People Are Sailing: The Beginning Of The Black Dragon Form

49 Furious Five Elders (Asking For Flowers)

In the center of the holy land of Mariejois, great turmoil has occurred. Cuomo and others of the Pirates of Ten Thousand Realms are fighting with the masters of the World government.

Because there was too much commotion, countless high-level World government officials came out to check.

the other side



Holy Land Mariejois highest hall.

The Five Elders were of course notified of the invasion of the holy place of Mariejois.

"There are pirates invading, and now they have reached the center of the Holy Land Mariejois. It doesn't seem like they are causing damage. They probably want to cross here to go to the New World." Bald Five Elders said calmly after hearing the report, taking a sip of tea.

"The current pirates really don't want to stop for a moment." Five Elders, who had a scar on his head, leaned against the window and leaned on a cane, and said calmly.

"Is it because our World government's rule is not strong enough? These pirates are really brave enough to even want to cross from here to New World." A Five Elders said depressingly.

Although he is not worried that some pirates can successfully cross the holy land of Mariejois.

But this kind of behavior is obviously provoking the majesty of the World government, and it also has an extremely large impact on the prestige of their World government.

"A new era is coming, and every new era has pirates who have climbed to the top of the Poseidon seat. In this era, they did not hesitate to take risks from the holy land Mariejois for the sake of prestige, but they do not know that this method will only make them never return."

One of the Five Elders looked out the window and spoke slowly.

"Do we need to make a move?"

"No need, they will solve it soon." A Five Elders lay on the sofa and read the newspaper leisurely.

Since they took office as Five Elders, some pirates tried to attract the attention of the world and crossed from the holy land of Mariejois, but none of them succeeded.

Similarly, this time they are not worried that the pirates will succeed.

after a long time



"But to be honest, the solution is a bit slow this time." A Five Elders, who was lying on the sofa and reading a newspaper, put the newspaper on the table and said.

"Isn't the pirate coming this time easy? Why hasn't it been resolved for so long?" Another Five Elders also asked with doubts.

They thought it was just a simple little pirate that could be solved quickly and easily, but the tea they put on the table was almost finished.

Why is the battle outside still going on.


There was another loud noise, and it was clearly heard by several Five Elders again.

"What the hell is the pirate group? Why did it take so long?" A Five Elders couldn't help calling a World government official to ask for information.



"What kind of pirate group are you here?" Five Elders asked straightforwardly without talking nonsense after answering the phone.

"'s Cuomo's Pirates of Ten Thousand Realms." There was a roar from the opposite side, but the Five Elders could still hear the name Cuomo and Pirates of Ten Thousand Realms.

"Cuomo? The one who wounded Admiral and escaped in Sabaody Archipelago a year ago?" Five Elders asked slightly startled.

Although they are in high positions, they are not lazy like other Celestial Dragons. They also pay attention to the newspapers and follow the footsteps of the times.

So knowing Cuomo's Ten Thousand Realms Pirates, I know more about their performance in Sabaody Archipelago.

"It's them!" An affirmative answer came from the other party.

"How is the battle going?" Five Elders asked after a moment of silence.

"The not very good." The World government official on the opposite side of the phone bug hesitated for a while, and responded truthfully.

At first they also thought that it would be solved soon, but they never expected that Cuomo's Pirates of Ten Thousand Worlds would be so strong!

After fighting for such a long time, none of the members of the Ten Thousand Realms Pirates fell or were even injured.

But their side has already suffered heavy losses, destroying many buildings in the Holy Land Mariejois.

"Can't you deal with just a few pirates?" Five Elders said indifferently.

"I...we." The World government official was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know how to answer.

"Where's the Marine guys???"

"We got in touch, but it happened suddenly, and their main force couldn't arrive so quickly"

"Give you some more time, don't let me down." Five Elders solemnly ordered after taking a deep breath.

"Yes!" The World government official glanced at the battlefield, and then bit the bullet and responded.

Although he knew they might not be able to defeat them alone, he had no choice but to agree now, because he would not dare to disobey the Five Elders' orders.

"They need a little time." Five Elders hung up the phone and complained to several people around him.

He doesn't want to do it himself now, because they are the supreme leaders of the world government. If they deal with a pirate by themselves, wouldn't they lose their status?

"I hope we don't have to wait too long, I don't want to hear the rumble when I'm sleeping." A Five Elders said in a deep voice.

"The one who came was the Myriad Realms Pirates who made a splash in the Sabaody Archipelago a year ago. This pirate group is not simple, and it is normal that it takes a long time to solve it." Five Elders said slowly.

"I was worried that they would have some troubles in the future when they grow up, but I didn't expect them to come to your door on their own initiative."

After one of the Five Elders heard that they were the Ten Thousand Worlds Pirates, the original inner anger also dissipated a lot.

The Ten Thousand Realms Pirates is the latest pirate group on the Grand Line, captained by Cuomo.

Cuomo's most dazzling performance was the Sabaody Archipelago a year ago when he hit the traumatic Marine Admiral.

To be honest, when they heard the news, they were also slightly surprised.

No matter how you say it, Marine Admiral is the highest combat power of Naval Headquarters, but it is such a strong man who actually fell behind in the first battle with Cuomo.

Although Cuomo didn't get too involved with Marine Admiral.

But they also regarded Cuomo as a potential stock, and even sent CP0 strongmen to guard The fish men island, just to attack Cuomo's ships.

But there was no news of Cuomo for a year, and just when they were about to forget about him, Cuomo appeared in their holy place Mariejois!

"Without them, I believe the future New World will be a little calmer." A Five Elders said calmly stroking his beard.

"hope so."



Several Five Elders sat peacefully on the sofa, or leaned against the window, drinking tea and reading newspapers, quietly waiting for the end of the battle.

However, after a long time, the battle has not ended, which made several people feel a little bad.

"Why hasn't this damned pirate group been dealt with yet?" a Five Elders frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

They have waited long enough, but why can they still hear roaring sound after burst in this highest hall?



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