Three days later, the sun was shining brightly, the sea breeze was blowing gently, and a warship was sailing slowly on the surface of the North Sea.

"Do you think that Walder is really in this place?

We have been around the nearby sea for several rounds, but we can't find him.

Yaozi asked the others impatiently.

"The intelligence provided by the Navy Headquarters should not be wrong. Wald is likely to be nearby."

The flying squirrel on the side answered Yaozi's question casually while looking at the intelligence in his hand.

"Intelligence, intelligence, stop studying those waste papers in your hand all day long. I think old man Kong doesn’t want our boss to complete the task at all, so all he gave us is a bunch of useless intelligence!"

Yaozi complained impatiently.

Hearing Yaozi's complaint, the flying squirrel said with certainty:"Impossible, Marshal Kong will never fool us!"

"Tsk! So, how come we haven't found any trace of the Ward Pirates in such a long time?"


The flying squirrel was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

The discussion of the crowd did not affect Moser at all, because at this moment he was standing beside the warship with Gion.

The two of them were very affectionate and happy, and naturally they were not as irritable as other people.

Since that day when Gion expressed his feelings at all costs.

The relationship between the two quickly heated up, and they have been together for the past few days, which made the Shichibukai feed them a lot of dog food.

""Stop arguing, look, what is that?"

While everyone was discussing, Doberman suddenly shouted loudly, pointing to an unknown island in the north.

Everyone looked over and saw a huge pirate ship docked on the shore of the island.

Yaozi snatched the information from the flying squirrel, and then compared the pirate ship.

His face suddenly showed joy, and he shouted to everyone:"Yes, that's it, that's the pirate ship of the Ward Pirates, we finally found it!"

Then he ran to Moser and reported to him.

Moser, who was originally improving his relationship with Gion, was suddenly interrupted by Yaozi.

He was about to get angry, but after hearing what Yaozi said, he finally didn't scold Yaozi.

After confirming that it was the Ward Pirates, he ordered Yaozi:"Notify Lanz and Huoshaoshan, go full speed and move the ship over."

Mother didn't hesitate and directly ordered to move closer. After all, in the face of absolute strength, what strategy is needed?

As for Yaozi, they were rubbing their hands and eager to try.

Obviously, the sea voyage in the past few days has made these restless guys impatient.

Now that they have finally found the target, they can't wait to make a big fuss!

At the same time, the Ward Pirates on the shore of the island also discovered the warship.

"Captain, it seems to be a navy ship, it is approaching us!"

A pirate minion ran to Wald in a panic and reported anxiously

"What did you say? Only one warship? Who does this navy look down on? Just one warship dares to provoke me, it's really courting death!"

Wald's face was not panicked at all, and he looked at the approaching navy warship with an arrogant face.

"Guys, sink that warship for me!"

"Got it."

With Walder's order, dozens of pirates from the Ward Pirates began to load their ammunition.

"Boom boom."

In an instant, several artillery batteries fired continuously, and more than a dozen bombs bombarded Moser and his men.

"Boss, the enemy is attacking!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Faced with such intensive bombardment, Flying Squirrel couldn't help but give a warning.

However, Moser still held Gion in his arms, without a trace of panic, and shouted to Yaozi beside him:


Yaozi understood and walked to the front

"Ice barrier!"[]

Yaozi waved his right hand, and in an instant, a tens-meter-high ice barrier rose from the sea, forming an indestructible barrier.


All the shells hit the ice barrier and were intercepted.

The sound of explosions and the sound of ice breaking was endless.

After all the shells were blocked, the ice barrier in front of the warship melted and fell to the bottom of the sea.

The warship continued to maintain a very fast speed and approached the ship of the Ward Pirates.

When Wald saw that the navy had solved the bombardment so easily, he murmured with a look of surprise:"The ability of ice.......Could it be that kid with the Frozen Fruit?"

But soon, Wald shouted more angrily:"Even if that kid comes, so what? I will blow up your warship. Let's see how you survive on the sea. Keep attacking and blow that warship into pieces!"

Faced with the boss's order, the younger brothers did not dare to hesitate and continued to load ammunition on the turret.

At the moment the shell was fired, Wald also used the power of the Momo Fruit.

Originally an ordinary shell, with the blessing of the Momo Fruit, 750 instantly turned into a super shell.

Carrying terrifying power, it bombarded Yaozi and the others.

"This is......The power of the Momo Fruit!"

Faced with such a huge shell, everyone on the warship was a little surprised.

However, Yaozi remained calm, and a burst of icy air burst out of his body.

Then his hands turned into wings, turning into a pair of crystal clear wings, and jumped up!

"Extremely Frosty!!"

Yaozi was seen waving his wings in mid-air, sending out a cold wind, whistling towards the giant shell.

The moment the cold wind touched the shell, the huge shell was freezing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, it turned into a huge block of ice.

With a"plop", it fell on the sea, raising a wave of sea flowers tens of meters high.

Seeing this scene, Wald was shocked. Dear readers, I beg for flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets!!!

: Vô danh đạo tôn

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