The battle at the Holy Land of Mariejois did not last long.

A large number of Celestial Dragons died, and countless buildings were destroyed.

This time the Cuomo Pirates of Ten Thousand Realms attacked the holy land of Mariejois, which is destined to cause incalculable losses to the World government.

the other side.

Uchiha Madara vs. Scarred Old Man.

"bang bang bang"

The fists of the two kept clashing, and every time they collided, a large amount of sand and stones could be thrown up.

The aura of the two was at the peak of the sky, like two terrifying beasts colliding.

Uchiha Madara has not been learning Armament Haki for a long time, and it is incomparable with Five Elders' armed colors.

But Uchiha Madara relied on his innate brute force to fight against the scarred old man for a long time.

But after a long time, Uchiha Madara feels a little "three-three-zero" weak, after all, he is not at the peak of the original work.


The scarred old man hit Uchiha Madara hard on the chest with his arm, sending him flying.

"Are you already dead?" The old man with a scar on his head folded his hands behind his back, staring at Uchiha Madara with a look of contempt.

"No?? Hehehe, I can only's just the beginning." Uchiha Madara quickly adjusted his state, and responded with a normal face.

"Just started? You overestimated your own strength, kid. The huge stone ball just now should consume a lot of your energy. How long can you last?"

The scarred old man stared at him expressionlessly and asked.

The power of the Planetary Devastation is indeed powerful, and when Uchiha Madara used the Planetary Devastation, the Five Elders were indeed surprised.

But the old man with the scar can guess that using that terrifying ability must have exhausted Uchiha Madara's physical strength.

Because no matter who it is, releasing a powerful ability will definitely consume a lot of physical strength. This is the eternal law of the world.

"How long will it last? The battle that just started...why do you think I can't do it anymore?" Uchiha Madara asked with some doubts.

"In terms of brute force, you are not my opponent at all. How can you defeat me? No matter how long you fight, you will end up as a failure kid, because the strength between us... There is an insurmountable gap .”

"Are Five Elders so confident?" Uchiha Madara smiled unconsciously.

He really didn't understand, obviously the battle between them had just begun.

How do you understand the meaning of the old man's words... It seems that he has already won the victory?

Who gave him confidence?

"It's not that I'm confident, it's that you...are too weak." The old man with a scar on his head responded indifferently.

"Hahahahaha..." I don't know why, when Uchiha Madara heard this, he couldn't stop laughing.

In the original Hokage ninja world, he has always been a respected ninja, and no one has ever said that he is weak.

Now being ridiculed by an old man for being weak, Uchiha Madara is not angry, but finds it a little funny.

"You don't know yourself, you think you are strong? Huh, you little brat who has never seen the world." The scarred old man sneered.

Uchiha Madara stopped laughing wildly and did not continue to talk to him, only to see a terrifying aura blooming all over his body, rushing towards the scarred old man at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.


The fists of the two collided, as if someone had thrown a meteorite on the spot, making a loud noise.

Several large rift valleys appeared on the ground.

"Has the power become stronger?" The scarred old man felt the power coming from Uchiha Madara's arm and said to himself.

"But this level of strength is still far inferior to mine!" The old man with the scars burst out with blue veins in his arms, and flew directly towards Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara's body reversed rapidly in the air.

The old man with a scar on his head stomped his feet and quickly chased after him.


Uchiha Madara puts his hands together and uses Susanoo's power.

Susanoo, the third power that can only be unlocked by opening the Mangekyō Sharingan, is called the power of God.

Susanoo symbolizes destruction, and everyone in the world says that once you see it with your own eyes, you will inevitably die.

Susanoo has many forms, and the form that Uchiha Madara can master and release is the full body!

The full body of Susanoo is also known as the real "Susanoo" move that can only be used if Mangekyō Sharingan is developed to the limit.

In the original Hokage Ninja, there are not many strong men who can use the full body, and Uchiha Madara is one of them.


Behind Uchiha Madara, a huge blue giant slowly appeared, this blue giant is exactly SusanooO

It has a long nose, two samurai swords on its waist, armor on its arms, and a terrifying look in its eyes.

The full body Susanoo appeared in the Holy Land Mariejois, directly frightened the scarred old man in front of her.

"It's really a scary thing full of danger." A strand of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the old man with a scar on his head, standing where he was, staring at the giant in front of him vigilantly.

He felt a great threat and a lot of pressure from this complete body Susanoo.

He thought Planetary Devastation was already Uchiha Madara's strongest move.

But he didn't expect him to unleash something as destructive as Susanoo.

Uchiha Madara stood inside Susanoo's forehead, folded his hands on his chest, and stared at the old man on the ground indifferently.

Full Body Susanoo is one of Uchiha Madara's strongest abilities in the Hokage ninja original.

The only one who can defeat him using Susanoo is Senju Hashirama, who is more terrifying than him.

"Then let you try the strength of the so-called weak in your mouth?" Uchiha Madara said lightly. .

"Hehehe... How long can you last, brat, with such terrifying power?" the old man sneered.

He admitted that Susanoo's imposing manner was terrifying, and even he felt a little palpitating.

But how long can Uchiha Madara maintain such terrifying power?

1.6 "I can maintain this ability until you fall down." Uchiha Madara replied blankly.

" you think this can scare me?" The old man responded with contempt.

Although he doesn't know what Uchiha Madara's Devil Fruit ability is, he firmly believes that Uchiha Madara can't last long with such a terrifying ability.

"A bluff?" Uchiha Madara sneered, directly manipulated Susanoo, and rushed towards the scarred old man.


Susanoo's fist hit the ground, and the ground suddenly burst open, with several bottomless cracks appearing.

The ground plane with a long radius is like a spider web.

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