Garp has been extremely depressed recently because he can't figure out what's wrong with Cyborg Kong lately?

He is always asked to perform tasks. He has not taken a vacation for several months, and he has not even had time to go back and see his two good grandsons.


At Gion's home, looking at Moser sitting alone, Gion picked up a piece of cake and walked towards him.

In fact, Gion herself didn't know when she started to like Moser. She only knew that she disliked him at the beginning and then became less disliked later on.

Now every time I see Moser, I can't help but feel my heart beat faster and become nervous.

No matter if he bullies me again, I will forgive him immediately

"Moser, this year is the happiest birthday party I have ever had because of your presence."Gion looked at him shyly.

Is this a confession? Moser thought in his mind, no, as a man, how can I let a woman take the initiative to confess to me.

Moser looked directly at Gion and said slowly:"Honey, I like you."

This scene was all seen by the brown dolphin next to him. He was extremely angry in his heart. He wanted to rush up and beat Moser up and take his goddess back.

But when he thought about the strength gap between the two, He could only give up the idea angrily.

Gion raised his head and looked at Moser.

Moser also lowered his head and looked at her.

The two were affectionate, hugging each other and about to kiss.

That's it. At this time, Lieutenant General Tsuru came over and coughed.

As a result, the kiss between Gion and Moser was forcibly interrupted.

"elder sister."Seeing the appearance of the crane, Gion quickly let go of his hand with a shy look on his face.

"The general in the crane is good."Moser also looked a little embarrassed.

He glanced at Gion with wide eyes, and then at Mosher. Then he pulled her into the room.

"Gion, do you like Moser?"He said, staring at Gion.

Gion nodded shyly.

"Are you sure you really like Moser? Although this little guy is very powerful, I have heard that this little guy has a bad reputation?

It can be said that he does all kinds of evil and flirts with women outside. Are you sure you like him after this?"He looked at Gion and said seriously.

"I know, but I just can't help but like him, and I don't know when I started.

Sister, but I can be sure of one thing, I like him."Gion looked directly at He and said.

His face was full of sorrow. He knew how stubborn his sister's temper was?

Even ten cows couldn't get back what she decided. But with Moser's character, she was really worried. Garden.

Seeing Tsuru like this, Gion knew that her sister cared about her, but since that day, her heart had been completely stolen by Moser

"All right! You have grown up, and my sister believes that you also have basic judgments about love."He also accepts this reality.

"Well, thank you sister."Seeing that He didn't object, Gion hugged He excitedly.

After that, He and Gion walked out of the room, and Moser had been waiting outside.

He slowly walked towards Moser and said to him viciously:"Little Guy, if you let me know in the future that you are not good to my sister, you will know the consequences."

"Don't worry, Lieutenant General Tsuru, I will definitely treat Gion well."Moser said quickly.

Then, Lieutenant General He left.

Moser and Gion looked at each other again at this moment.

"How about it? Honey, let’s do what we didn’t do just now, right?"As he spoke, Moser smiled and was about to kiss Gion.

Moser lowered his head, and when he was less than three centimeters away from Gion's lips,

Gion stretched out his hand to directly block him.

"What's the matter, dear?"Moser looked puzzled.

"Don’t do it today, we’ll talk about it later."Gion smiled and walked directly to the center of the party. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Behind him, Moser stood there stupidly

"well."Moser sighed, shook his head, and thought to himself, it's a pity that he still didn't get the kiss.

Amid a burst of laughter, the birthday party in Gion ended happily.


The next day, when the morning dawned, Moser returned early to the Naval Branch, and the three Lanzis came back with him.[]

In the naval branch villa, at this moment, there is a devil fruit placed on the table

"Boss, is there anything magical about this Devil Fruit? Why should we rob?"Lands asked Moser with some confusion.

"This Devil Fruit is the legendary Time Fruit."Moser picked up this devil fruit and said this slowly

".Boss, is this the legendary fruit of time?"Lands and the other three pretended to be surprised.

"Do you know what the fruit of time is?"Moser looked at the three of them doubtfully.

"I don’t know, boss. But the name alone sounds awesome."Jill replied without hesitation.

"okay! What you said is correct."Moser didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Boss, are you going to swallow this time devil fruit? Yaoz asked Moser

"Yes and no."Moser had a smile on his face.

The three Lanzis had question marks on their faces, yes and no. What is the answer?

"Okay, you all go about your business! I'm going to rest too."After speaking, Moser walked directly to the room.

The three Lanzis didn't think much, walked out of the villa, and prepared to practice.

During this trip to the Shampoo Islands, Porusalino's strength made them understand that they and others were leaving. There is still a gap in the general level combat power. (Zhao Hao)

As for the four ghost spiders, they have been transferred since they came back last time. After all, they all belong to the Wangmen Queen, and their parents are either generals or major generals..

Naturally, they must quickly accumulate military exploits, improve their military ranks, and bring glory to their family. Although they can learn a lot from following Moser, it also limits their development.

Of course, it was Moser who told them to leave first, otherwise they would not be able to Those who chose to leave.

As for Moser, the reason why he asked them to leave first and gain experience is very simple.

Every time there is a battle, the three of Lanz are in front, and they have no chance to practice in battle.

If even the three of Lanz fight However, against their opponents, they would end up being killed instantly.

Without experiencing the training and fighting of life and death, if they just practice blindly, it would be difficult for the four of them to make a big breakthrough.


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