
When Barrett was about to be defeated, Reilly finally couldn't help but intervene.

Although this is a bit ungrateful, Barrett is his companion no matter what.

He couldn't watch Barrett get destroyed by the Huskies.

The Husky did not continue to pursue after his attack was blocked.

Instead, he landed firmly on the ground and looked directly at Rayleigh.

The entire Roger Pirates, except Roger, are also looking forward to fighting Rayleigh.

And Rayleigh also stopped taking action after cutting that sword, and also looked directly at the Husky.

Then, Riley spoke first:"I'm sorry, Barrett is our precious partner, I can't let you kill him!"

As for Barrett, Husky never thought about actually killing him.

So Rayleigh's intervention did not make him angry.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about that guy's life or death anyway!"

Husky chuckled and shook his head, and then said provocatively

"But you, Rayleigh, since you have already intervened, you can't just do thisForget it, next......Let me turn you into my opponent!"

Looking at the husky who was full of fighting spirit, Reilly smiled helplessly.

He knew that if he continued to avoid fighting, the kid would definitely not give up.

So, this time he did not shirk.

"All right......Although I would never take action against a kid.

But you can't be treated like an ordinary brat."

Having said this, Rayleigh raised the sword in his hand, and the black armed color wrapped around the sword in an instant.

Husky was also not to be outdone. He made a fist with his right hand, and the armed color wrapped around the entire arm.

The two looked at each other.

For a moment, at the same time disappear in place


The collision between fist and sword blade created a strong impact


The confrontation between the two forces made the ground under their feet unable to bear it, and countless cracks opened in an instant.

At this moment, Rayleigh is at his peak.

At the moment of collision, the powerful swordsmanship and armament were so domineering that even the Huskies were surprised.

Originally, he thought that Rayleigh's strength should be about the same as Barret's.

Although he did consume a little energy when he faced Barrett before.

But it didn't have much impact on him.

Just now, he was able to easily defeat Barrett, and he should be able to do the same against Rayleigh.

But in the end, although he suppressed Rayleigh, he failed to repel him.

Rayleigh actually managed to hold on under his own attack.

"He is indeed a man with the title of Pluto, and his strength is truly well-deserved!"

After discovering this situation, Husky couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

On the other side, Reilly was no less surprised than Husky.

He originally thought that Husky should have consumed a lot of energy after the battle with Barrett.

But even so He was able to suppress him.

What kind of power did this kid have in his body?

He originally thought he had overestimated the Husky, but now it seems he still underestimated it.


The ultimate sword intent, absolutely powerful power.

Rayleigh and Husky were so fast that they were like two streams of light, entwining and colliding with each other, soaring upwards.

After the Huskies defeat Barrett, they can still fight Reilly.

The Roger Pirates and others behind were stunned to the point of numbness.

The common thought in their minds at this moment was that this kid was a complete monster.

Everyone said nothing and stared intently at the two fighting men.

No one wants to miss this exciting battle.

At the same time, Barrett, who had regained consciousness, also looked at the two fighting men.

Thanks to Reilly's intervention, Barrett escaped.

Although he was bruised and bruised, he still didn't fall down.

At this moment, he was breathing heavily and clenching his fists.

My heart was filled with unwillingness and humiliation.

He was defeated by a kid, and he even had to rely on others to save him in order to stand here safely.

This makes it difficult for him, who has always been proud, to accept this fact.

"hateful......hateful.....There's no way I'm going to lose, that brat......That kid......ah!!!"

The humiliation and anger gradually devoured his reason. He would never allow himself to be defeated at the hands of a kid.

Driven by the anger, his body, which was already bruised and bruised, suddenly burst out with a powerful force again.

He had lost it. Being rational, he could no longer see anything else in his eyes except the husky.

That brat was his prey, and not even Deputy Captain Reilly could take it away!

He must use the blood of that brat to wash away the shame he suffered.


As a small pit appeared on the ground, Barrett's figure disappeared instantly.

Armed domineering wrapped around his fist, and he sneaked towards the Husky.

The speed was so fast that a sonic boom sounded, and it was conceivable that Barrett He really wanted to kill the Husky.

The Husky, who copied Garp's talent, already had advanced knowledge and knowledge.

The moment the fist appeared, he already had a sense of crisis.

His body almost subconsciously moved to avoid it..

But at the same time, Rayleigh's swift and fierce slash had already landed in front of him.

He had no choice but to face the flanking attacks of Rayleigh and Barrett at the same time.

Husky chose to resist the more threatening slash.

His fist was like a meteorite, moving forward. Blast away.

Rayleigh's slash was instantly defeated.

At the same time, he also received a punch from Barrett.

Suddenly, Husky's figure flew a certain distance uncontrollably.

Husky quickly controlled his body, Finally, he landed firmly on the ground.

His cold eyes stared at Reilly and Barrett on the opposite side.

Facing the sneak attack just now, the Husky felt a little angry...............................................................................~

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