The sea is a mysterious world.

Some people say that the sea is a mysterious world. When it is mild-tempered, the sea surface is as flat as a mirror, and the warm sea breeze caresses people, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

But when the waves are surging, it is so creepy and gives way.

The sky under the dark clouds is as deep as ink, and the waves are stirring up waves in the heavy rain.

The strong wind blew the leaves rustling, and all the creatures on the island trembled under this magnificent power.

At this moment, in a cave beside the woods, a wild boar with black hair was staring at the wind and rain outside the cave with horror.

Thunder sounded, and the rain curtain was torn apart.

A black shadow shot out from the bushes beside the cave and rushed straight towards the wild boar.

The restless wild boar retreated repeatedly, but was soon pressed to the ground by the shadow.

With the dim light brought by the lightning, the wild boar's huge eyes finally saw what the black shadow that attacked it looked like.

This is a four-legged, two-winged silver-black dragon.

The bright silver scales shone brightly in the moonlight, and the sharp wings cut through the air with the breath, and a slight movement was a snow-white knife light.

Its ferocious big mouth was densely covered with white fangs, and the sharp arc of the fangs was all swearing the predator's toughness!

The dragon's thick claws pressed down the wild boar's shiny fur, and after a dull sound, the wild boar's neck was suddenly twisted into a weird arc.

Grabbing the wild boar with one hand, the dragon turned around and walked out of the cave. A gust of air gushed out from behind its wings, and it rushed away quickly with a whoosh.

The streamlined body shining with silver light shuttled swiftly in the raindrops, and soon arrived at the end of the forest.

This is a cliff, and in front of the cliff is the blue sea.

A crooked square stone house stands on the edge of the cliff. The workmanship of the stone house is quite rough, as if someone picked up large stones casually, piled them together, and then welded them at high temperature.

When the dragon saw the stone house, its pace suddenly accelerated a lot.

It threw the wild boar on the open space beside it, and slowly walked towards the door of the stone house.

While walking, its body shrank rapidly, and in an instant it turned into a cute little girl!

The girl was about eight or nine years old, with a pair of long rabbit ears, a pink dress, short blue hair casually draped over her shoulders, and fair skin, not the slightest appearance of a savage.

Bang, bang, bang!

The girl knocked on the door and shouted, "Brother Aba, get up!"

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no movement from the house, the girl's delicate face instantly swelled up like a meat bun (◦`~´◦)

Bang, bang, bang!

"I'm back from hunting!"

The girl knocked on the door again, and this time the force was obviously much heavier.

But there was still no movement in the house...


Sawdust flew, wind and rain roared in!

This door, which had just been made for less than ten hours, instantly suffered a blow that it should not have suffered at this age.

The white and tender feet stepped on the stone floor and made a thumping sound. The sudden drop in temperature made a sleeping young man in the house shrink his body slightly.

The corners of the girl's eyes twitched slightly. After she stood there thinking for a moment, her little hands began to grope in the animal skin pocket beside her.

After a moment, a sinister smile appeared on the girl's face.

She took out a sealed pottery jar, poked a small hole with her finger, and rolled towards the place where the young man slept.

Then, the girl immediately turned around, ran out of the stone house, picked up the wild boar corpse on the open space, and went into a cave next to the stone house.

Her hands turned into sharp dragon claws again, and she skillfully gutted the wild boar, peeled the skin and pulled out the tendons. Then she used several wooden spikes to neatly string the processed wild boar meat and inserted it into a grill in the cave.


The girl opened her mouth and sprayed a ball of fire at the wood pile under the grill.

The bonfire slowly rose.

At the same time, an unpleasant and pungent smell happened to come out from the stone house.


The next second, accompanied by a strange howl, a tall figure rushed out of the house in a panic, quickly ran to the edge of the cliff and began to vomit.

The young man took a deep breath of fresh air, turned his head fiercely, and stared at the girl sitting by the fire.



You actually threw a stink bomb in my room! If I don't beat your ass to pieces today, I'm not called Elbart..."

Under Elbart's murderous gaze, Diskatli calmly touched the animal skin pocket on her body and took out a strange-looking shell.

A voice that Elbart felt very familiar floated out of the shell.

"If I sleep in, you can wake me up in any way..."

Elbart's angry face instantly became very stiff when he heard his own voice.

He walked to the fire and sat down as if nothing had happened, his voice full of embarrassment.

" Can't you wake me up in a normal way..."

Discatli fiddled with the wild boar meat on the fire, reached into the animal skin pocket, and then took out another shell of the same kind.

"Lily, you can't be too rigid in dealing with things, you have to be able to adapt to circumstances..."

Hearing his own voice again, Albert really wanted to give himself two big slaps.

"You dead girl, you can't use stink bombs, don't you know that my nose is very sensitive..."

Albat tried to preach from a different angle, but the voice in the shell continued-

"Look, just Just like a stink bomb, this thing can not only drive away some wild animals, but also has many other uses..."


This stinky brat! (╬◣д◢)

Impotent and furious, this word can perfectly describe Albert's state at this time.

He rubbed his head a little madly, turned and walked towards the cave entrance, looked at the dark sky above his head, and suddenly shot several scarlet ripples into the sky with both hands.

Bang bang bang!

The ripples flew to the air and gradually spread out.

After a while, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sky turned into a moonlit sky.

Ah, comfortable!

Looking at the dark clouds above his head that he had dispersed, Albert calmed down a little, sat back by the fire, and took out a few bottles and jars from his arms.

He sprinkled the various seasonings evenly on the barbecue, and began to carefully control the heat under the barbecue.

After a while, the barbecue in front of him began to emit an attractive aroma.

"Brother Alba, I want to eat pork legs..."

Discatli pointed to the fattest piece of barbecue in front of her with shining eyes, and said with anticipation.

"Haha, you want to eat it, right?"

Albat shook the barbecue in front of Discatli's nose, and then quickly raised it to a height that the girl couldn't reach.

He pointed to the small animal skin bag beside Discatli and said, "You can eat it, but you have to exchange it with the few sound shells in your hand!"

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