People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

One hundred and seventy-six against Kaido

"Everyone, exit the battle circle 300 meters away!"

Standing in front of Kaido with Yixiao, Li Yan suddenly shouted!

Peach Rabbit's eyes widened.

What do you mean?

We couldn't beat so many of us just now, and now you're going to fight Kaido with just two of you?

That is the Four Emperor Kaido!

"Li Yan..."

"Gion, you are already injured, go down!"


"Nothing but, trust me!"

While speaking, Li Yan winked at Taotu.

Although he didn't know what he was thinking about, after seeing the color in front of him, Taotu understood that he must have some idea.

After all, she has fought together several times, and she already knows Li Yan very well. He is not a reckless man who is not sure about it.

Moreover, after being hit by Kaido just now, he may look good on the outside, but he is really hurt on the inside. If he insists on staying here, it may be a drag.

"Okay, then watch out for yourself!"

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

Nodding his head, Li Yan also slowly pulled out Liu Ying when he saw everyone backing away.

In this scene, the others were far away and didn't feel anything, but the smile around him felt something was wrong.

"Major General, are you changing your knife? And this is not an ordinary knife, is it?"

"That's right, this is Liu Ying, one of the twelve workers of the Great Knife!"


Although he couldn't see it with his eyes, Yi Xiao's sense of sight was stronger and sharper than ordinary people. The moment Li Yan pulled Liu Ying out, he already felt that this was by no means an ordinary knife.

And at this moment, after hearing Li Yan say that he is one of the twelve workers of the Supreme Sword, he nodded as a matter of course.

"Then let's get started. Speaking of which, this old man hasn't tried his best for a long time!"

"Hell Brigade!"

Go to Kaido,

He slowly pulled out a portion of the sword in his hand, and immediately snorted.

The heavy fruit is activated instantly.

The invisible and intangible gravity directly swallowed Kaido, who was still crying.

Even one of the four emperors, Kaido, who is known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, can't help but bend his knees at this moment.

And to make Kaido bend his knees, even just a little bit, one can imagine how strong this force of gravity is.

"As expected of the four emperors, this is already hundreds of times the gravity, but it only slightly bends his knees!"

The eyes condensed, and the fruit ability increased the output again.

Finally, the ground couldn't bear it any longer and collapsed directly, and Kaido, who had lost his footing, also fell instantly.


Who is this blind man?

After seeing this scene, Taotu's eyes were rounded, and his face was incredulous.

Although Li Yan once told her that Yi Xiao had the strength of a general, but he always thought that Li Yan was bragging at that time.

But now how to explain this scene.

Even the knife was only half drawn, and Kaido's knees were slightly bent, causing the entire ground to collapse?

After continuing to launch the Hell Brigade for more than ten seconds, Yi Xiao finally took back the small half of the sword.

A subsidence area of ​​tens of meters directly appeared on the branch campus.

However, within three seconds, the sword that had just been sheathed was pulled out again with a smile.

And this time, instead of pulling out a small half, the whole sword was pulled out.

Holding the sword in his right hand, he waved it in the air with a smile.

Since the movement was too great when the hell brigade was released with a smile just now, everyone thought that a more terrifying scene was coming in the next moment when they saw the sword being completely drawn out and then swung.


one second...

two seconds...

three seconds...

It was as if nothing had happened, and everyone watching the battle was immediately a little stunned.

I'm crying in my pants, but I've waited so long, so you're going to show me this?

However, before they could think about it, someone noticed something was wrong and looked up.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, but you are shocked when you see it, especially people who have never seen this trick on Horqin Island before...

A meteorite covered in flames, like a fireball, smashed down directly with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

This is simply outrageous!

What kind of ability is it that even the meteorites in the sky can be pulled down?

The sailors who saw this scene were shocked.

Although they know about the strange abilities of Devil Fruits, there are all kinds.

But you said you could control the fire, I endured it, you said you could control the thunder, and I endured it too!

Even if Whitebeard can play Earthquake, I recognize it!

But what the hell is a meteorite falling from the sky?

"Thundering gossip!"

Just as the meteorite fell and hit Kaido in the collapsed area without error, Kaido's roar suddenly came from the crater.

Immediately, the diameter of the meteorite was more than ten meters, and a small part of the meteorite that had entered the collapsed crater suddenly stopped, as if it encountered a strong resistance, and could not fall any more.

In the next second, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the meteorite, more and more, more and more!

Finally, the meteorite, which could no longer maintain its size, shattered, and countless pieces of rubble shot out all around.

Fortunately, a wide range of gravity was applied urgently, and all the fragments that were shot out were pressed down. Finally, the adjustment of gravity made them lighter when they landed, so as not to cause secondary damage.

And the smile after doing all this, the expression became more and more serious.

Four emperors...

Sure enough, there is no simple one!

“Nice warm up!”

The huge figure walked out of the collapsed pit step by step, twisting his neck, as if the terrifying attacks just now were really warming up for him, making people speechless.

The strongest body in the pirate world is really no joke.

Looking at Kaido who was unharmed in front of him, Li Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

To be honest, in the previous life, the official advocating that the emperor was at the same level was simply a joke. Although the smile was very strong, even if it was placed among the generals of the past dynasties, it was definitely ranked high.

But in the face of the four emperors, it is still a little worse.

But it's not a big problem, Li Yan's purpose is to hold Kaido for a few minutes, not to really beat him.

After all, given the current strength of the Eighteen Branches, it would be impossible to defeat Kaido head-on.

"Smile, it will take about three minutes, let's go all out and drag Kaido here!"


"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

"Flying Slash, White Tiger!"

"Flying Slash·Suzaku·Change!"

The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and started the offensive at the same time.

Speaking of which, the cooperation between Li Yan and Yi Xiao is really a very good match.

Although the attack of a smile will cause huge gravity, making it impossible for others to attack together, after all, if you break into the attack range of a smile, you will also be suppressed by gravity, which is the same feeling that Kaido experiences.

However, the flying slash released by Li Yan was different. Although it looked like a white tiger and a vermillion bird, it was essentially a sword energy without a substance, and would not be affected by gravity images.

Just when Kaido was briefly suppressed by Yixiao's Gravity Knife Tiger, the white tiger released by Li Yan had already rushed towards Kaido with its fangs and claws.

And the Suzaku in the sky...

It has even begun to release a ranged fireball-shaped sword energy attack.

"Thundering gossip!"

Lightning wrapped around the mace.

Even under the enormous gravity, Kaido still waved.

A stick directly smashed the white tiger into a smash...

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