On the other side, Lanzi and the other three put on their masks and followed the Tianlong man, ready to take action at any time.

At this moment, the Tianlong man was defenseless. The two mermaids next to him were also held by him on dog leashes. The two mermaids were climbing like a dog.

When the people around saw this scene, no one dared to take care of it, and they all retreated and hid far away.

For fear of being noticed by Saint Charles, you must know that the Celestial Dragons will kill people casually on the street.

"This is really a bastard, even a beautiful mermaid, he can't bear to do this."As he said this, Lanz was about to take action.

"Wait a moment."Gil, who was the most knowledgeable among the three, stretched out his hand to stop him.

Lanz looked at Gil in confusion.

"Look over there."Jill pointed to their right rear.

A lewd figure wearing"560" yellow clothes was wandering on the street.

"It's this guy Porusalino, why is he here?"Yaozi looked in the direction of Porusalino.

"He probably happens to be here, we wait until he is far away before taking action. otherwiseIf Mrs. Jing brings him here, it will be bad if something unexpected happens."Gill said slowly, and Lanz and the two had no objections.

It was not that they were afraid of Porusalino, after all, the current Porosalino was not a match for the three of them together.

The main reason was that they were afraid that it would take too long. Long, there was too much movement, and Gion was attracted.

At this moment, Saint Charles was completely unaware, and the same was true for the two useless bodyguards next to him. He was in a good mood today. He was about to kill someone casually on the street. , just as he casually walked towards a house.

The look of that house was full of despair. The family of three, including the daughter who looked like a teenager, looked at the people around him for help, but no one dared to help, even Close the windows tightly.

Just when they were desperate, a blue stream of light appeared, and Saint Roswader disappeared instantly. The two bodyguards next to him fainted on the ground before they had time to react. They kept following. The three Lanz people behind them quickly looked at the blue stream of light.

A punk with a golden hair and a dagger on his waist. A figure with blue flames shining all over his body appeared in front of everyone.

It was the Phoenix. Marco, and Saint Roswader was being held by him behind his clothes at the moment, like a little chicken.

Behind him were two people, namely the Whitebeard Pirates, Chapter 3 Team Captain Diamond Jozi and Team 5 Captain Foil Bista each held a mermaid in their hands.

Today's Mermaid Island is Whitebeard's territory.

The three Marcos who happened to come here to buy something, When I saw a mermaid being captured, and it was a piece of trash like the Celestial Dragons, I couldn't help it.

Others were afraid of the Celestial Dragons, but they were not afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"I remember those three are the three captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. Should we take action? Yaozi asked the two of them.

"Don't worry, take another look, they probably aren't here for the Devil Fruit."Jill asked the two of them to stop first.

"who are you? You dare to arrest me. I am the Creator of this world, the Celestial Dragon Saint Roswader. Please let me go quickly."Although he was caught, Saint Roswader was still extremely arrogant, apparently not understanding the situation.

As for the onlookers, when they saw that the Tianlong people were caught, they hid far away and did not dare for a moment. He stayed, but he didn’t dare to go over to help, for fear of being implicated.

"Yeah? We are the Whitebeard Pirates, we are not afraid of you bullshit Celestial Dragons at all."Marco looked at him with a mocking look on his face.

Their purpose in catching the Celestial Dragons was to kill them on the spot in front of everyone, in order to increase the prestige of their Whitebeard Pirates.

"What, the Whitebeard Pirates."Although the Tianlong people are extremely arrogant and arrogant, they are not fools. They know that some guys on the sea really dare to kill them.

The Whitebeard Pirates belong to this group.

"You low-level guys, hurry up and save me. If you don't save me, I will kill you all."Although Saint Roswader was caught, he still gave orders to the people in front with the tone of a superior. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But with the strength of these ordinary people, how can Maybe you dare to offend Marco and others.........

Seeing the Celestial Dragon like this, Bista looked disgusted and said,"Marco, tell him any more nonsense and kill him.""

"No, you low-level people cannot kill me. I am a noble Celestial Dragon. If you kill me, you will be buried with me."Hearing that Marco and the others were going to kill him, Saint Charlos panicked instantly.

However, he still did not forget the threat in his words.

"Haha, a beast like you is a waste of time in this world."As soon as he finished speaking, blue flames burned on Marco's right hand, and he was about to kill Saint Charles.

"stop."Suddenly, a lewd voice sounded.

A golden flash appeared in front of the three of them, and it was Porusalino who was nearby.

Seeing the person, Marco's hand stopped, and a look appeared on the faces of the three of them. There was a trace of fear.

As the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, the three Marcos had naturally fought against three natural-type monsters in the navy. If you say who is the strongest among these three guys, you can’t say for sure.

But who is the strongest among the three? He is difficult to deal with. The last person you want to be your opponent is Porusalino. His speed is as fast as light. Even if you can beat him, you will never be able to catch up with him.[]

"You guys are from the navy, why are you here so slowly?

Can you afford it if I get hurt a little bit? Come to me quickly and kill all the 0.4 people, and I will be merciful and not care about you."

Seeing the arrival of the navy, Saint Roswader immediately became arrogant, and with a commanding tone, he ordered Porusalino in front. He smiled self-deprecatingly, and Porusalino did not answer. , although he is very confident in his strength, it is simply impossible for him to kill the three captains of the Whitebeard Pirates alone.

Now Porusalino's mind is full of thinking about how to save this Guy, although he is also very unhappy with the Tianlong people, there is nothing he can do about it. Who calls him a navy?


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