Moser led the Evil Legion into the cafeteria and immediately noticed that something good was about to happen here.

However, when he was eager to see the good show, the two groups that were in conflict suddenly stopped.

The two forces that were originally quarreling immediately became quiet the moment they saw Moser, and did not dare to make a sound.

Afraid of being targeted by Moser and his evil legion.

This immediately made him a little unhappy. No one had come to trouble him during this period, and he was a little too idle.

Fortunately, the school has become lively now, and there are fights every day, which has also made him develop the habit of watching the excitement!

"Forget it, I don’t care about the excitement, let’s eat first!"

Seeing that the excitement was gone, Moser didn't hesitate anymore. After saying hello to the people behind him, he went to get food.

The students who were queuing immediately got out of the way, lest they could avoid him.

No student dared to He didn't have long eyes and stood in front of them.

Moser was already accustomed to this kind of treatment. He completely ignored the students and walked directly to the cafeteria window to get food.

But as soon as Moser went to line up, the ghost spider rushed up."Boss, let me help you make food."

In the past 27 years, Ghost Spider and the others have already recognized the reality that they have become Moser's little brother.

And judging from the current situation, becoming Moser's little brother is not a bad thing.

After finishing the meal, Moser was about to Looking for a place to eat, the students who were sitting next to them all stood up one after another, trying to get a seat.

After all, they all hoped to be favored by Moser and join the extremely evil army. At this time, Moser saw Gion standing alone and quiet again She sat down at the dining table to eat.

He immediately beamed with joy. Without thinking too much, he immediately walked over with the plate in his arms and sat directly opposite her.

Gion frowned, but in the end he just rolled his eyes. , and didn’t say anything.

After such a long time, Gion also knew that there was nothing he could do to him.

At first, Gion would yell and even fight, but it turned out that it had no effect.

The more he resisted, the more entangled he was. She can't beat him at all.

It's been a long time, and now she is too lazy to hit and scold him as soon as they meet.

After all, Moser is completely shameless, like a scoundrel, no matter how he beats or scolds him, In the end, they would still stick to each other, and she was already tired of it. Although Gion had given up driving away Moser, it did not mean that she would look good on Moser.

I saw Gion looking at Moser with a playful face, and said coldly He mocked:"Will the extremely evil king actually come to the cafeteria to eat in person?

With the style of your extremely evil army, you should move the cafeteria back to your dormitory!

Facing Gion's ridicule, Moser remained unmoved and said with a smile,"Isn't this just to see you? If I were in the dormitory, I wouldn't be able to see you.""

As he said this, Moser showed a sad look.

"whispering sound......"

Hearing Moser's words, Gion frowned and said angrily:"Shut up, I've made it very clear to you, don't make fun of me anymore, it will only make me hate you even more!"

"I'm not kidding, I mean everything I said!"

Moser completely ignored Gion's dissatisfaction, but pretended to be affectionate and said.

Seeing that Moser was so rogue, Gion felt both annoyed and powerless!

She really couldn't understand how there could be such a thing in this world. Such a shameless guy

"Bastard, Vice Admiral Karp asked you to come to the Naval Academy to learn how to become a qualified navy, not to do some messy things!

Look at what you have done to the school now.

You are simply a cancer on the school and a disgrace to the Navy.

What Suzuran group, Guixie group? Is this a naval academy or a mafia organization in the underground world?"

Gion scolded Moser with an indignant look, showing that he was very dissatisfied with the current situation of the school. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the so-called forces in the school suffered unreasonable disasters and were Her criticism was useless!

However, Gion did not notice that her words had aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone in the cafeteria.

But when they saw Moser sitting opposite Gion, no one dared to stand up and say anything.

Because in the school There is a rumor circulating that the extremely evil king Moser has always favored Gion.

No matter how arrogant those forces are, they dare not offend Gion. This is already a well-known unspoken rule in the school.[]

At this moment, several female students hurriedly walked to Gion holding a dinner plate.

Then he lowered his head and said apologetically to Gion:"I'm sorry, sister, the carrots are gone, only the eggplant is left!"


Justice angrily scolded Moser's Gion, who was petrified.

But Moser couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.......

Seeing Moser's expression, as if he was laughing at herself, she immediately felt ashamed and annoyed.

What a slap in the face. Just now I expressed my disdain for various organizations in the school and righteously condemned them.

As a result, she quietly became the eldest sister of a group of female students.

Such a dramatic scene was seen by Moser, whom she hated the most, which made her want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in!

Moser, regardless of Gion's current mood, said with a smile on his face:"What? Sister Gion, do you like carrots? I happen to have some on this plate, do you want me to give it to you?"

This made Ben feel a little embarrassed. Gion, who was a little annoyed, shouted angrily:"Shut up, why are you smiling?"

Then he glanced at the female students beside him who were looking at him with admiration.

Gion explained with some lack of confidence:"I......I never thought about being a big sister, I just......It's just that they asked me to do it themselves, and I really couldn't refuse, so I accepted it!"

In fact, it's exactly what Gion said. She didn't originally plan to form any force. 663 But sometimes, it's not just that you don't want to. The current school order is broken, and those female students are naturally affected.

So. Spontaneously united and established an organization called"Wrath Teiru".

Then they began to recommend Gion to become the chief of"Wrath Teiru".

Because there has been a rumor in the school about the extremely evil leader Moser. Rumors about pursuing Gion.

If Gion becomes their chief, then no one can bully them in school.

At first, Gion didn't agree, but after being pestered by them many times, she really couldn't refuse. , and then he reluctantly accepted it. At this time, after hearing Gion's explanation, Moser smiled and waved his hand.

He said nonchalantly:"Hahahaha, it's okay, no need to explain, big sister!""

"Asshole, go to hell!"

Seeing that Moser dared to make fun of herself, Gion cursed at Moser in embarrassment. Then she didn't even eat, got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

Her members quickly followed.

And Moser I was in a good mood, so I didn’t bother with it. I smiled and sat back in my seat and started to eat.

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