After passing through the vast jungle, Moser led him to a place where people gathered. Buildings composed of island clouds were arranged in an orderly manner.

There are people coming and going on the street, and everyone is very friendly and greets each other, looking very friendly.

Moser and Gion walked among the crowd normally, and everyone's eyes were on them.

They looked very surprised in front of the Sky Islanders because they had no wings on their backs.

"Moser, why are they staring at us?"Gion asked doubtfully.

"It's okay, because in the eyes of Kongdao people, those without wings are Qinghai people, and they naturally hate Qinghai people." Moser said with a smile.

The two of them kept walking forward. Gion saw a group of people in front of them. He didn't know what they were doing.

"Zero-one-zero" Qi, Gion directly pulled Moser forward. Go


"You look at me and say that this guy doesn't even have wings, so he must not be a good person? He started stealing things at a young age."A middle-aged woman shouted loudly.

Moser and the two walked over following the sound. They saw a child of eleven or twelve years old surrounded by the crowd. Everyone was accusing him, as if they were saying he stole things.

Come closer. At first glance, Moser's expression changed. Isn't this the Enelu of his childhood?

At this time, he was being held up by a strong man over two meters tall. The current Enelu had not yet been swallowed. The Thunder Fruit's physical fitness is no different from that of an ordinary child. Naturally, it is no match for a strong man over two meters tall.

Continuously struggling, Anilu tried hard with both hands to break away the strong right hand of the strong man, but it had no effect at all. nothing

"Boy, if you dare to steal the necklace from our store, you are looking for death."The strong man was holding a crystal necklace in his left hand, and his right hand was holding Aniru hard like it was a little chicken.

"I didn't. I didn't steal this thing. Someone just put it in my hand."Enilu said with a blushing face.

"Haha, you still want to quibble after you have gained both the stolen goods and the stolen goods. Do you think we all will believe what you say?"

"That’s it, let me just say that this guy doesn’t even have wings on his back, so he’s not a good guy at first glance?……"

The strong man and others in the crowd kept mocking Enel. It was obvious that they could not believe what Enel said.

Humiliation and unwillingness appeared on Enilu's face, and he was extremely angry. At this moment, he hoped that someone would stand up and speak for him.

But there was no one. As the strong man's right hand continued to exert force, his face turned red.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, a feeling of suffocation came from his mind, and his consciousness began to blur, as if he was about to be squeezed to death the next moment.

Gion, who was standing among the crowd, felt a little unbearable and wanted to take action.

At this moment, the strong man put down his right hand, as if discarding a dead dog, and slammed Enelu against the wall.

"boom."With a muffled sound, Enilu fell unconscious and fell to the ground. No one cared about his life or death. In the eyes of the Kongdao people, Qinghai people deserved to die, not to mention that they now thought that Enelu was a thief. The crowd gradually dispersed Go, the strong man vented his anger and returned to his shop.

In the entire open space, only Eniru was lying unconscious on the ground, as well as Moser and Gion.

Gion looked at Ailu who was lying unconscious on the ground. Nilu looked at Moser and asked slowly:"Moser, do the people in Kongdao hate Qinghai people so much?"

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it, racial discrimination exists everywhere.

Let's go, I just observed it, this little guy is fine."With that said, Moser took Gion and left.

After leaving, Gion looked very worried, as if he had been thinking about the incident just now. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Moser was also thinking, no wonder Enelu would torture Sky Islanders as slaves in the future. It turned out to be because of the shadow of his childhood. Since

Enelu can become the king of Sky Island in the future, it also means that he is now He will definitely not die like this.

However, Moser is even more curious. Is the thunder fruit still placed in the temple now?

After all, the thunder fruit that Gil swallowed was produced by the system. The original thunder fruit in the One Piece world Woolen cloth?

"Let's go! Honey, let me take you to see interesting places........."Thinking of this, Moser pulled Gion directly towards the temple.

Shortly after Moser and the two left, Enelu, who had fallen unconscious and fell to the ground, struggled to get up.

"You guys, remember this. One day, I will torture you to death."

He cursed angrily in his heart, and then limped away, clutching his chest.

When he fell unconscious and fell to the ground just now, it was actually Enel who was pretending. If not for this, the strong man would not have been like this. Simply let him go.

At this time, Moser has already pulled Gion and arrived in front of the shrine. Above the shrine, there is a room with strange murals carved on the wall, which is the temple. It is close in front of you, but there is something at the door. Many guards armed with spears are patrolling.

The shrine is like a holy place in the eyes of Sky Island people. They must not let outsiders enter, and there is only one entrance, so there is no way to get around it.

I don’t want to waste a moment, Moser guessed that the Thunder Fruit was most likely in the temple.

"Moser, what are we doing here?"Gion looked at the murals on the temple and asked curiously

"Go see something good."Moser smiled slightly and replied[]

The two of them kept approaching the temple

"Who are you two guys? Is this a holy land that you can approach? Leave immediately, or else I will execute you on the spot."0.2 The guard at the door looked at Moser and shouted.

Ignoring him at all, Moser's figure quickly disappeared from the place. Traveling through space, Moser and Gion instantly appeared inside the temple.

Seeing the two people disappearing out of thin air

Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of the guards

"Did you see it? Those two guys disappeared out of thin air."

"I also saw it, are we dreaming?"

"No, where must those two guys be hiding? We have to find them quickly, otherwise we will disturb the Servant of God later."

All of a sudden, the guards at the door were looking around like headless flies. In fact, they didn't know that Moser and Gion had already appeared in the temple.

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