People Are Sailing: The Beginning Of The Black Dragon Form

81 Rocks Pirate Vs Ten Thousand Worlds Pirates (Subscription Required)

He has formed his own pirate group, and he has a system that can obtain the abilities of the heavens and the world, and can also summon the crew.

Under this premise, what reason does he have to join other people's pirates?

What's more, now that Cuomo has enough strength to dare to wrestle with Rocks, there is no need to join Rocks Pirate.

"Are you sure you want to refuse Cuomo, join us Rocks Pirate as the deputy captain, the status... just below me, this does not lower your status. Rocks heard Cuomo's refusal, and his face became gloomy continued.

"I have formed my own pirate group, Mr. Rocks." Cuomo said calmly.

"Or, you can choose to become the affiliated pirate group of our Rocks Pirate. You are still the captain of the Ten Thousand Realms Pirates. Similarly, you...are also the deputy captain of the Rocks Pirate. How about it?" Rocks Yijiu was somewhat immortal Heart continued.

To become a subsidiary pirate group of Rocks Pirate, it is not necessary to follow Rocks all the time.

You only need to help Rocks Pirate when it is in danger. When Rocks Pirate searched for treasure in New World, Cuomo also had a share.

In other words, to agree to Rocks' request, he only needs to make it public to the outside world. He surrendered to Rocks, and then Cuomo only needs to lie down and count the money.

Such conditions are indeed somewhat attractive, but... Cuomo has no interest at all.

"I still say that, I choose to refuse." Ke-Moyun said lightly.

He is the captain of the Myriad Realms Pirates, not an affiliated force of any Pirates.

He doesn't want to bend anyone, not even Rocks.

"Cuomo, if you refuse, we... have only one battle, have you thought about it?" Rocks took a deep breath, staring at Cuomo solemnly and said.

Unless Cuomo agrees to join them Rocks Pirate.

Otherwise, no matter what today, their Locke Pirates will inevitably have conflicts with Wan Sihai.

After all, no matter how bad it was, Ochoku on his ship was also killed by Cuomo and others.

If he doesn't express anything, how will he manage this group of vicious pirates on the ship in the future?

"It is inevitable that we will have a war, Rocks, I have been prepared for a long time." Cuomo responded without any fear, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Even before they came to New World, Cuomo knew that conflict with the Rocks Pirate was inevitable.

Since it is inevitable, what is there to be afraid of?

"You are not my match, Cuomo." Rocks sighed helplessly, and said calmly.

"Is it your opponent? It's not up to you, Mr. Rocks."

"It's a pity," Rocks sighed.

He knew that Cuomo, the Pirates of Ten Thousand Realms, would most likely reject his invitation, but he refused decisively.

Next, if you want to continue recruiting Cuomo, there is only one option, and that is to defeat the Ten Thousand Realms Pirates.

Use your own strength to make Cuomo feel intimidated.

Only then will Cuomo realize how terrible he is, and at this time, agree to join them in the Rocks Pirate.

"We could have gotten along well with Cuomo." Rocks pulled out the famous knife from his waist, pointed at Cuomo and said indifferently.

"We have completely different personalities and it's impossible to get along, Rocks." Cuomo responded with a smile and shook his head.

"Then let's start fighting!" Rocks stopped talking nonsense, jumped up and landed on Cuomo's boat.

Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Charlotte Linlin, Silver Ax, John, and other powerful Rocks Pirates also landed on Cuomo's boat one after another.

"Why did you all jump on my boat?" Cuomo looked gloomy as he watched a group of strong men fall on his boat.

Although his ship is made of the Adam Treasure Tree as the raw material, can also withstand the aftermath of the battle of so many powerful people.

"Are you going to start?" Gojo Satoru took off the blindfold, moved his limbs a little, and said a little excitedly.

"Meet... a familiar person."

Unohana Retsu holds the Zanpakutō in her hand and sets her sights on Charlotte Linlin.

Unohana Retsu fought Charlotte Linlin in the Sabaody Archipelago.

However, after a short fight, Charlotte Linlin decided to retreat when she found that she couldn't win.

Now that the two meet again, Unohana Retsu looks calm.

Charlotte Linlin's complexion was a little dignified.

0...seeking flowers...

"Are these all strong men?" Senju Hashirama looked at the many strong men in front of him without any fear.

"It's just some turkey and dog breed, what kind of strong are you?" Uchiha Madara stared at everyone, and finally set his eyes on Silver Ax and said with disdain.

His opponent in the Sabaody Archipelago was none other than Silver Ax, if it weren't for the sudden intervention of the powerful CPO organization.

Otherwise Silver Ax would have died in Sabaody Archipelago by then.

"Don't fight on the boat. If the boat is destroyed, it will be a big loss." Cuomo warned several people around him.

After his words fell, he rushed towards the coast quickly. Seeing this, Uchiha Madara and others also rushed directly to the coast.

"Want to run? Did you manage to run?" A cadre sneered when he saw the backs of Cuomo and others escaping.


He thought it was the Myriad Realms Pirates who were afraid, so he became more daring and chased after the upper layer first.

But Rocks and others knew why Cuomo and others ran.

"Are you afraid that your boat will be destroyed? That's true, it's really a good boat." Rocks glanced at the boat under his feet, and then directly chased after it

"It's troublesome, we still have to clash with the Ten Thousand Realms Pirates." Golden Lion stared at Rocks' back, frowning slightly.

"You really are a coward, Shiki." Hearing his words, a cadre mocked.

"Hehehe..... If you talk too much, I will let you die here right now." Golden Lion sneered and pulled out its fame and power and said in a deep voice.

The Golden Lion is obedient to the outside world, but strikes out with the epee inside.

"Do you...have that strength?" The cadre responded contemptuously.

"You'll know if you try it." Golden Lion smiled ferociously.

The next second he was slashing straight at the officer, and the two clashed on Cuomo's boat.

The reason why Golden Lion doesn't want to fight against the Pirates of Ten Thousand Worlds is because he has fought against Cuomo twice, although he escaped with death both times.

But he doesn't think that every time luck is so good, accidents will inevitably lead to death.

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