Chapter 40: The End of the Event, the Calculation of the Warring States!

Looking at the Lin Yu people who were swinging away, the faces of the navy were very ugly.

This is the first time they all feel that the justice they uphold is like garbage being trampled under their feet.

“Marshal of the Warring States, just let those guys go?”

The ghost spider asked with an ugly face.

“Huh~~~ ghost spider, your mood old man understands, but this incident is over, and now the top priority is to let the red dog receive treatment first.”

Sengoku took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.


“No, but everything is done according to what the old man says.”

The ghost spider originally wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by the Warring States.

Seeing the tough attitude of the Warring States, everyone present understood that this time their navy really lost, and lost very thoroughly.

“Count the wounded and count the casualties.”

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, and then seeing the red dog that had fainted due to excessive blood loss, Sengoku’s face was gloomy and almost dripping water.

Why wouldn’t he want to bring the culprit’s Grim Reaper to justice?

However, the Warring States knew very well in their hearts that their navy’s combat strength in the Chambord Islands could not do so at present, and continuing to fight would only increase casualties.

“Beyond Roger’s overlord color, the highest level of armed color, comparable to the sword skills of the Great Sword Hao, and enough to rival the ambitions of Locks, Lin Yu’s threat to us and even the world government has surpassed the so-called Four Emperors, where did this guy Reilly take such a monster as a student?”

For the strength and ambition displayed by Lin Yu, the Warring States felt jealous at the same time, and such a doubt also appeared in their hearts.

“Warring States Sang, the Death God Pirate Regiment already has enough strength to be called emperor, and the speed of strength growth is also very terrible, when they enter the new world, we will never have a chance to take a shot at them.”

“I’m afraid that before long, they will have the power to threaten the world government, which is really a headache.”

Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was the chief staff officer of the Navy, had a glint of wisdom in his eyes at this time, but he said helplessly.

“This is also a thing that cannot be done, unless all the forces of the headquarters are dispatched, otherwise there are two monsters, Reilly and Lin Yu, and we can’t stop the Death Pirate Regiment at all, but…”

Sengoku paused and said in a deep voice, “Those guys in the New World will not let a new person move their cake, we can make good use of this and let those guys fight for your life in the New World.” ”

“Use the power of pirates to fight against pirates?”

“This is indeed a good idea, and to think about it in such a short period of time is worthy of you, Warring States Sang.”

After listening to Sengoku’s words, Lieutenant General Tsuru nodded in agreement.

“Crane, if you are polite, you will be exempt!”

Sengoku rubbed his temples and said somewhat wearily, “Recently, those guys on the sea have begun to stir up, and the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment has also taken action, and we should also deploy a response plan in advance to avoid the situation from getting out of control.” ”

“That’s the way it should be.”

The cranes also knew how dangerous the situation in the sea was now, and even their navy could not take it lightly.

“Go back to Marin Fando!”

Things had come to such a point that even knowing that the so-called pirate supernovae were in the Chambord Islands, the Sengoku were not in the mood to capture them.

The next thing he had to face was not just the accusations of the five old stars.

It’s an era that is about to get out of control and fall into a violent situation!


With the withdrawal of the navy, the people of the entire Chambord Islands had a feeling of the aftermath of the disaster.

While they were glad that they had retrieved a life, they were also lamenting the strength of the Death Pirate Regiment.

Some of the reporters hiding in the crowd couldn’t wait to get what was happening here back to the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency.

One can imagine what a sensation it would cause once what happens here spreads to the new world.

“What a monster, Lin Yu, not only the admiral, but even the admiral himself did not dare to rush to war against you.”

“Very good, very good, the stronger you are, the more I want to screw your head off and use it as a trophy.”

Thinking of the picture of Lin Yu confronting the top combat power of the Navy with his own strength, Kidd’s whole person was already excited and difficult to attach.

“Kira, let’s go, go to the new world, and when we meet again next time, we must cut off Lin Yu’s head.”

Kira glanced at the direction in which Lin Yu and the others were leaving, greeted Kira, and turned away without hesitation.

The rest of the supernovae saw the situation, as if they had agreed, and then left with their partners.

They have ambitions, but they also have self-awareness, with their current strength, let alone against Lin Yu, even Aniru and Klockdahl are probably not opponents.

But Trafalgar Rowe hesitated.

After seeing the power displayed by Lin Yu, Luo knew very well in his heart that Lin Yu definitely had the power to help him get revenge.

But if that happens, he will have to send someone to the fence in the future.

Although unlike other supernovae, he did not go to sea for any ambition, but only to take revenge on Doflamingo.

But…… He also has a heart that yearns for freedom!

“Captain, what shall we do next?”

Just then, the core member of the Heart Pirate Regiment, the Fur Clan, Babo, asked, interrupting the entanglement in his heart.

“Huh~~~ Bebo, and guys, I’m sorry, I may not be able to fulfill the promise I made to you.”

Luo seemed to have made a major decision, and let out a deep breath.

“Huh? Captain, are you going to see that guy Lin Yu? ”

Hearing this, all the members of the Heart Pirate Order understood what Luo was going to do next.

“That’s right, relying on my own strength to avenge Mr. Corazon, I don’t know when it will be, and the Death Pirates have this power completely, I… Decided, to join them. ”

Luo said firmly.

“Captain, we all know what purpose you are going to sea, and we support you unconditionally no matter what decision you make.”

“In our hearts, you will always be the best captain.”

“Of course, if you can, please make sure the captain takes us with you.”

The members of the Heart Pirates said everything you said, but without exception, they were very much in favor of the decision Luo made.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this unconditional trust that Luo can still feel the warmth of this world after Corazon’s death!


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