People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

One hundred and ninety-five Karina and Nami were arrested?

To be honest, Li Yan thought about some possible operations of the Cracker, but he did not expect that he would pull down his face and face the navy and play the white flag.

Just what the purpose is, even the Akainu on the side is very clear.

Isn't it because Brei has just been picked up from the sea, so he has to slow down before he can use his abilities?

"Ignore it, just shoot!"

There is no need to consider the navy's rules for handling pirates who have surrendered, Li Yan ordered directly.

Akainu on the side, after seeing Li Yan's decisive move, nodded in appreciation.

next moment.

boom boom boom boom...

Five warships, dozens of main and auxiliary naval guns, burst into roar at the same time.

In a deafening loud noise, they once again threw the shells out of the gun chambers at twice the speed of sound and smashed them towards the pirate ship three kilometers away.

And when he saw the naval fleet open fire, the Cracker was in a bad mood.

You have already pulled down your face to do such a shameful thing, and you still want to continue to attack after returning to the army?

However, up to now, I can only resist hard, I hope I can resist two or three waves, and hold on until Brei recovers...

Immediately, he pushed the seeing and hearing color to the maximum again, and quickly captured the shells that were swept in the air.

But after capturing those shells, Cracker's face changed immediately.

This time, I am afraid that more than a dozen shells will hit my ship.

It wasn't until then that Cracker remembered that his pirate ship had been hit twice due to the bombardment just now.

Although it did not directly sink the pirate ship, it also caused the main mast, which had many cracks, to break directly, so that now my ship is moving away from the target...

become a fixed target.

In this way, the navy's shelling hit rate has naturally increased!

He tried his best, and even performed extraordinary performance again, and the Cracker successfully intercepted five shells.

But even so, there was nothing he could do about the remaining seven shells that would hit.

"Do not!"

"Boom boom boom boom~"

An unwilling roar,

The violent explosion caused by the cannonball hitting the pirate ship directly...


The pirate ship, which had already been severely damaged, was hit by seven new shells again, tearing the entire ship apart, and even blasting various pieces of wreckage into the sky.


East China Sea Fleet, flagship front deck.

"here you go!"

Akainu, who also held the binoculars like Li Yan, was also a little excited after seeing the entire pirate ship being completely torn apart.

He never thought that the battle with the pirates could be so simple, and he didn't even have to do it himself.

You know, there is a big billboard of the Hundred Beast Pirates and a general star of the BIGMOM Pirates.

If you were to lead the fleet by yourself, it would be difficult to quickly take them down in a one-to-two situation.

Not to mention, there is the existence of that Charlotte Bray, if the other party wants to escape, he really can't do it.

Putting down the binoculars, turning his head to look at the mighty two-mounted main gun at the bow of the ship, Akainu made up his mind.

After I go back this time, I must ask the Warring States Marshal to approve a sum of money to purchase this new type of warship.

At this time, Li Yan didn't know...

Before he knew it, Akainu's style of painting had been biased by him, and he began to change from believing in personal strength to giant ship cannonism.

"Order the fleet to move forward, arrest all the pirates on the sea, and prepare the diving team to salvage Drought Jack!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General!"


Just when the East China Sea Fleet began to clean up the aftermath.

There was something that Li Yan didn't know at the moment.

That is, Karina, Nami, and a hundred sailors who he stayed in the G1 branch to clean the battlefield, have all been locked in the cell at this moment.

About eight hours ago...

Outside the G1 branch, on the frozen sea.

Karina and Nami have finally completed their "mission".

Not only did the two girls take a hundred sailors to carefully search the ice, but they even arranged for someone to dive and search directly to see if any treasure was blown into the sea.

In the end, with the continuous efforts of the two, a large number of treasures were found and piled up under the protection of the East China Sea sailors. The number...

Quite a lot.

After all, this is the treasure of fifty-seven powerful pirate groups, even if many properties were destroyed in the shelling, such as Bailey or some fragile items and so on.

But there are still a lot of gold and silver jewelry.

Looking at their results, even though it was tiring, Karina and Nami still had bright smiles on their faces.

However, at this moment, Aokiji came over with a cold face.

"Who are you in charge here?"

"General Qingzhi, I am Karina, the chief officer of the East China Sea Finance Department. According to Li Yan's orders, I am cleaning the battlefield."

"Cleaning the battlefield? I think you want to embezzle the stolen goods from the pirates. Leave the things here, you can leave, and the G1 branch will be responsible for escorting these stolen goods to the headquarters!"

Still with a cold face, Aokiji ordered.

In fact, although there is no explicit regulation in the navy, half of the property obtained after the pirates are killed is generally turned over.

No, it should be said that half of the submissions are more than half, and most branches will only submit 20 to 30%.

This is not to say that those branches are greedy for money, but they don't do it. The annual funds allocated by the headquarters alone are not enough to support the needs of a naval branch.

Take Rogge Town as an example, Smog has to spend 30 to 40 million Berries every year to maintain the naval port, not to mention other aspects.

This is because of the important geographical location of Rogge Town, and the headquarters only gave one billion Baileys a year.

This is not enough, you can imagine other branches.

Therefore, even if he knew that each branch would withhold part of the pirates' belongings, Sengoku never said anything, because this was what he acquiesced in.

Navy funding is limited, do you want more?

Then grab it from the pirates!

In this way, it can not only reduce the pressure of the headquarters, but also increase the enthusiasm of each branch to catch pirates.

Therefore, the headquarters, whether it is a marshal or a general, will never say anything about this behavior.

Originally, Qingzhi would not care about these matters at all, but at this moment, he has a very poor sense of Li Yan, and he is worried that there is no place to find trouble with the East China Sea Navy.

"General Qingzhi, I am currently carrying out the order of Li Yan, the governor of the East China Sea. If you think there is a problem with this, you can communicate with the lieutenant when he returns!"

"Although you are a general of the headquarters, you have no leapfrog command over our naval forces in the East China Sea!"

Karina rolled her eyes and said directly.

She had read the Navy Regulations many times, and she had already gotten over it.

Yes, the general does have the authority to temporarily transfer the navy of the four seas, and even command the navy of the four seas.

However, this has to be done according to the process.

According to the naval regulations, if the general wants to recruit and command the navy of the four seas, he must first issue the governor of the four seas through the official chain of command of the headquarters.

Even a general does not have the power to cross the governors of the four seas and directly command the sea soldiers under his command.

Although generally speaking, even if the green pheasant is a leapfrog command, the other governors of the three seas will not say anything, and those seamen will obey the command.

After all, the identity of the general is there, who dares to offend?

But now Aokiji wants to "snatch" the "victory results" of the East China Sea, so Karina can't agree, and directly moved out of the naval regulations.

If you want us to hand over all the captured items, that's ok, but you are not my immediate superior, so please contact my superior Lieutenant General Li Yan first, and then give the order through Li Yan Lieutenant General.

When that time comes, I will naturally execute it.

That's right, Karina is trying to express that, and it's really okay according to naval regulations.

But a major of the naval branch, so head-on against a general of the naval headquarters.

Even Aokiji, who is famous for his good temper, has a distorted expression at this moment.

"Take these East China Sea sailors who want to steal the pirates' property!"

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