A week later, Zefa saw several instructors being beaten into pig heads again and again, and came to complain.

His face was already livid, and he punched the table with his right fist, and the entire desk instantly shattered into sawdust.

It had only been less than a week, and something like this happened again. It was obvious that Moser did not take his words seriously.

Zefa felt that his majesty was being challenged and could no longer bear it, nor could he care about his previous promise.

However, Zefa did not choose to go to Moser immediately. He picked up the phone bug in his hand.

Garp, who was on the warship at the moment, answered the phone,"Zefa? What's going on?"

Garp asked while picking his nose.

"You old bastard, come here quickly and take away your little bastard son."

I heard Zefa's cursing tone from the other side of the phone.

"Haha, what did that guy Moser do to make you so angry?"Garp burst out laughing instantly.

"You old bastard, what are you laughing at? Come quickly and take this son of yours away. He is a complete scourge at our Naval Academy."

When Zefa heard Garp's laughter, he became even more angry. Originally,

Garp arranged for Moser to enter the Naval Academy so that Zefa could teach him how to become a real navy. How could he bring him back now?

"What, what did you say? A big pirate appears in front of me. I don't have time, so I'll hang up first."

Karp, I didn't care and just hung up the phone.

"You, this old bastard..."

Zefa was about to continue to curse, but he found that Garp had hung up the phone.

"ah! Garp, you bastard, remember this for me." Zefa's roar could be heard by the entire Naval Academy. You can imagine how angry he was?

Looking at the furious Zefa, several instructors standing in front Don't dare to say a word

"An old bastard, a little bastard, really makes me angry. Since you don’t want to take care of it, I will take care of it myself."

Zefa, who was in extreme anger, could no longer care about his previous promise.

His figure disappeared instantly and rushed towards the student dormitory.

Seeing the angry Zefa coming to the dormitory, Moser did not He was panicked, but asked knowingly:"What's wrong? Instructor Zefa, what makes you so angry?"

"You little bastard, don’t pretend to be confused with me, come with me!"

With a sullen face, after saying a word, he didn't give Husky any room to refuse, so he directly grabbed his collar and dragged him out.

"Wait a minute, let me go first, I can leave on my own!"

Moser was pulled by Zefa and staggered a little. He shouted with dissatisfaction.

Only then did Zefa let go of Moser and said:"Follow me!"

With that said, he turned around and left to mind his own business.

"whispering sound! Has this old man taken any medicine today?"

Moser snorted in displeasure, but still followed.

Soon, the two came to the place where they had fought before. As soon as they stopped, Zefa immediately asked in a deep voice:"Tell me. , what conditions do you want before leaving the Naval Academy?"

The original promise was not to expel him as a student. Since we can't coerce him, we can only induce him.

Anyway, if Moser voluntarily withdraws from the school, he is not breaking the agreement!

Zefa doesn't want to talk nonsense and just let Moser drive. On his terms.

He was afraid that if he talked to this little guy a few more words, he would be unable to hold back and take action.


To be honest, Moser is really reluctant to leave here.

After all, in a place where you can be lazy and get points, who wants to leave easily? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it looks like , Zefa will not give up easily.

In this case, let's put forward a condition that he cannot agree to!

"Teacher Zefa, you said before, whoever can defeat me will have the rank of colonel? Leading a warship alone, right?

This is my condition, you can let me leave if you want, let me have the rank of colonel and lead a warship alone."

Moser looked at Zefa expectantly, as if he very much hoped that Zefa would agree to his request.[]

However, Zefa refused without thinking.

"Impossible, I can’t agree to this condition, please change it!"

A colonel, and a colonel who alone commands a warship.

Even he cannot make an appointment easily. This requires the consent of the marshal.

He said that before, just to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students and let them challenge Moser.

To This will add a little trouble to the boy Moser and save him from causing trouble all the time.

He doesn't think anyone in this class of students can defeat Moser.

"Yeah? Then I can't care so much. Anyway, the college is a pretty good place and I can't bear to leave."

Hearing Zefa's direct refusal, Moser immediately acted rogue.

"You little bastard, do you think I can’t do anything to you? Zefa clenched his fists and tried his best to restrain his anger.

As the chief instructor of the Naval Academy and now a general, how could he allow a student to threaten him.

Moser said with a straight face:"You asked me to do this." Conditionally, I have already opened it, but you don’t want to!"

"Damn it, I already gave you a chance! Zefa yelled angrily, his fists covered with high-level armed domineering energy.

He had decided to beat up Moser and then drive him out of the Naval Academy.

With Zefa's roar, his figure disappeared instantly..

Carrying a powerful sound of breaking through the air, the terrifying fist hit Moser's head directly.

"Damn, another old man who can’t afford to play!"

Facing Zefa's surprise attack, there was no sign of panic on Se's face.

After making a casual remark, he also raised his fist, and was instantly covered with high-level armed domineering


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