As the date of Ace’s execution approached, the originally chaotic sea eerily calmed down.

But everyone knew in their hearts that this was nothing more than the calm before the storm, foreshadowing what terrible things would happen next.

Inside the Marshal’s Office of the Admiralty Headquarters.

The cards with large nerves at normal times sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, and the breath emitted from the body made the room fall into a depression.

“Warring States, do you really want to do this?”

After a long time, Cap said with a calm face.

“Karp, I hope you can see where you stand, we have to do that.”

Seeing his old friend’s appearance, Sengoku frowned, but said without the slightest concession.

“Sengoku, you should know that by doing this you will only completely anger that man and plunge the whole of Malin Fando into the flames of war.”

Karp said with an ugly face.

“Karp, there is no way back for us now, the Fire Fist Ace has Roger’s evil blood flowing through him, and his execution is of great significance to our navy, even if it is to go to war with Whitebeard, and…”

Sengoku paused, squinted his eyes at Kapu, and said in a deep voice, “Kapu, as a navy, but you adopted the heir of One Piece Roger, whether it is the Batelera incident 22 years ago or this war, you have to bear half the responsibility.” ”

Hearing this, Karp couldn’t help but shake his fist, and his face was gloomy and almost dripping water.

But he did not open his mouth to refute, and he had no reason to refute it, because what the Warring States said was the truth.

Although he was not involved in the massacre of pregnant women on Batullella 22 years ago, if Kapu had stood up at that time, it would not have affected ordinary people.

In the end, as a naval hero, he finally caused all the pregnant women and their children in Batturira Island to suffer for his own selfish desires.

“Kapu, what happened before, the old man can not be prosecuted, but if you dare to obstruct this execution, don’t blame the old man for being rude to you.”

Looking at Kapu, who had not spoken for a long time, Zhan Chinese said solemnly.

“I see.”

Cat responded, then got up and walked outside the door.

“Karp, you are a naval hero, you have to figure out your position, this incident is different from the past, once the war begins the death toll will exceed your and my imagination, know that our opponent is the world’s strongest man who has stood at the top of the world for decades – Edward Newgate.” 」

“If you continue to act recklessly, not only will the Navy suffer an unprecedented blow, but justice will also be disgraced by you.”

Seeing that there was something wrong with Kapu’s face, Sengoku quickly spoke.

But his words only made Kapu’s figure pause, and did not make Kapu stop leaving, which made the Warring States’ face become very ugly.

“Sengoku Sang, after decades of getting along, you should understand Kapu’s personality.”

“He insists on justice more than anyone, and although he sometimes does some stupid things, he will never do anything that harms the name of justice, so let’s give him some time to buffer!” 」

“After all, to him, Fire Fist Ace is a relative!”

Lieutenant General Crane sighed, looked in the direction where Kapu had left, and said sympathetically.

The stakes were so great that Roger, Karp, Whitebeard and even the whole world, even if the Navy was fully prepared to bring back the elites stationed around the world, they were not sure of victory.

You know, their opponent this time is the white-bearded pirate group that has dominated the sea for decades!

So, they need Karp’s power.

But from the current situation, Karp can’t count on it, just hope not to add chaos to them.

“I hope so!”

Hearing Tsuru’s words, Sengoku nodded helplessly, and then asked, “Magellan, are you going to escort the Fire Fist to Marin Fando?” ”

“Well, at Magellan’s speed, there should be half an hour to get to Marin Fando.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at the clock hanging on the wall and responded.

“It was good.”

The Warring States also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, but the solemn color on their faces did not dissipate.

“Little Crane, since the Death Pirates entered the New World, we have completely lost their news, the only thing we know is that the Drought Jack of the Hundred Beasts Pirates has been in contact with them, and the rest knows nothing, which makes me have a bad premonition.”

Sengoku looked out the window at the sky and frowned.

“Sengoku Sang, do you mean that this execution will change, and this change may be in the Death Pirate Regiment?”

Lieutenant General Crane heard the words, and his wrinkled face was also covered with solemn colors.

A strong person of their level has already cultivated to an extremely high level of seeing and hearing, and there will be no premonition for no reason, and once it appears, it is very likely to come true.

For example, in the last incident in the Chambord Islands, if it were not for the premonition of the Sengoku, they hurried to the scene, and the Red Dog would have died.

“That’s right.”

Sengoku nodded and said in a deep voice, “Judging from Lin Yu’s style of acting, whether it is the Capital of Water or the slaughter of Draco, he is definitely a madman, and the level of danger is even higher than that of Locks.” ”

“At this time, even the redhead and Kaido of the New World have taken action, and he can’t be so quiet, unless Lin Yu is brewing some conspiracy at this time, and his target is likely to be our execution this time.”

“It’s raining and raining!”

Lieutenant General Crane heard this, sighed, and then said with a worried face, “Although the size of the Death God Pirate Regiment is not as large as the other four emperors, Lin Yu’s strength has grown to the imperial level, plus the two natural abilities of Aniru and Klockdal, and their whereabouts are difficult to grasp, we don’t know what they will do next.” ”

“Their threat is greater for us than the Four Emperors, and if they join this war, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

To what Lieutenant General Tsuru said, Sengoku nodded in agreement.

But there was no turning back from the bow, at this time they were already arrows on the strings and had to be fired, even if the final result was the worst, they could only go hard.

“How is the convocation of the Seven Martial Seas going?”

After a moment, Sengoku asked.

“At present Chorakor Mihawk, Bartholomew Big Bear, Poija Hankuk, Doflamingo and Moonlight Moria have responded to the call and have left for Marin Fando, but… Blackbeard Tiqi, who had just become the Seven Martial Seas, suddenly disappeared at this time, and this guy was probably planning something. ”

Lieutenant General Crane said solemnly.

“This is one of the few pieces of good news for us now, as for Blackbeard Teach, leave him alone, and when this incident is over, we will directly abolish his identity as the Seven Martial Seas.”

“Hopefully… The Navy can withstand this test! ”


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