East China Sea!

Outside the town of Rogue.

At this moment, Luffy and the others looked at the town with excitement, and their eyes were full of yearning.

Especially Luffy, he really wanted to see the execution table where Roger was executed!

"It was such a good luck that I didn't encounter any decent obstacles along the way and managed to come to Rogue Town.

A town that symbolizes the beginning and the end.

This is the area that countless pirates yearn for! Nami

looked at the island in front of her and couldn't help but sigh.

The others were also quite excited and couldn't wait to go to Rogue Town now.

"Luffy, you're being rewarded now, remember to keep a low profile in Rogue Town.

Although the 30 million bounty abounds in the Great Shipping Route, it is still the first time in the East China Sea.

Therefore, your appearance will definitely attract the attention of the navy and other forces.

You Ming reminded Luffy to be careful.

But apparently, the guy didn't listen.

But it doesn't matter.

According to the original plot, the dragon at this time should also be in this town.

With him there, there is no need to worry about Smogg, what threat it will pose to Luffy.


The Merlie approached the dock in the town of Rogue and docked here.

Everyone disembarked.

None of them have ever been to Rogue Town, so naturally they want to take a stroll here.

By the way, buy something that you can use.

You Ming stayed on the ship.

He is not looking at the ship, but seeing and smelling domineering, sensing a certain existence, and is secretly staring at himself.

When their group entered the scope of Rogue Town, there was such a pair of eyes that appeared in You Ming's perception of seeing and hearing.

The other people's knowledge is not yet mature, although You Ming is also a beginner, but because of the system, he can fully master it without cultivation.

So he immediately spotted that secretly observing eye.

It wasn't until Luffy and the others all disembarked that he got up and came to the roof of Rogue Town Pier and looked at the tall tower not far away.

"Come out, I've seen you!"

The voice fell.

A cyan whirlwind slowly emerged from the position of the tower.

A man wearing a dark green cloak that made it impossible to see his face appeared in front of You Ming.

"Who are you, and why did you blend into the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Blend in? Obviously it was Luffy who invited me, right?

And if I'm not mistaken, you should be the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchi D. Dorag?

And the surname Monchi is rare, and adding a D is even rarer.

So you won't be Luffy's father, right?

Is it really such a coincidence? You

Ming knew the truth, but he still showed a guessed appearance and deliberately angered the other party.

This annoyed Dorag a little, but did not immediately get angry.

"Now that you know it, leave my son's side now!"

Whatever your purpose!

I won't allow you to take advantage of my son! Although

Dorag is an incompetent father, he at least knows how to protect his son.

Especially after learning that his son was rewarded, he rushed to Rogue Town as soon as possible.

Because he knows very well that Rogue Town is not only the place where Roger is executed, but also the only way to enter the Upside Down Mountain.

Crouch here and you can definitely run into Luffy.

So he came, and then he saw You Ming, an unusual person!

Because in the East China Sea, no one has ever been able to give Dorag this feeling!

In addition to his dad, Monchi D. Karp!

"Let me leave?"

"Although you are his father, it is too domineering to say this, right?

Moreover, you are the head of the revolutionary army.

Isn't the so-called revolutionary army to liberate the oppressed, so that ordinary people can also awaken their self-awareness, have the courage to resist oppression, and carry out ideological emancipation?

But what is the difference between you doing this and those world governments with small feet? Hearing

You Ming's words, Dorag was stunned for a moment, and then rubbed his chin, savoring something.

For about thirty seconds, Dorag took off his hood and gave a smile that was not good-looking.

"What you just said is very insightful and exactly the same idea as I advocate!

I don't know how you came up with this idea.

But if this is your true thought, can I invite you to join our revolutionary army as a staff officer?

And in this way, you can also logically leave the Straw Hat Pirates.

"The purpose of your letting me out is to solicit me?"

You Ming wanted to laugh a little.

He didn't know what Dorag's brain circuit was thinking.

It's just that what You Ming didn't expect was that his casual words could make the other party value him so much.

It seems that the ideological emancipation of this world is not as pure as You Ming imagined.

They may not even know Marxist-Leninist thought.

If You Ming goes, with his ability to endorse in college, he can really be their staff officer or ideological mentor.

It's just that You Ming doesn't have the slightest interest in the revolutionary army.

He is more optimistic about the potential of Luffy and his group.

And the original comic is too procrastinating, causing You Ming to not know what Ralph Drew is before crossing over.

So he wanted to follow Luffy and see this coveted final island with his own eyes.

"Sorry, I won't join the Revolutionary Army because I'm a member of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating and punishing wine!

Since you refuse to leave, let me force you to leave!" Dorag

was a little angry.

He said that You Ming didn't appreciate it at all, which made him very annoyed.

He is not unhappy to see his son have a partner, but You Ming's feeling is completely different from others.

Dorag was not at all at ease with such a person, on his own son's ship.

"Wait, it's okay to fight, are you planning to start a war here?

This is Roguetown!

What if you fight and hurt the innocent?

As far as you are still the leader of the revolutionary army, you don't even care about this kind of thing, how can you still lead the revolutionary army?

If I were to say, the revolutionary army should put ordinary people first!

Not only when fighting, it is necessary to avoid lifting with ordinary people, and even after the battle, you cannot receive a needle and thread from ordinary people, every penny!

Resisting power everywhere for the sake of the people is the real revolution! You

Ming preached again, and Dorag, who was originally going to do it, was even more embarrassed in place at this time, and it was not impossible to move.

For a while, he didn't know whether he wanted to start with You Ming.

Because what he said really makes sense!

And when he said this, Dorag really wanted to include You Ming under his command.

Let him be a part-time staff officer of thought mentors, it's simply too earning!

Even if he doesn't have to fight, just lecturing is enough to turn the revolutionary army into a piece of iron!

Even the detachment of the revolutionary army does not have to worry about being infiltrated.

Because of this thought, even Dorag was convinced, let alone others.

But what is said, it is still necessary to put it into action.

This battle is a must.

Because it is about the dignity of a father and the love of his son!

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