But it was obvious that Kong was overthinking.

Seeing Kong's puzzled look, Zephyr wondered whether he should tell him about his fight with Moser.

After all, the result of that battle was not something worth boasting about.

He was a little hesitant, but he finally said slowly:"I fought with Moser before, and I didn't hold back.

But after a fight, that bastard was able to tie with me."

When Zephyr said this, his expression was a little weird, and he felt a little ashamed.

After all, in that battle, Moser only used 60% of his strength, but he was still suppressed.

He was still reluctant to mention this kind of thing.

If Kong knew that he couldn't beat Garp's son even with his full strength, how embarrassing it would be.

There was no other way, so he could only tell the truth.

But he was still a little conservative, after all, he also wanted to save face!

"You said you fought Moser to a draw, Ze���Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Kong Kong looked incredulous.

"Well, that little guy's strength is already at the level of a general."

Zeffa said this very seriously.

Seeing Zefa's serious look, Kong had to believe it, because he knew Zefa's character, and Zefa was definitely not the kind of person who shot without a purpose!

It was precisely because he believed in Zefa that he was shocked.

It was as if a huge wave was rolling in his heart.

After all, how old is Moser now, less than 20 years old, and he can actually tie with Zefa.

You know, Zefa is still almost in his prime.

Being able to tie with Zefa shows that Moser undoubtedly has the combat power of a general.

At this age, possessing such combat power, even with Kong's knowledge, can't help but feel shocked. In addition to being surprised, Steel Bone Kong was still a little worried, after all, strength is strength, and combat experience is combat experience.

If Zefa is right, then Moser has the strength of a general, even if Zefa said a little exaggerated, it shouldn't be much different.

He never wants Moser to have an accident, after all, a man who is less than twenty years old has... The strength is comparable to that of an admiral.

His future achievements are definitely limitless, and he will definitely become the backbone of the navy!

Just like Garp, he is equivalent to the navy's stabilizing force!

In the end, he decided to let Kizaru protect Moser personally.

There are two purposes for doing this.

First, to ensure Moser's safety, and never let him have any accidents!

Second, let Kizaru confirm with his own eyes whether Moser really has the strength comparable to that of an admiral.

Seeing that Kong Ganggu is still calling Kizaru.

Zefa knew Kong Ganggu's plan and wanted to say something, but finally shook his head and did not stop him.

In the end, Zefa still did not say that Moser only used 60% of his strength.

If Kong Ganggu knew this, his expression would probably be even more exciting!

On the other side, after Moser took Lanz and others out of the marshal's office, he left the navy headquarters directly.

Not long after stepping out of the headquarters, the flying squirrel couldn't help but asked worriedly:"Boss, are we really going to attack that world destroyer? From these materials, it seems that this guy is not easy to mess with."

Doberman on the side echoed,"The bounty on Ward is 200 million Baileys. The information says that the navy once sent out five warships to round up the Ward Pirates, but failed.

This is a powerful pirate, not the small pirates we dealt with in school."

Seeing that the two guys were a little scared, Lanz looked disdainful. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Before Moser could speak, he scolded,"What are you two panicking about? Who cares if he is a big pirate or a small pirate? It's his bad luck that he ran into us."


The flying squirrel was still a little hesitant and was about to say something, but was slapped on the back of the head by Yaozi. Yaozi directly scolded,"But what? Don't forget that you are a Shichibukai. How can you get along with the boss if you are so timid?"

The flying squirrel scratched his head and saw that Yaozi and Lanzi were not worried at all.[]

I couldn't help but think of the terrifying strength of these people, and my worries were relieved a lot.

As for the Spider Demon, they knew that they didn't have much say, and it was up to Moser to go or not, so they didn't say anything more.

Along the way, Moser didn't say anything. He always looked indifferent.

After all, Walder, a world destroyer, was just so-so, not worthy of being taken seriously by him.

If it was Whitebeard, maybe he could cheer him up a little.

Soon Moser and others returned to the Naval Academy, went to the cafeteria to have a meal, and then returned to the dormitory to rest.

The next day, Moser led Lanz and others to the port of the Navy Headquarters early in the morning.

There, there was a warship arranged for them by Steel Bone Sora.

As soon as they arrived at the port, they found a beautiful figure standing at the port, as if she had been waiting silently for a long time.

Moser took a look and found that it was Gion.......

Feeling pleasantly surprised, she could not help but walk over quickly.

The Shichibukai under her also hurriedly followed, and then all bowed their heads and shouted to Gion:"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Hearing such a title, Gion inevitably blushed.

But she seemed to have gotten used to it, and did not even refute it, as if she had acquiesced.

Ever since the day when Moser saved Gion from the hands of the violent bear, Gion had some special feelings for Moser.

After that, the two of them had been together for so long, and she had long been accustomed to the presence of Moser.

And Lanz and others under Moser, under Moser's hint, began to call Gion"sister-in-law" very well! Gion refused to call this title at first, and would scold them in shame and anger every time, asking them not to shout it.

But Lanz and others didn't care, even if they were scolded every time, they still didn't change their words.

Over time, Gion was too lazy to argue anymore, and even got used to the name of Lanz and others.

Dear readers, I beg for flowers, monthly tickets and evaluation tickets!!! Nine!.: Vô danh đạo tôn

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