At this time, Suzuran's people came over supporting each other.

Serizawa and Isaki took the lead to block Lanz, and no one from the Suzuran group behind them flinched.

Everyone blocked Genji with their bodies, and looked at Lanz with unyielding eyes.

"Bastard, I will never let you hurt Genji again.-"

"That's right, if you want to hurt Genji, just step on our corpses!"

These people have suffered a lot of injuries in the previous battles and are almost unsteady at this time.

But they still support each other and stand in front of Yuanji with a determined expression.

They have been infected by Yuanji's will, even if the opponent is cruel They are not afraid of the Shichibukai

"Are you that guy's companion? Your courage is commendable, so let me see what you can do for him!"

Looking at this scene, Lanz was also touched by their loyalty. He nodded secretly, and then thought of an idea.

So he sneered and said to Linglan's people:"Do you want to take him away? Then I'll give you a chance. As long as one of you can take my punch and insist on standing up, I will let you take him away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Serizawa, who had a bruised nose and face, immediately stood up.

Although he seemed unable to stand still, he still looked at Lanz with a firm face and asked,"Do you mean what you say?"

Lanz nodded jokingly.

"good! I'll take your punch!"

Serizawa gritted his teeth and dragged his tired body to Lanz.

Isaki, who also had a bruised face, grabbed Serizawa at this time.

"Hey, you can't even stand still. If you can't, let me do it! Serizawa glanced at Izaki and mocked with mock disdain:"Hey, you're not much better, just watch it!""

Then he shook off Isaki's hand and walked resolutely in front of Lanz.

Looking at Serizawa's back, Izaki clenched his fists, and then shouted to Serizawa:"Hey, you guy, don't fall down. Otherwise I will definitely laugh at you all the time!"

Everyone in the Suzuran group behind them was shouting Serizawa's name, looking at him with worried looks.

And the people in the Fengxian group and the Guixie group couldn't help but show admiration on their faces at this moment.

They all It was obvious that Serizawa's body was at the end of its strength at this time, and he would definitely not be able to hold on against the terrifying Lanz.

But in order to save his companions, he did not hesitate at all and stood up.

Such a will, even as an opponent Fengxian and Guixie couldn't help but admire them.

Even Moser, who was behind Lanz, couldn't help but look at Serizawa.

"Come on, I hope you mean what you say."

Serizawa walked up to Lanz and looked at him with extremely firm eyes.

"As long as you can hold on, I will never break my promise!"

Lands looked at Serizawa with admiration, and then with a solemn expression, he suddenly punched Serizawa's chest with his clenched fist. The powerful force cut through the air and even made a roar.

Even the crowd watching They could all feel the power contained in that fist. Everyone felt that in Serizawa's current state, he would never be able to withstand such a terrifying punch. They even had images of Serizawa being blown away in their minds. The scene.

Everyone in the Suzuran group gritted their teeth and closed their eyes in unbearable gaze!


A powerful punch hit Serizawa firmly on the chest.

He immediately vomited blood, and his whole body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, everyone at the scene , eyes fixed on Serizawa on the ground, no one made a sound.

Finally, Izaki couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted to Serizawa on the ground with a stern face:"Serizawa, why do you want to lie down? when? Stand up for me!"

"Serizawa, stand up!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Stand up!"

Suzuran's younger brothers were also cheering for Serizawa, calling his name.

But they never received a response. Serizawa seemed to be dead, without any sound.

Time passed second by second, Feng Xian Everyone with Guixie felt that Serizawa would never get up again.

However, just when everyone thought that everything was over, Serizawa, who had been silent, suddenly twitched.

Then, in Under everyone's shocked eyes, Serizawa slowly raised one of his arms and clenched his fist.

He seemed to be declaring his victory!

Seeing this scene, everyone in Suzuran suddenly cried with joy, as if he had been beaten hard. He cheered Serizawa's name as if he was victorious!

Serizawa took a big breath of air, then forced his body that had reached its limit, and slowly stood up.[]

Although he looked embarrassed now, Hao looked directly at Lanz without hesitation and said:"I didn't fall, I won!"


Seeing that Serizawa actually stood up, Lanz smiled, nodded approvingly, and then said:"You won. According to the agreement, you can take him away now!"

Hearing these words, Serizawa smiled happily, and his heart that had been holding on to him was relieved.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Serizawa seemed to have no support, and suddenly collapsed to the ground.


Suzuran's people immediately exclaimed, and then they all gathered around

"Fortunately, my body reached its limit and I fainted!"

"Send him to the infirmary immediately......."

Afterwards, everyone in the Suzuran team scrambled to pick up the unconscious Serizawa and Genji.

Together with Chuta, who had been thrown aside by Lanzi before, they helped each other and left the scene.

Before leaving, Izaki nodded to Lanz as a greeting, but did not say a word.

"Not bad, although I did it on purpose......"

Looking at the Suzuran group helping each other to leave, Lanz couldn't help but smile.

Although he held back his strength for the last punch, Serizawa also gained his approval.

"The Lily of the Valley group? I remember!"

Said secretly in his heart, Lanz withdrew his gaze.

As the Suzuran group left, Lanz turned his attention to the Guixie group and the Fengxian group, as well as other people who came over one after another. Suddenly he faced Lu sneered and said in a deep voice:"Next, it's your turn!"

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