The old man was very angry.

"The Fox Hunter Pirates we are chasing now are okay, they are basically at the end of their rope, but the Bucklo Pirates..."

Gumil sighed and said, "It is said that they fled to the vicinity of the Jewel Island after committing the crime in Dressrosa, and according to intelligence, they have now surrendered to the great pirate John."

"Actually, it's not all our fault. Who knows when Kaido actually became a devil fruit ability user? And he's actually a flying mythical beast..."

Recalling the fight not long ago, Gumil couldn't help but sweat a little on his forehead.

If the prison ship was not far from the G1 branch of the Navy at that time, and Admiral Zefa happened to be resting in the G1 branch, I am afraid that several of them would have been buried in the sea under Kaido's terrifying dragon breath.

"Speaking of which, Kaido used to be a trainee of the Rocks Pirates... and he was once an accomplice of the great pirate John."

Gumier couldn't help smacking his lips at this time, "Even a trainee is so strong, then John, as a formal member, wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with?"

Thinking of this, his temples couldn't help but ache.

"It seems to be another difficult task..."

Just as the two people at the bow were talking, a messenger who ran from the telecommunications room hurriedly handed a report to Roy.

"Report...Report, Major Doro's surveillance ship sent the latest news. Ten minutes ago, the Fox Hunter Pirates' ship sank in the waters of Nos Island. According to the pirates who salvaged it, their pirate ship seemed to be sunk by a strange-shaped cloud!"

"Strange-shaped cloud?"

Roy took the report from the messenger with some surprise, and read it carefully again word by word.

"Gumil, have you heard of such a strange climate in the New World before? There are clouds that can smash ships?"

Roy used to perform missions mainly in the first half of the Grand Line, and he didn't know much about the New World.

In his opinion, no matter how abnormal the climate in the New World is, it won't be so outrageous.

"Hahaha, Roy, although I haven't seen or understood this kind of thing, this is the New World!"

Gumil patted Roy's shoulder lightly and laughed heartily.

"There are so many strange things in the New World. Many people have only seen some things once in their lifetime. It's normal not to know them!"

My boss is good in every way, but sometimes he is too cautious. It's just a cloud that can smash the ship. What's so strange about it in the New World?

"It seems that God is helping us. This saves us a lot of trouble! I really hope that I can encounter this situation again next time..."

"Report! We found an unidentified object in the sky ahead. From the appearance, it seems to be a group of yellow clouds!"

Before Gumier finished speaking, the sentry on the top of the ship immediately issued a warning.


It can't be such a coincidence!

At this time, sitting on the flame cloud and watching the warships getting closer and closer in his field of vision, Albert always had a complaint stuck in his throat.

Kaido liked to go to the warships that didn't have any powerful characters to fall into the trap a long time ago. After a full meal, he robbed and smashed and then ran away immediately.

Albert thought that now that he had become famous, he would have to show some respect and be a little more restrained.

But obviously, he still underestimated the thickness of this guy's dragon face.

This guy really intends to spend the navy's money to treat his own guests!

Although it always feels awkward for pirates to hold a banquet on a navy warship, if the organizer of this banquet is Kaido, everything seems to become reasonable.

After all, this bastard can really do such a thing!

Moreover, in order to make this banquet celebrating the establishment of the pirate group a little better, Kaido was very disgusted and did not choose the closer surveillance ship, but set his sights on the large warship in another direction.

Major Doro...thank you...

Major General Roy...shit...

When everyone on the warship was on full alert, ready to take action to prevent the "cloud of shipwrecks" described in the intelligence from causing damage to the warship, Kaido jumped down from the flaming cloud with a grin on his face.

Then, when Roy

When Gumier and the others saw the familiar figure like a demon, their faces turned green instantly.

Kaido? ! (゚⊿゚)ツ

Damn, it's you again, you bastard! (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴

"Everyone! Enemy attack!!! The attacker is the pirate Kaido!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!


With a burst of dense gunfire, bullets poured down on Kaido like a rainstorm.

Some soldiers pushed the cannons without hesitation and started firing at Kaido.

This series of reaction speeds is enough to prove the results of the soldiers' daily training on this warship.

However, in the world of pirates, the gap in personal strength cannot be made up by hard training alone.

Whether it is bullets or shells, the attacks of these weapons are like It was just tickling him, and it couldn't cause any substantial harm to him.

"Hey, I'm in a good mood today so I won't kill you! Tell me, where do you store your supplies? Also, call the chef on your ship, I want to have a banquet!"

As soon as these words came out, the navy soldiers who surrounded them were stunned, and for a moment they couldn't keep up with Kaido's particularly strange train of thought.

Pirates come to the warship to have a banquet? Do I have to pour you wine!

"By the way, remember to get me some good wine, TNND, it's only been a short time since I left, and my wine gourd is almost empty!"

Navy Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

AlbertΣ( ° △ °|||)︴

Sorry, who is this drunkard? I don't know him!

Ignoring the marine beside him, Kaido fixed his eyes on Kitchener Roy who was standing in front of everyone.

"Hey, we meet again, marine!"

It's rare for Kaido to remember marines, and the reason why Kitchener Roy can make some impression on Kaido is mainly because he is an animal-type devil fruit user.

Animal-type·Bug-Bug Fruit·Mantis Form!

Kitchener Roy took a deep breath of snow Cigarette, directly entered the human-beast form, his broad palms directly turned into two sharp emerald green sickles.

He spit the cigar on the deck, stomped it out with one foot, and said firmly:

"Kaido! This is a warship, not your wanton pirate ship!!"

"Holding a banquet? All I can give you here is prison food!"


The sharp sword energy wrapped in armed color domineering rushed out from the sickles in Roy's hands, like two silver meteors, heading straight for Kaido's cheek.

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