People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

204 Selling the naming rights, Li Yan began to pick wool

Akainu's words made everyone a little stunned.

"Yo, Sakaski, it's not like you!"

Aside, Kizaru said in a wretched voice.

"Polusalino, do you really think I have no brains? Although Li Yan's plan looks a bit similar to Qiwuhai, it is actually completely different!"

"Qiwuhai put it bluntly, that is still a bad pirate, but Li Yan's plan is to screen those pirates who have never looted, nor killed civilians or the navy, just for the sake of venturing out to sea. come out!"

"Yes, I hate pirates, but I hate real pirates, not adventurers who are not pirates in nature!"

"The most important thing is that once this plan is implemented, it can greatly weaken the power of the pirates, rather than just superficially weakening it like the Qiwuhai!"

"So, why should I object?"

After smoking a cigar, Akainu also said.

On this point, Akainu really didn't talk nonsense.

Even in the original work, even if Akainu made a move on the protagonist, is the protagonist innocent?

Did they not cause naval casualties every time they fought with the navy?

It can be said that the navy that died in the hands of the protagonist regiment has eight thousand instead of ten thousand.

Look at Luffy's frequent punches, and dozens or hundreds of navies are blasted into the sky.

And then you told me that no one died inside?

There is also O'Hara. Under the premise of being unable to overthrow Mary Joa, you, O'Hara, want to open a blank 100-year history, intending to cause chaos in the entire world, and then cause millions or even tens of millions of people. death?

This kind of person, in the eyes of Akainu, also deserves to die. For his desire to pursue the truth, he would not hesitate to bring the whole world and countless people in to be buried with him.

To put it harshly, O'Hara just wanted to satisfy his own selfish desire, the desire for knowledge.

Therefore, when Akainu made a move against O'Hara, he didn't show any affection at all.

Because he knew that once he softened his hand, once he let O'Hara's people escape, it would cause hundreds, thousands, or even 10,000 times more deaths in the future.


Don't you think there is something very clever about Li Yan's plan? "

"About the quest system in the Adventurer's Guild..."

After hearing Akainu's words, everyone pondered.

There is not a fool here, even Garp is only a superficial crime, in fact, his heart is very open.

Sure enough, just as Akainu said, this mission system is really a very clever point in the whole idea.

Those who can receive quests are all the adventure groups registered in the Adventurer's Guild.

So, who can post tasks?

It can be the same registered company, publishing the acquisition of some special or rare materials, or publishing some tasks to provide escort for merchant ships, etc.

It could even be a Navy release...

Combat Mission!

For example, when the navy starts a war with a certain four emperors, they can issue missions in the Adventurers Guild. In addition to the basic rewards, all participating adventure groups can also be ranked according to their contribution and get special rewards.

Then, as long as the navy comes up with some good things, such as a devil fruit or a famous knife, they can definitely make these adventure groups fight desperately on the battlefield, instead of being lazy like Qiwuhai.

Therefore, compared to the Qiwuhai system, the system of the Adventurer's Guild is obviously much stronger.

Another point, which is also the key to Akainu's approval of this plan, is that with the Adventurer's Guild, is there still a need for Shichibukai to exist?

He, who had no affection for Qiwuhai from the beginning, now has a perfect way to ban Qiwuhai that does not violate his view of justice. Akainu naturally raised his hands high.

"Li Yan's plan, every time he thinks about it, he will find that there are more deep meanings in it. Today's young people are really scary."

After reading the document in his hand again, Kizaru couldn't help but sigh.

It's just his wretched tone that made everyone in the conference room feel the urge to punch him.

"Kapp, Zepha, how about you?"

Everyone else made a statement, and the Warring States also looked at the other two.

"Li Yan is my disciple, so of course I won't object!"

"Pfft hahaha, this is a great thing, of course I agree!"

Well, one of the two is Li Yan's teacher, and the other owes Li Yan a huge favor.

So, ask for nothing.

However, after listening to Crane and Akainu's analysis, Sengoku also made up his mind.

This plan must be done, and then...

It's how he persuaded the five old stars!

Well, according to what Li Yan said, the pilot is still starting from the East China Sea, and the Five Old Stars should be easier to accept...


Just when the high-level meeting of the headquarters.

East China Sea, Eighteen Branches.

dong dong dong...

"Come in!"

Looking up, it was Violet who was in charge of the branch's intelligence system.

"Violea, what's the matter?"

"Lieutenant General, the information that just came, has already found the trace of Fire Fist Ace. Currently, the Spade Pirates have just arrived in the Chambord Islands, and it is expected that it will take no more than a month at most to pass the route of Fishman Island to New Zealand. the world!"

"That's it, that's just right, the Goa Kingdom hasn't undergone a voyage test yet. Taking this opportunity, let's go to the Chambord Islands!"

That's right, this newly completed ironclad ship was named Goya Kingdom by Li Yan.

To say why the name was chosen, this is simple...

Li Yan directly asked people to find the king of the Goya Kingdom, showed him a photo of the warship, and told him that it was the most powerful warship in the East China Sea or even in the navy, and asked if he wanted to obtain naming rights.

In the end, when the king of Goya Kingdom understood the meaning of naming rights under the explanation of the person sent by Li Yan, he immediately decided to buy it.

One Billion Bailey a year!

The Goa Kingdom is very rich, quite rich!

To what extent are you rich?

They don't even blink an eye when they give Mary Joa tens of billions of gold in the sky every year, so one can imagine how much money they have.

However, the most powerful warship in the navy will be named after the kingdom of Goa. What kind of honor is this?

When I go to the World Conference in the future, I can definitely blow the other kings to doubt whether life is good?

It's only 100 million a year, so it's worth it!

In this way, Li Yantan became the first naming rights transaction in the Pirate World. The smoothness of this even made him wonder if he asked for too little...

Therefore, the name of the future warship of the East China Sea Fleet was given by Li Yan, that is, it was sold directly.

From frigates to battleships, all are named after the sale of naming rights.

After a year, let's not talk about Bailey, who can earn 2 billion, why not do it.

Not to mention the name of the kingdom, as long as those nobles are willing to give money, it is their personal name, and Li Yan will not refuse.

These beautiful wool, don't you lick them...

Waiting for mold?

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