That night, Bai Tong lived in the Rogue Town branch, and Smogg specially arranged a single room for Bai Tong.

And let Dusty take care of Bai Tong.

Although Bai Tong’s strength is terrifying, after all, he is still young, and with Dusty taking care of him, Smogg is also relieved.

The main thing is that Smogg does not want to make a mistake.


If a little guy with such strength makes a mistake, it is undoubtedly a major loss for their navy.

As for Smogg himself, he contacted the headquarters at the first time.

There is such a terrifying little guy in the East China Sea, and he has to report to the headquarters anyway.


Marin Fando.

It is the seat of the Navy headquarters, and it is heavily guarded at all times as a place of justice in the world.

Marshal’s office.

The current Marshal Buddha Sengoku is working on the documents.

Because various branches have been recruiting troops in recent days, there are more things than usual.

Blue Bru!

At this moment, the telephone worm on the table rang.

Sengoku put down the pen in his hand and habitually connected the phone worm.

As soon as the phone worm was connected, a man’s voice sounded on the other end.

“Report Marshal, I am Colonel Smog of the Rogue Town Branch!”

Rogue Town is home to One Piece Gore The place where D. Roger was executed was also used as the entrance to the Great Passage, so the Warring States naturally paid great attention to Rogue Town.

In this case, Sengoku naturally knew about Smogg, even though he was only a branch colonel.

“It’s Smogg! Can I help you? ”

Sengoku asked habitually.

“It’s such a Marshal of the Warring States …!”

Smogg told Bai Tong about it.

When Smogg finished speaking, Sengoku stood up directly from his chair with an indescribable stunned look on his face.

“Punch the tester? What you said is true? ”

After Sengoku asked this, the shock on his face did not fade in the slightest, on the contrary, it became more intense.

A seven-year-old kid blows up a recruitment test machine?

You know, the conscription test machine is a thing made up by Vegapunk, a scientist at the headquarters of the Navy.

He remembered that Vegapunk had said that even the giant lieutenant general of the headquarters could not damage a single thing.

Vice Admiral Giant!

That is known for its strength, and in terms of strength alone, even the generals of the headquarters are simply not comparable.

The test machine, which even the giant lieutenant general could not damage, was punched by a seven-year-old little guy!

That’s deceptive, right?

“It’s true!”

Smogg on the other end of the phone worm nodded and said: “The entire test machine was blasted to pieces, and I myself experienced the power of Xia Bai Tong, even if I was fully prepared, I was still blasted out by the other party’s understatement!” ”


Sengoku gasped, if the test machine was blasted by Bai Tong’s punch, there were old components of the test machine, he was still credible.

But Smogg, as the colonel of the branch, is even more a Devil Fruit ability.

Even he couldn’t block Bai Tong’s punch, so he couldn’t believe it.

After all, Smogg is still very strong.

Being able to punch Smog even though he was fully prepared was still throwing a punch away.

Only navies at the level of lieutenant general can do this.

A seven-year-old comparable to a lieutenant general?

Thinking of this, the look of horror on Sengoku’s face couldn’t help but become stronger, and then he picked up the phone worm and asked Smog on the other end of the phone worm.

“Where is that little guy who punched the tester now!”

Such a powerful little guy appeared in the East China Sea, and the Warring States were naturally very excited.

After all, the power of pirates is growing day by day, and although their naval strength is not weak, they can only barely maintain the balance of the sea, but they cannot overwhelmingly defeat the pirates.

The first half of the Great Voyage is fine, although there are many pirates, but they are all weak.

The bounty of tens of millions of Baileys is high in the first half of the Great Voyage.

But the second half of the Great Voyage is the New World, where it is completely different.

The pirates who became famous in the first half of the great voyage can only protect themselves in the new world, and the pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million are like carp crossing the river.

Although the Navy has been weakening the power of the New World pirates over the years, it still has no effect.

Therefore, for powerful recruits, the Warring States have always attached great importance to it.

Not to mention, such a terrifying little guy like Bai Tong.

The heart of the Warring States is beating violently.

The reason why he is excited is not only because of Bai Tong’s horror, but also because of Bai Tong’s age.

Seven years old!

A seven-year-old little guy comparable to a vice admiral.

If such a person is cultivated, it is definitely an existence that can become a general, or even surpass a general.

After all, at the age of seven, it has reached this level.

He couldn’t do it, and neither could Karp.

Sakaski, Borusalino, Kuzan can’t do it either.

Even the Four Emperors Whitebeard, known as the world’s No. 1, can’t do it.

Therefore, how the Warring States are not excited.

After Sengoku asked this, Smog replied: “Right in the Rogue Town branch, I arranged a room for him to stay!” ”

Sengoku said: “Then when the conscription is over, bring him to the headquarters immediately!” Also, I’ll send someone to pick you up! ”

“Yes! Marshal of the Warring States! ”

After saying this, Smogg said a few more words and hung up the phone.

As for the Warring States, it is in high spirits.

Seven years old!

Punch the tester.

Such a terrifying little guy appeared in the East China Sea.

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