Time does not know how long it has been.

When the endless darkness disappeared, it appeared in the eyes of Lin Yu and others into a sea of white clouds.

The most incredible thing is that their ship landed smoothly on this sea of clouds, as if sailing on the surface of the sea.

“This world is really wonderful!”

Lin Yu said with a sigh.

Although I have seen this scene in anime in my previous life, it will still make you feel very shocked when it all becomes a reality.

“Captain, is it time to tell us what we are here for?”

Although surprised by what was in front of him, he was more curious about why Lin Yu had gone to such great lengths to bring them here than these Klockdals.

“Hahaha, old Sha, you really can say things that make people laugh!”

Lin Yu teased, and then slowly said, “This time, our purpose is, of course, to pick up our third crew member on board.” ”


This answer stunned Klockdale and Robin, but their interest was also aroused by Lin Yu.

“Mr. Captain, our third crew should be very strong, right?”

Robin asked curiously.

After getting along for a few days, Robin has more or less understanding of Lin Yu’s personality, and the strength of someone who can make Lin Yu spend such a big effort must not be simple.


“If you have strength, it should be worse than Lao Sha, but… His fruit ability is definitely worthy of the level of natural disasters. ”

“I’ll know when I see you.”

Lin Yu shook his head and said with a mysterious face.

There were two reasons why he came to the island, the first of which was naturally to recruit the guy from Aniru.

Although in the original work, Aniru lost to Luffy, Lin Yu did not feel that he was very weak, on the contrary, Aniru’s strength was good, not only proficient in seeing and hearing, but also developing the Ring Thunder Fruit well.

Of course, in terms of strength, it is certainly not as good as an admiral, but it is definitely more than enough compared to an ordinary admiral.

And this guy’s potential is not low, as long as there is personal guidance, growing to the level of admiral is a sure thing.


If this guy really didn’t know how to be a good villain, Lin Yu could only kill him, and then find a way to get the rebirth of the Thunder Fruit.

What would be Aniru’s choice?

It’s really exciting!


As he kept moving forward, soon an island covered by towering trees appeared in front of Lin Yu and the others.

The island of the gods, Apayado, also known as the Holy Land, is the place where the gods live.

Ever since Aniru ruled the empty island, it has become a forbidden place to set foot in.

When Lin Yu and his party had just landed in Apayado, a man with spider-foot-like hairstyle, dressed in purple clothes, biting his upper lip and rolling his eyes slowly came out of the forest.

This person Lin Yu naturally knew who it was, one of the Four Divine Officials, Gaidaz.

In addition, the other three divine officials also stepped out of the surrounding forest and surrounded Lin Yu and the others.

“Looks like the Aniru guy has found us!”

Seeing the appearance of the four major divine officials, Lin Yu said a word in his heart, but he was not surprised.

After all, Aniru was born with the ability to see and smell, and coupled with the ability to ring the thunder fruit, his sight and smell was enough to cover the entire empty island.

This alone, Lin Yu was ashamed of himself.

“Qinghai people, trespassing on empty islands, stepping into forbidden lands, ignoring the iron laws set by God, my marsh trial officer, Gaidaz, obey God’s instructions and sentence you to death!”

Gaidaz looked cold, said in a cold tone, and without the slightest hesitation, directly launched an attack on Lin Yu and the others.

“Klockdahl, test your own cultivation achievements!”

Lin Yu did not take Gaidaz’s attack into his eyes and turned to Klockdahl.

“Really, this kind of role is really uninteresting!”

Klockdale shook his head and said with interest, “However, the god in your mouth is a little interesting to me, if I kill you, he should come out, right?” ”

“Hand of Sand!”

Endless yellow sand surged across the ground and converged on Klockdahl’s arm, forming a vicious giant claw that grabbed Gaydaz in one fell swoop.


As the yellow sand began to surge and squeeze, Gaidaz let out a terrible, painful scream, and finally the whole person exploded like a watermelon, and the red blood spilled on the ground.

It all happened so suddenly.

It wasn’t until Gaidaz died that the other three priests reacted.

“Gaidaz …”

“What kind of power was that just now?”

“Does this Qinghai man also possess the power of God?”

For the death of their companions, although the three priests are angry, they are more afraid of unknown forces.

In their eyes, controlling Huangsha is similar to the power of Aniru’s control of thunder and lightning, and it belongs to the power that can only be controlled by God.

Although they were given the title of the Four Divine Officers by Aniru, they were essentially just ordinary people with a slightly stronger look.

“The cry of the weak is really boring!”

“Did I just show my strength a little bit, and already make you feel afraid?”

Klockdahl walked forward slowly, slightly disappointed: “Yes, slightly stronger ants, but always ants, how can I expect you to perform well, and the gods in your mouths should be almost the same as you.” ”

“Let me send you on your way now and reunite with your companions!”

Klockdahl’s words immediately made the faces of the three priests change and they immediately became angry.

“The abominable Qinghai people, killing our companions and insulting God are simply the most heinous crimes.”

“Go and die, Fire Gun!”

The Trial of Rope, Shura, roared angrily as he rode the Three Birds and swooped down with a spear in his hand, attacking Klockdahl like an arrow.

“Sand coffin!”

Klockdale looked indifferent and slowly raised his arm, and the endless yellow sand immediately wrapped Shura and the three birds under him firmly, and then fell from the air to the ground.

“Sandstorm funeral!”


With a dull sound, Shu Luo and his three birds directly shattered into pieces, and Yin Hong’s blood shot out, staining the earth red.

And this process from start to end is only a few tens of seconds.

It was not so much a battle as a one-sided massacre.


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