The fact is as Moser said, after a fierce confrontation, Torso's physical strength gradually ran out, and Hawkeye gradually gained the upper hand.

Everyone can see that it is only a matter of time before Hawkeye wins!

"How can it be......The owner of the museum is a swordsman like Zhanfeng, but he can't beat that Hawkeye?"

"That Mihawk is so strong?"

"If this continues, the owner will lose.....-.."

Seeing that the gym owner was in a dangerous situation, the onlookers screamed in surprise.

After all, they are all students of the gym, and they are all prosperous.

If the leader of the hall is defeated, their disciples will also feel sad and angry.

At this time, Torso was already a little impatient.

He had long since put aside his contempt for Hawkeye, although he did have the upper hand at first.

But after fighting for a period of time, his attack methods were gradually seen through by Eagle Eye.

Then he felt the pressure from Hawkeye, and as time passed, the pressure became stronger and stronger.

He can no longer even attack and is forced to defend.

If this continues, he will definitely lose.

"That's the only way to use it......."

Torso thought secretly in his heart, and swung his knife with all his strength, knocking Hawkeye back, and then jumped back a certain distance.

While panting, he said in a deep voice:"Junior, you are really strong. At such a young age, you are the first to push me to this point, but I will never lose!"

Follow-up Torso As soon as he finished speaking, the sword intent on his body seemed to break through the sky, and the famous sword in his hand was as black as ink.

His energy and spirit rose instantly, as if he had returned to his peak state.

When Eagle Eye saw this, his eyes narrowed. He knew that the other party was about to make a big move.

But even so, Hawkeye remained calm and calm, more confident.

He did not take the opportunity to attack, but waited with his sword, giving Torso enough time to build up his momentum!

After a few breaths, Torso's momentum finally reached its peak!

With a sudden step on the famous sword that he held tightly in both hands, the figure instantly disappeared from the spot!

In the blink of an eye, he appeared on the left side of Hawkeye!

"The secret of cutting off the wind. Cutting off the breath."

As Torso roared angrily, a cold light flashed, slashing toward Eagle Eye like lightning.

Facing this extremely terrifying blow, Eagle Eye's expression was solemn, and his sharp eyes stared at the cold light.

He looked at it. That devastating blow shocked everyone except Moser.

The students of the Kendo Hall even boasted:"The master of the gym finally used the most powerful secret.

This move is the master's famous stunt. No one can block this attack. That Hawkeye is going to be finished.

At this time, Hawkeye's expression was serious.

Holding the famous sword tightly with both hands, the sword intent exploded into the sky, and all the power burst out from the sword.

Facing the cold light coming straight towards him, he slashed forward with his famous sword.

In an instant, the powerful force caused his body to continuously retreat, leaving a mark.

Cold sweat kept flowing down Hawkeye's forehead, but his sharp eyes like an eagle remained unyielding.

After retreating several meters, Hawkeye finally stopped.

The cold light that Torso slashed was actually cut off by him.

And the cold light that split into two remained unabated, heading in two directions behind him.

For a moment, strong winds blew up, and the woods behind Hawkeye seemed to have been plowed by something.

All the trees were cut in half, spanning several kilometers


Heavy breathing sounded. Although Hawkeye blocked the blow, it still consumed a lot of energy!

And the dozens of students from the kendo gym watched as their gym leader's shockingly powerful blow was cut off by Eagle Eye.

I was instantly frightened on the spot.......

"How can this be?"

"The secret of the curator was cut off!"

"That guy is a monster......"

The students looked at each other in disbelief, as if they could not accept the facts before them.

As for Torso, he was even more unbearable. The blow just now had consumed almost all his energy.

As a result, he watched Hawkeye cut off his secret, and instead of being horrified, he felt more despair.

He knows that he has already lost this battle.....

However, just when everyone thought there was no suspense in this battle,


A crisp sound came, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

In full view of everyone, the sword in Hawkeye's hand actually had a chip.

Then cracks gradually appeared and finally broke into pieces.

This sudden scene immediately surprised everyone present!

"Have you reached your limit?"

