't you see the white tiger's limbs running wildly on the ground?

If it wasn't for seeing Li Yan wielding a flying slash first, and then changing from that slash to a white tiger, Kiabou would really believe it was a living creature...

In the same way, in addition to Kizaru's shock, Taotu, who was in the 100-meter appearance battle, was also shocked.

Staring at this slash, trying to see something from it.

But unfortunately, I can't see anything, and I don't understand at all how Li Yan did it.

As for Li Yan, he knew very well that with just such a slash, he couldn't do anything against Kizaru.

Don't even say it's Kizaru, even Diamanti from before, he couldn't solve him with a single trick of the white tiger.

Immediately, he raised the Rising Sun in his hand again and waved it towards the top of both sides of Kizaru.

"Flying Slash Suzaku!"

"Flying Slash·Blue Dragon!"

Three slashes, one forward, one left, and one right, directly presenting the tendency of double-teaming, carrying a terrifying sword intent, surrounding and killing the yellow monkey.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yuan's face was also a little less lazy, and a little more serious.

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

A piece of golden light gathered in his hand and shot out immediately. After hitting the ground between the two, it refracted and bounced back toward Li Yan's position again.

Immediately, through this light track, Kizaru merged directly into it and started to move along the track.

Although this does not really allow him to reach the speed of light, it is definitely a level that cannot be achieved by physical art. The fastest person in the pirate world is really no joke.

However, Li Yan, who knew all the tricks of the Japanese ape, was naturally prepared.

You also have a slash specifically for defense, don't you?

"Flying Slash·Xuanwu!"

With another slash, a huge Xuanwu appeared in front of Li Yan.

Xuanwu does not move, but a method of using sword energy to keep it in a certain place after condensing it. This is a form that exists purely for defense. Any object that breaks into it will be destroyed. Twisted into pieces.

"Yo, it's terrible, the old man almost got hit!"

In front of the huge Xuanwu, Kizaru stopped moving, and after re-condensing into a solid body, he said very shamelessly.

"Stop bragging, General Yellow Monkey, but if you don't look behind you, you're going to be hit!"

Hearing this, Huang Yuan also felt something, turned his head slightly, and was instantly stunned.

What did you see for yourself?

The white tiger transformed by the slash immediately braked suddenly, then turned around and continued to pounce on him.

And the Suzaku and Qinglong in the sky also flew out of an arc.

As a result, I was in the position of being attacked by three parties...

It's outrageous, it's just a dog!

"Are you sure this thing..."

"Really slash?"

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