Seeing this scene, the students who had been mocking him were frightened by the slash that shot up into the sky and destroyed everything. They stood there in shock, dumbfounded.

"Now, you can call out your gym leader."

Hawkeye, sheathing his sword, said indifferently.

Upon hearing Hawkeye's words, the student in training clothes woke up instantly.

He looked at Hawkeye with a look of panic, wanting to say something, but his mouth was trembling and he couldn't speak for a while.

Before the students could react, a middle-aged man in a kimono hurried out of the inner courtyard of the gym.

The middle-aged man who had just walked out had not yet seen the situation on the field clearly, and he shouted loudly to himself:"What happened just now?"

Obviously, he was also startled by the shocking slash.

In response to the middle-aged man's question, no one answered him.

All the students were still silent in the slash that Hawkeye had just made.

One by one, they were staring at the cracks on the roof in a daze, and they hadn't come back to their senses at all.

When the middle-aged man saw that no one responded, he looked up following the students' gaze.

He was surprised to find that the roof had been split into two, and there was an extremely sharp sword intent remaining on it.

The middle-aged man was shocked

"This is......"

Just as he was about to continue asking, he suddenly noticed that in addition to his students, there were three new faces he had never seen before.

The middle-aged man frowned, and finally his eyes stopped on Hawkeye, and then he asked in a deep voice:"Who are you? Did you do this slash above?"

"I am Mihawk, and I come to challenge the Swordsman of the Wind."

Hawkeye did not answer the middle-aged man's question, but looked at him with sharp eyes and told him the purpose of his trip.

He had seen that the middle-aged man in front of him was exactly the target of his trip, the Swordsman of the Wind....Torso!

Hearing Hawkeye's words and sensing his fighting spirit,

Torso immediately understood that this guy was here to challenge him.

And that slash was just a show of strength from this guy!

"Mihawk? This name is familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere....."

Torso frowned, thought secretly, and soon remembered some rumors.

His expression changed, and he subconsciously exclaimed:"You are the swordsman who has become famous in recent years, Hawkeye... Mihawk?"


Hawkeye said concisely.

Hearing Hawkeye's admission, Torso's expression was a little solemn, and he said in a deep voice:"I have heard about your deeds. You have been challenging kendo masters everywhere.

Many well-known swordsmen have been defeated by you. Is my target this time?"

At this time, the students heard the words of the owner, and their faces were instantly surprised.

As swordsmen, they had heard about Hawkeye's deeds before.

It is said that he is a kendo genius. Since his debut, he has challenged masters everywhere and has never lost.

Even many well-known swordsmen have been defeated by his sword.

Unexpectedly, he came to their owner today, and they couldn't help but worry.

Although their director is also very strong, Hawkeye is not an ordinary person either.

He has never lost since his debut!

""Okay, I accept your challenge."

Knowing that Hawkeye was indeed here to challenge him, Torso agreed without hesitation.

Facing the swordsman's challenge, Torso naturally could not refuse.

After all, in front of all the disciples, others came to challenge the gym. As their master and gym owner, if he avoided the fight, his reputation would plummet and he would become a laughing stock. How could he teach his disciples in the future?

"But the place here is too small to show your skills. Come with me."

After accepting the challenge, Torso said a few words, then took his sword and left the dojo. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hawkeye followed Torso silently without saying a word.

Moser and Gion naturally did not want to miss this exciting duel.

Not to mention the students of the dojo, the duelist was their master, so they all followed.

Soon (chfh), Torso took Hawkeye out of the town and came to a deserted forest.

At this time, the two sides stood in an open space, and their eyes met.[]

In an instant, two sword energies burst out from the two men.

A war was about to break out!!

"Boy, it is rare for you to have such a high level of swordsmanship at your age......."

Torso looked at Hawkeye and praised him generously.

Then he immediately changed the subject and said with some regret:"Young people are too arrogant. They think they are invincible just because they are famous.

If you challenge me again in a few years, there may be a chance. Now is the time to challenge me.......It is really unwise."

Hawkeye said nothing, holding the saber tightly in his hand, staring at his opponent with sharp eyes.

Seeing that Hawkeye did not respond, Torso knew that provoking with words would not affect this man.

His expression changed, and then he didn't want to say any more nonsense. A white light flashed, and the saber in his hand was unsheathed.

Hawkeye also drew out the sword, ready to go.

Facing this extreme sword intent, Hawkeye had no expression on his face, and there was no fear in his eyes.

Holding the sword tightly in his right hand, carrying a powerful force, Hawkeye attacked Torso at a very fast speed.

Facing this sharp sword, Torso's face did not show any panic. He held the saber tightly in his hand and suddenly stepped forward to slash.


The sound of the two swords colliding rang out instantly, and a strong wind blew up, and waves of air emanated from all around.

The students who were watching from a distance were unable to open their eyes because of the strong wind.

Feeling the power coming from his beloved sword, Torso was a little surprised.

And Hawkeye didn't say anything nonsense, and the sword intent on his body burst out.

Hawkeye's momentum made Torso's expression a little solemn.

In an instant, the sound of golden swords and iron horses continued to ring.

The two sabers wrapped in armed color domineering were constantly colliding, and waves of sword energy were like tornadoes, sweeping in all directions.

Fortunately, the space here is very large, otherwise the aftermath of the battle between the two people alone would be enough to destroy the previous gym.

Gion on the side watched this scene with admiration on his face, wondering when he would be able to reach the realm of this great swordsman.

"Moser, who do you think will win between these two?"

Gion asked Moser curiously.

"It must be Mihawk, that guy will never lose!"

Hearing Moser's affirmative answer, Gion was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously:"Why? Are you so optimistic about Mihawk?"

Moser smiled and did not answer Gion's question, but he said silently in his heart:"Of course, that guy is the future world's number one swordsman!"

Seeing that Moser did not speak, Gion did not ask any more questions, and watched the battle on the field with full concentration.

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