The east coast of Punk Hazard is covered with steep cliffs. The waves of the sea hit the rocks on the shore and broke into tiny water droplets. Today's weather is not sunny. There is a lot of fog on the sea. Standing on the steep cliff and looking down, you can only see a gray sea. On the lighthouse, the soldier on duty felt that his feet seemed to have some vibrations. He walked down the lighthouse and looked around for a while, but found nothing unusual. "Strange, is it my illusion?" The soldier climbed back to the lighthouse with some doubt. But what he didn't know was that in the rock layer about a hundred meters below him, a passage constructed by magma was slowly extending towards the center of the island.

In the passage, Albert placed his right hand on the rock in front of him, and the scarlet dragon energy surged. In almost a moment, the hard rock suddenly turned into boiling lava.

"Damn it, there are still so many steel plates buried in the soil. Is the World Government so rich... According to this progress, it will take about three hours to reach the underground layer in the center of the island. When I get out, I will find someone to ask Kaido's location."

Albert was thinking about the rescue plan in his mind, while he clenched his five fingers with his left hand.

The red magma condensed again in a moment and began to squeeze around, and soon formed a black hole.

Behind him, Diskatli was holding two small flags that she didn't know where she got from, waving and cheering for him.

"Lily, keep your voice down, we are now in an infiltration operation!"

"Brother Aiba, this lava channel is really cool, we are like walking in hell! (★>U<★)"

"Stinky girl, if you can't talk, just say less!"


Just as Albert was trying to make an emotionless digging machine, the PH-003 laboratory on the island also welcomed an old resident.

The silver-shining special steel covered the ceiling and floor of this laboratory.

An extremely bright incandescent lamp was hung on the top of the room, and under the bright light, there were sci-fi experimental instruments.

They were either carefully arranged in a conspicuous position or stood quietly in every corner of the room.

In the center of the laboratory, several glass jars filled with green solution were particularly eye-catching.

These glass jars were of different sizes, some were towering and almost touched the lampshade on the top of the room, blocking a large area of ​​light.

Some were short and exquisite, only one person tall.

Looking through a crystal clear tank in the center, you can clearly see a boy sleeping inside.

He is about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a washed cotton and linen top and a pair of black shorts.

His wheat-colored face is slightly gray, covered by a thick waterfall of white hair.

A pair of majestic black wings grow behind the boy, and a ball of fire above the wings is floating in the nutrient solution against common sense.

Under the swaying light, the boy's body is outlined with traces of sculpture-like sturdiness.

At the bottom of the tank, there are several dark iron chains, which are tightly connected to the shackles on the boy's hands and feet.

The boy's black eyelashes trembled twice, and the weird tattoos at the corners of his eyes faintly emitted a little strange light under the bright light.

At this time, a rough voice came from a tall glass tank next to him.

"Hey... Abel, you are back again, and those lunatics didn't kill you this time?"

The voice echoed in the bright room, breaking the long-lasting silence of the laboratory.

The slightly curled body of the boy in the jar moved slightly, and his hands and feet seemed to have some traces of shaking.

"Don't worry, I won't die for the time being... So, you lost the bet again this time, Alfred!"

Opening his eyes full of fatigue and hatred, Abel glanced at his side and then slowly closed his eyes.

In the tall glass jar, the fishman Alfred smacked his lips in praise, and his words revealed a hint of envy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a tenacious vitality. By the way...are all you Lunalia people monsters?"

"Monster? Tenacious vitality? Alfred, in the laboratory, these are not good words!"

After a silence, Abel said faintly:

"Why don't you come to me with such a mind?

Chat, you should worry about yourself first... I heard those lunatics talking about it yesterday. They will start a new round of endurance experiments this afternoon. How about it? Do you want to bet with me again to see who can enter this laboratory first? I bet I win! "

"Muhahaha... Don't underestimate the body of the fishman! Abel! That kind of endurance experiment is not as good as a tickle for me!"

Alfred laughed heartily. However, as if some painful wounds were affected, his laughter revealed a subtle twitching.

"Humph, I hope your body can be as hard as your mouth by then, black fathead fish!"

"Fathead fish... Muhahaha, it's really an unlovable little ghost..."

In the laboratory, the bickering of the two was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples and adding a bit of vitality to this dead space.

"I say, Alfred, have you ever thought about escaping from this institute? "

Abel suddenly changed the subject and asked the fishman behind him.

"Who else doesn't want to leave this hell? Abel, I have been locked up here for a year or two. Maybe at the beginning I still had the urge to escape, but now..."

Alfred seemed to be recalling something and continued:

"During this period, I have seen guys who want to escape from here more than once, but so far, let alone escape from the institute, many of them were suppressed by the guards before they even touched the door of the laboratory..."

"These nutrient solutions, in addition to keeping our bodies in a healthy state, can't support a high-intensity battle at all, so, Abel, give up some unnecessary fantasies and accept the cruel reality..."

"Alfred, have you heard of Joyboy?"

Abel's tone changed and asked a very sudden question.


Alfred was stunned.

"Joyboy, it is said that it has the power of the legendary sun god Nika! "

The hatred in Abel's eyes seemed to fade a little, and a touch of worship appeared in his pupils.

"Nika, the sun god, is the god we Lunalia believe in. He will step on the drums of freedom and make everyone laugh. He will lead all the oppressed people to break through the darkness and live happily under the sun..."

Hearing Abel's words, Alfred grinned and sneered: "Muhahaha, how could there be such a good god in the world? Aren't we all ants in the eyes of God?"

"Who do you think ordered us to be locked up in this dark place?"

"It's the gods living on the Red Earth Continent!"

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