People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 134 Marine! Four Emperors! Uzumaki Center! (Subscription)

Luo Er dropped by the way, and walked with Whitebeard pirates in solidarity.

A group led a pirate ship out!

Almost all the remaining forces of the Four Emperors Whitebeard were dispatched!

Meanwhile, the island of ghosts.

Looking at the scarred Jack in front of him, and his general description of the whole event, Kaido's heart was full of anger.


The jug hit the ground hard.

Kaido's sturdy body slowly emerged from the shadows, and the whole atmosphere instantly became depressed.

If there is any imposing manner, everyone present will feel that their breath is stagnant, even the three disasters are inevitable.

"The Governor!"


Kaido has three big signboards.

"Flame" Embers!

"Pandemic" Quinn!

"Drought" Jack!

Everyone, including the six sons of the sky, said in a low voice.

“Sky Island! Marine!”

Kaido's voice was low, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he ordered: "Gather the staff, Laozi will go to Sky Island to see, what exactly does Marine want to do?"

"Do you really think Laozi died on the island of ghosts!"

On this day, the Four Emperors Kaido led the fire disaster!

Jack the Drough recovers from his wounds, and Quinn sits on the island of ghosts after the plague.

On the island of ghosts, a woman wearing a Prajna mask couldn't help but snorted coldly as she watched the large army dispatched by Haohao.

If Ace is here, he must be able to recognize this person.


Imprisoned by his father Kaido on the ghost island of Wanokuni, he was forced to wear handcuffs that would explode when the island was out of the way.

Looking at the guys who can go out to sea, Yamato has a different light in his eyes.

Naval Headquarters.

After Akainu received Kizaru's report, the whole person was a little furious.

"It's wrong!!??

He was cautiously guarding, even sending Admiral there, was he wrong?

"Damn it, call Marine! Encircle Sky Island!

Holding a cigar, he commanded in a vibrating voice.

Sitting below the Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, there are three very special people.

Garp, Sengoku, Crane.

Since Sengoku retired, his hair has turned white rapidly, and now he is almost full of white hair, except for the shape and the state of Luo Er's fifth gear.

The two old guys who are fighting for Senbei with Garp, can finally stop worrying.

But after hearing Akainu's aggressive orders, Sengoku's hands paused, and then he said with some disapproval: "The first arrival of Sky Island will inevitably attract pirates, I believe many people will be interested, and Sky Island and Kaido Sea There is a conflict between the thieves, Kaido will not sit idly by, and it is even possible to dispatch himself! 99

"At a time like this, Marine should just wait and see how it gets better.

Listening to Sengoku's words, Akainu took a deep breath of the cigar, exhaled a puff of smoke, and retorted rudely:

"Wait and see what happens? 39

"A group of sinful pirates, unforgivable! 99

"Notify Zhan Taomaru, lead all the pacifists to attack! All Vice Admirals of Naval Headquarters are dispatched! The marshal will lead the Marine to dispatch in person!

“Laozi is to catch all the pirates in one go!!”

"These Damn it criminals, all be damned!"

Inside the Naval Headquarters, Akainu's roar resounded.

The absolute justice in his heart makes his behavior very extreme indeed.

Naval Headquarters also mobilized.

Almost all the troops were dispatched to the island of Oni.

Marshal Marine Akainu personally led the team.

I have to say that Akainu, who experienced the big event, not only took the position of Marshal Marine, but also made a considerable breakthrough in strength compared to before.

At least, the former Marine three Admiral, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru three, Akainu's strength is worthy of the strongest.

Hina, Ghost Spider, Smoker, Flying Squirrel and others all followed.

Most unexpectedly, Sengoku and Garp followed suit.

It's like... as if to join in the fun.

Since Sengoku retired, he's become more and more unruly like Garp, all old urchins.

"Isn't it here yet?"

Standing on the deck, Joz hummed with the sea breeze blowing.

Ace squatted on the fence, holding the orange cowboy hat in one hand, smiled gently: "Joz, don't worry, even if you're late, it's fine. 99

Speaking of which, he stood up and jumped onto the deck.

The open T-shirt fluttered in the sea breeze, revealing the sturdy chest.

"He absolutely can't run!"

He was referring to Blackbeard.

Now the entire Whitebeard Pirates regard Blackbeard as their first target.

Marco narrowed his eyes and stared straight ahead with a cold face, as if he was expecting something.

In the normal time line, Marco, who has experienced the war, just guards Whitebeard's home, and has no idea of ​​fighting, and only appears again when he arrives at Wanokuni.

...for flowers....

In the training room of the Moby Dick, Luo Er was leisurely guiding Momonosuke's practice.

Check the panel when you are bored.

【 Host: Luo Er

Ability: Swordsmanship (Profound Truth)

shaving (esoteric),

Emission Haki (Profound Truth), Observation Haki (Profound Truth), Conqueror's Haki (Perfect)

Phoenix self-healing ability (perfect)

Listen to the voice of all things, save 50% Devil Fruit restraint effect

Human Fruit, Eudemons, Nika Form (84% of development)

Shock Fruit (80% development)

The consumption of any state is reduced by 50%, (the fourth gear increases the time three times, and the fifth gear increases the time twice, which can be stacked)


Items: Enma Sword, Door Fruit, Zoan, Cat Fruit, Panther Form, Explosive Rock*95.

Task 1: Develop Rubber Fruit. Reward: Determined according to the degree of development.

(Note: the current 84%)

Task 2: Develop Shock Fruit. Reward: Determined according to the degree of development.

(Note: the current 80%)

Task 3: Get a Logia Devil Fruit. Reward: Rubber Fruit development level +2%.

(Note: not completed. Task three branch conditions.)

Task 4: Collect historical body text. Reward: Depending on the situation, reward the degree of fruit development.

(Note: not completed)

Mission Five: Save Wanokuni. Reward: Conqueror's Haki level +1. Shock Fruit development level increased by 5%. 】

Some of the previous abilities are no longer present to Luo Er.

As for the next task, Luo Er had a headache while watching.

The fruit of development is rare enough, and he needs to collect the historical text?

You must know that among the thirty pieces of historical text, some of them are directly missing.

In particular, the four red historical texts are definitely the top priority.

It is estimated that whoever grabs it will fight with Luo Er.

And if he really intends to collect historical texts, Luo Er really has to go to the sea and travel all over the sea.

The only good news is that there is a historical text on Sky Island...

As for saving Wanokuni, if it wasn't for the face that the Conqueror's Haki level could be upgraded by one level, how could such a troublesome task be completed??

"Blind, it's really a long way to go..." Chang.

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