Without waiting for Moser to speak, Lanz had already rushed over, he wanted to tear the guy to pieces.

Seeing this, Chuta was shocked, and without any hesitation, he ran away.

But Lanz did not let him go, and chased after him!

After a while, the two ran out of Moser's sight.

At this moment, Genji and the others who had been hiding in the dark couldn't help but smile when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect their plan to work so smoothly.

Next, as long as they sent people out to lead away the rest of the people around Moser, their plan would be successful.

Seeing that Lanz had run far away, the short Serizawa ordered a younger brother beside him:"Tokaji~, you are on top this time"

"Got it."

The young man named Tokaji nodded, and then followed Chuta and walked to a place 100 meters away from Monmoser and the others.

Then he started shouting,"Coward Moser, if you have the guts, don't hide behind others, come and fight me, I can even use one hand to help you-ah!"

Not long after, someone suddenly appeared.���When someone provoked him, Moser immediately thought of the other party's purpose.

These guys should want to lure away all the people around him, and then attack him.

But he was not angry, he just chuckled and shook his head, joking:"The means are really poor, these guys don't seem to be very smart!"

Yaozi beside him frowned, he also saw the other party's purpose, and said speechlessly:"Do these guys think everyone else is a fool? Such a clumsy method, don't you think no one can see it?"

The flying squirrel was also a little speechless about the other party's IQ, but still reminded:"Although it is very clumsy, since the other party dares to do this, they must have a backup plan."

Moser yawned boredly, and said indifferently:"It's rare to encounter such an interesting thing. Since they want to play, then play with them. Anyway, I'm quite free!"

"Got it!"

Yaozi nodded, and then took the initiative to walk towards Tokaji.

No matter whether the other party had any conspiracy, since they insulted their boss Moser, he would definitely not pretend not to hear it.

Similarly, when Tokaji saw someone from the Extreme Evil Corps looking for him, he immediately turned around and ran away like Chuta before!

In the following time, Genji and the others called their younger brothers to go out one by one to taunt and lead away Moser's men.

The poor acting skills really made Moser laugh.

However, he had no intention of stopping it.

And Genji and the others looked at Moser. The people were led away, and they were very excited. They felt that they were getting closer to the target.

At the same time, there were several other teams watching everything happening here.

The Legion was so unbelievable.

Instead , he was led by the people of the valley.

Finally , they could n't sit still when they saw that the Evil Corps had only the light rod commander of Mota.

I said , Whoever defeats Moser will get the reward, but there is no rule against snatching!

So, they also walked in the direction of Moser.

(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) At this time, the three-member team of Suzuran also discovered the emergence of other forces, and suddenly a trace of anxiety appeared on their faces.

It was not easy to lead all the troubles away.

Now they are about to pick the peaches, but someone comes out to snatch the fruits.

How can this be tolerated? At this time, Genji and several others rushed out and shouted to the other group of people at the same time:"Stop, this is a battle between our Suzuran group and the Extreme Army, you are not allowed to interfere!

" Facing Genji's scolding, a thin man with long hair smiled disdainfully and said:"Haha, you don't have the final say here!

" This man is Narumi Daigo.

Like Genji and the others, he united people from several dormitories and formed a group called"Hosen".

Like the purpose of the Suzuran Group, the Hosen Group was also formed to deal with the Extreme Evil Army.

It is composed of people from four dormitories, and there are more people than Suzuran.

In order to not lose to the Seven Warlords of the Sea in momentum, the strongest of their four dormitories also gave themselves a nickname, known as the Four Heavenly Kings of Hosen!

And Narumi Daigo is the strongest of the Four Heavenly Kings, so he is the leader of the Hosen Group.

At this time, they are numerous and powerful, and they are not afraid of the threat of the Suzuran Group.

At this time, a group of people suddenly appeared.

The leader had a playful expression when he appeared, and said with a smile:"Haha, who stipulated that the Extreme Evil must be defeated by you? The announcement issued by Instructor Zefa specifies that anyone can execute it.

Do you want to stop it?


""Damn it, we're in trouble now!"

Seeing that a new group had appeared, Genji felt something was wrong.

Seeing that they showed no sign of backing down, he was determined to snatch it from them.

Genji stood up and said to them in a threatening tone:"Are you going to go against our Suzuran Group?"

"The Suzuran Group? That's ridiculous. You should first understand the current situation!"

Facing Genji's threat, neither Fengxian nor the newly emerged forces had any intention of retreating.

On the contrary, the Suzuran Group had already sent out a lot of people to lure away the extremely evil Seven Warlords of the Sea.

At this time, they only had a dozen people.

However, both Fengxian and the newly emerged group had more than 30 people.

In terms of numbers, the Suzuran Group was obviously at a disadvantage.

This was a difference of twice the number of people. If they really fought, their side would definitely be at a disadvantage. After seeing the situation clearly, Genji knew that he had to think of a way, otherwise, their actions this time would probably be a wedding dress for others.

Dear readers, I beg for flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets!!! Seven!.

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