Two days later, in the Chambord Islands, Gion and Moser were shopping and dating, and the three Yaozi behind them were carrying large and small bags.

Seeing this scene, Moser couldn't help but feel lucky that he called Yaoz and the others together, otherwise he would be the one carrying the bags all over his body.

"Honey, do you think I look good in this dress?"In the clothing store, Gion tried on a red dress and forwarded it to a group to show Moser.

Of course it looks good. Moser answered quickly

"Really?"Gion looked at Moser's somewhat perfunctory answer, and his expression showed dissatisfaction.

Seeing Gion's dissatisfaction, Moser quickly said:"Of course she is beautiful, my girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in the world, don't believe me Ask Lanz about them."

The three Lanzi people immediately understood what Moser meant, and then boasted:"That's it. Sister-in-law is the prettiest"

"Yes, there is no more beautiful woman in the world than my sister-in-law."


The three of them had a rainbow fart in an instant

"Okay, stop boasting."Although Gion said this, he was extremely happy in his heart.

Seeing the smile on Gion's face, Moser took a breath, thinking that it was so dangerous. In fact, the reason why he answered so quickly was Because a long-legged beauty walked by him just now, he glanced unconsciously while answering.

Fortunately, Gion didn't notice, otherwise he would have been miserable. As soon as a few people walked out of the clothing store, they saw someone in front of them. large auction venue

"Honey, shall we go to the auction and have a look?"Gion asked Moser on the side.

"Honey, where do you want to go? Where shall we go?" Moser replied without thinking.

Then, Moser and Gion took the three Lanzi people to the door of the auction house covering an area of ​​10,000 meters.

"Hello, sir, if you want to enter our auction, you need to show proof of assets. You must have assets of more than 50 million berries to enter our auction house. The two guards at the door stopped Moser and the others who were about to walk in.

"Boy, don’t you have eyesight? Dare you stop my boss and sister-in-law?."Lanz rushed forward and grabbed the collars of the two guards with one hand.

The two guards were instantly frightened and turned pale.

"Okay, Lanz let them go, there is indeed proof of assets when entering and leaving the auction."Gion said.

"You two guys are lucky, my sister-in-law told me to let you go, otherwise I will beat you up."Lands put them down fiercely.

The two people who were put down still looked scared at this moment. They were frightened by Lanz's aura and almost wet their pants.

At this time, Gion walked up and said, He took out a black card from his arms. As the guards of the auction house, they naturally understood the meaning of the black card. As soon as they saw the black card, their original expressions of fear turned into shock, and their pupils tightened,"This is at least something that requires Only those with assets of more than one billion berri can apply for a black card."They sighed with some surprise.

"Sir, madam, I'm sorry, we are blind, please come in quickly."The two guards quickly and respectfully invited Gion and the others in like slaves. This is the power of money.

Moser glanced at the black card and said jokingly:"It seems that our dear one is still a rich woman. In this way, can I stop working hard? Be a pretty boy"

"I hate it, you're making fun of me, I won't let you go."Gion puffed up his mouth angrily.

"Okay, no kidding, let’s go in and take a look!"

As he said that, Moser put his hand directly on Gionzu's waist.

His face turned red with embarrassment, but Gion didn't choose to resist. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The three Lanzi people behind him Seeing this scene, I called him a dog abuser.


Not long after they walked in, a man in a suit walked towards Moser and the others. It didn't take much to guess that he must be an employee of the auction house.

It would be strange if no one came to greet a customer with more than one billion Berry Black Cards when he walked into the auction house.

"Hello, dear sirs and ladies, I am the manager of the auction house. Due to my distinguished status, I am not suitable to be at the bottom. Please tell me to sit in the top box. The manager looked very respectful[]

"good."Moser, led by the manager, walked to the box on the top of the auction house.

Once inside, this box can't even be called a box. It's exactly like a house, with everything you need, and the view is very broad. At the very end, The top floor offers a panoramic view of the landscape below

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, the auction is about to start in one hour. I will go and provide you with a service first."The manager said with a lewd smile, and then walked out.

"OK, you go! Moser replied directly

"Moser, what service did he say?"Gion asked with some confusion.

"Well, I don’t know about this either. Just ask Lanz and the other three."Moser was also very curious.

The three Lanzis also shook their heads in confusion.

Less than three minutes later, the manager brought four bunny girls and walked over on high heels.

Dear gentlemen, this box There is a completely enclosed private room inside.

I won’t disturb you for the rest of the time and go out first.

After saying that, the manager motioned to the four bunny girls and walked out with a lewd look.

Gion’s face turned dark instantly..

Moser also secretly cursed in his heart, this manager has no eyesight and didn’t see (come on Zhao) that my girlfriend is here, yet he dared to arrange these things for me.

It’s no wonder that manager, in their eyes, looks like Moser and the others. This kind of hugging is normal, so they arranged beautiful women for them.

If it were normal, he would naturally accept it with Moser's character.

However, now he looked at Gion's murderous eyes and immediately knew that he was If he doesn't get her away, he will definitely end up miserable.

He sighed in his heart, didn't dare to hesitate, and pushed the two of them away with all his strength.………

In order to pass the review, I can only modify it. Please forgive me for this..

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