People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Two hundred and forty-nine golden lions who were not killed by the plot

Although a smile can increase the gravity multiplier in the heavy field.

However, this would not only suppress Shi Ji, but also Li Yan and Zefa, which is not a very good way.

After all, Shi Ji is still very powerful. In the original book, he was only forced to kill by the plot. Otherwise, Luffy two years ago would not even have the qualifications to fight against his cadres.

You must know that Shi Ji is only under the suppression of gravity, while Li Yan and Zefa are under the double suppression of gravity and overlord color.

This made Yi Xiao dare not increase the gravity in the field to more than 20 times.

However, what makes Yi Xiao feel a little strange is that under this double suppression, the corners of Li Yan's mouth raised slightly...

Is this laughing?

As he guessed, Li Yan was really smiling.

In just one minute, the awakening level of his overlord color has increased by more than ten points, breaking through 40%.

If it weren't for the fact that the golden lion's ability was too harmful, and the battle should not be dragged on for too long, he really wanted to last a while longer.


Finally, after the two sides suppressed each other for a minute, Zefa couldn't help but act first.

He is no better than Li Yan or a smile. The longer the time passes, the more his strength will be suppressed.

After all, his bodily functions have degenerated too much.

"Kihahahaha, Zefa, you are actually using such a trick, the name of the black wrist is crying!"

"Lion Power Earth Scroll!"

The fluttering fruit was activated instantly, the ground in the entire area was overturned, and relying on its ability to shape it into the shape of a lion, like a tsunami, it swept away towards Zefa.

The next moment, Zefa used the crusher to unleash a powerful artillery bombardment, which suddenly bombarded one of the huge lions.

Although it has a strong ability to attach, it is still composed of soil in essence, even if it was blasted into a huge hole by Zefa.

But that's about it.

If it is replaced by a living individual and a huge depression is blasted out of the chest, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

But these lions made up of Ski's abilities,

It is a lifeless existence, even if the body is severely injured, it still rolls forward to Zefa.

"Flying Slash · Xuanwu · Type II!"

Seeing that the three lions have come to Zefa, it seems that they will be completely swallowed up in the next moment.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Zefa, followed by a loud shout.

Unlike the Xuanwu he used before, Li Yan, like the Qinglong, also developed the Xuanwu at a deeper level.

Originally, it was a way to form a defense in front of him, but after developing the second type, it became an all-round defense.

Visually speaking, the current position of Li Yan and Zefa is inside the huge Xuanwu body, the only area that is not filled with sword energy.

Not only that, the bigger change of the Xuanwu II type is that it can not only defend, but also counterattack.

There is a violent sword energy raging on its surface, and anyone or anything that touches it will be cut by it.

Therefore, this move is especially suitable for dealing with some opponents or moves in close combat.

Just after Li Yangang released Xuanwu, the three gigantic lions, which were completely made of soil and were dozens of meters high, had already rolled over and slammed into Xuanwu.

However, it's just dirt after all...

Maybe with a punch.

Maybe it has weight.

But in front of the second form of Xuanwu, it has no effect at all. The moment of contact, it has been repeatedly cut by countless raging sword qi, and they have turned into dust and scattered.

It can be said that the Xuanwu at the moment is like a shredder, and it is not exaggerated at all.

"Your swordsmanship is really interesting, and obviously you can't reach the level of a great swordsman, but you can use sword intent!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Ke was stunned for a moment.

Lion Power Earth Scroll is not his most powerful move, but it is definitely not a useless move.

If it was blasted away, it would not be unusual, but Li Yan's way of coping really surprised him.

As expected of a man in his early twenties who had already become a vice-admiral, he really wasn't a generalist.

"Double Sword Intent is activated!"

"Flying Slash·Suzaku·Change!"

If he didn't go back to Shi Ji, at a forty-five-degree angle, Li Yan slammed the Sun in his hand straight into the air.

Immediately, a giant bird that was completely white and bathed in black flames appeared.

Fluttering its wings covered in flames, it flew higher and higher.

This snobby used a trick to deal with Doflamingo.

However, this trick was just developed at that time, and it was not perfect.

If he really wanted to say it, Li Yan himself wanted to complain.

Although he called it Suzaku, no matter how you looked at it, it really didn't look like it.

After all, at this moment, only the Suzaku catalyzed by the Sword Intent of Death...

is white!

No way, who made the sword of death itself white?

What's even weirder is that the flaming flame on Suzaku's body was catalyzed by the sword of destruction, and it was completely black!

As a result, an alternative Suzaku whose body was white but covered in black flames appeared like this.

Coming to the air, even higher than Shiji, Suzaku's eyes were firmly locked on Shiji, the golden lion below, and his wings suddenly opened, and countless black fireballs were released, like an unusually black meteor shower, downward. smash.

Accurate, yet incredibly violent.

There are more meteor volcanoes than Akainu's.

It is more accurate than Kiabou's eight-foot mirror.

Even Skee felt a little threatened.

Of course, it's not a threat of death, but the feeling that if you don't take it seriously, you might get hurt.

"Lion Chikiri Valley!"

The two big sharp knives, Sakura Ten and Muku, which were placed on their legs to replace their feet, swayed wildly at this moment, and Shi Ke himself seemed to be dancing in the air.

Although the movements are particularly strange, with every swing of Sakura Ten and Muku, a flying slash will be released.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary flying slash, but one of Shiki's famous tricks, chopping.

In other words, Lion Chikiri is an upgraded version of chopping, a technique that can continuously release chopping!

boom boom boom boom...

Bombarding downwards, the black fireball with the destruction sword intent, and from the bottom to the top, continuously released chopped waves with armed colors, constantly colliding in the air.

But obviously, although the black fireball released by Suzaku looks very fierce.

But after colliding with the chopping of the golden lion, anyone can see that there are still many gaps between the two sides.

It almost collapsed at a touch. Usually, a chop wave can destroy more than ten, or even more than twenty black fireballs, and then dissipate because the sword energy is exhausted.

Before his sword energy was exhausted, the black fireballs released by Suzaku were cut open like tofu.

After all, both sides are using swordsmanship, and in this pirate world, swordsmanship powerhouses have long been transformed into long-range mages, and the level of subtlety in close-up competitions does not exist.

Therefore, in terms of sword temperament and quantity, as well as the degree of control over sword intent, Li Yan was inferior to Shi Kee.

It is because Li Yan's swordsmanship has been completely derived from the system of this world, so that Shi Ji is very uncomfortable, so...

Slightly narrowed some of the gaps between the two sides.

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