Looking at the broken sword in his hand, Hawkeye's eyes couldn't help but feel a little sentimental. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, this sword has been used by him since his debut, and it has accompanied him to defeat countless enemies. A master of Shao Jian Dao.

It can be said that this sword has accompanied him for countless days and nights, and has also witnessed his growth.

But he did not expect that it would be folded here today!

Seeing Hawkeye holding a broken sword in trance, Torso's heart I couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

If a swordsman loses his sword, he will be like a tiger without teeth, and his strength will definitely be greatly reduced! []

I originally thought that I would lose today, but I didn't expect that there will be a bright future in the village. It seems that God is helping me.

He was already exhausted, but now he has a little strength as if he had been given a shot of blood.

"Hawkeye, our battle is not over yet!"

A smile appeared on Torso's lips, and then he ignored his martial ethics, held a famous sword, and suddenly launched an offensive.

Hawkeye looked at Torso who was charging straight at him, and frowned.

He did not expect that the other party was so ungrateful to martial ethics.

After he cut off the opponent's secret, everyone knew that the outcome was decided. If the fight continued

, Torso would never be his opponent.

Now that his sword has been broken, a man with a little bit of martial virtue, They would terminate the duel, or even admit defeat gracefully, instead of taking advantage of others' danger!

But the opponent was so shameless, and Hawkeye could only hold the broken sword to parry.

Originally, Hawkeye could have a slight upper hand with his more advanced swordsmanship.

But now that he is holding a broken sword, no matter how strong his swordsmanship is, his strength is greatly reduced.

After all, he is not the world's best swordsman yet. He is far from being able to teach Sauron a lesson with a fruit-peeling knife in later generations.

Facing Thor Hawkeye could only barely resist Torso's desperate attack.

If he was not careful, he might lose, which was a dangerous situation.

Gion, who was watching the battle from behind, saw Torso's shameless behavior and became very angry. He scolded angrily:"Shameless, shameless! Does this guy still have the honor of being a swordsman?"

Even the students at the kendo gym on the side felt a little embarrassed when they saw their gym leader's behavior.

You know, when Torso was holding back his ultimate move just now, Hawkeye didn't take advantage of anyone's danger at all. Let you accumulate power as much as you like.

But now, Hawkeye's sword is broken, and Torso has no martial ethics. It is so shameless to do such a shameless behavior. But

Torso will not pay attention to it. Yuan's words are coming, and the movements of his hands are getting faster and faster.

The offensive is getting more and more fierce. Now he just wants to defeat Hawkeye and keep his reputation.

"If this continues, that Mihawk will lose. We can't let that shameless guy succeed!"

Seeing that Hawkeye was about to be defeated, Gion couldn't stand it any longer and was about to lend his sword to Hawkeye.

However, Moser on the side had already taken action and took out a famous sword from somewhere. Lost to Hawkeye

"Hawkeye, catch it!"

Seeing a famous sword suddenly thrown at him, Hawkeye did not hesitate. After avoiding Torso's blow, he took the famous sword.

"What a knife!"

After receiving the famous sword, just by holding it, Eagle Eye felt how extraordinary this sword was, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Boy, I will definitely win this battle."

When Torso saw that he had gotten a new famous sword in one year, he was very anxious, and the terrifying aura in his body erupted. The sharp famous sword contained a powerful aura, and he wanted to solve the battle quickly.

But he could re- The aura of Hawkeye holding the knife suddenly changed.

Looking at Torso who was madly attacking him, Hawkeye's eyes narrowed and he said coldly:"That's it......."

With a flash of cold light, the famous sword in his hand was unsheathed!


The sound of famous swords colliding with each other was heard.

The powerful force actually made Torso's palm numb.

The knife in his hand could no longer be held tightly. He let go instantly and was chopped away by Hawkeye.

Afterwards, there was no one in Torso. When he reacted, a sharp blade was already placed on his neck.

Hawkeye looked cold and said to Torso in a deep voice:"You lose.""


Torso lowered his hands feebly. He did not expect that he would give up his dignity as a swordsman and lose in the end.

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