Watching Borsalino disappear into the horizon, Moser was too lazy to stay in this place any longer.

"Let's go, everyone, return to the Navy Headquarters."

Moser ordered the navy soldiers to return to the direction of the Navy Headquarters.

As for Wald, who was still unconscious, and his pirates, they were already imprisoned under the cabin.


Along the way, with the sea breeze blowing gently, Gion's beautiful eyes kept looking at Moser.

Noticing Gion's gaze, Moser smiled slightly and looked at her,"What's wrong, dear, do you really want to praise me?"

"Humph, who wants to praise you?"

Gion directly denied it, but then couldn't help asking,"Moser, how come you are so strong? You actually killed the world destroyer Wald in seconds.

I heard from my sister that even the vice admiral of the Navy's"870" headquarters is not his opponent."

"So what? Just a world destroyer. What you see now of my strength is only the tip of the iceberg. Even Instructor Zefa was defeated by me."

Mose looked at Gion with a smile. Men like to show themselves in front of their beloved women, and Mose is no exception.

"Haha, I don't believe it. You said you are stronger than a vice admiral, I believe it.

Instructor Zefa is a general, how can you be stronger than him?"

Gion looked unconvinced.

"Really? You don't believe that your man is so strong, otherwise we can find a place where no one is around to have a deep discussion and let you know."

Moser walked towards Gion with a smile on his face.

"What in-depth communication."

At first, Gion didn't understand what he meant.

However, after a few seconds, she immediately understood and said shyly:"Hate, you are joking like this, I don't want to be with you anymore."

""Okay, I know I was wrong, and I will never make such jokes again."

Although Moser said this, his hand was already naturally placed on Gion's waist.

Her face turned red with shame, but Gion did not choose to push Moser away. Instead, she showed a happy look. In her heart, she had already accepted Moser.

Jill and others behind watched this scene quietly, with some twitching at the corners of their mouths. Facing the affection between the two, their hearts as single dogs suffered a 10,000-point critical hit.


One day later, under the blazing sun, Borsalino had returned to the Navy Headquarters. As soon as he came back, he went to the Marshal's office to report the situation.

"How's it going? Did that little guy get rid of Walder?"

Before Borsalino could speak, Ganggukong asked directly

"This is solved, but......"

Borsalino paused there for a moment.

"But what, is there any accident?"

Gonggu Kong was very confused and thought there was an accident.

"There were no accidents, but Moser was so strong that he easily killed Walder.…………"

As Borsalino continued to describe, the more surprised Sora's face became.

He never thought that Moser's strength was really that strong?

After less than ten rounds of fighting, he easily killed Walder in seconds. You know, this guy is stronger than an ordinary vice admiral.

At first, he thought that Zefa exaggerated Moser's strength too much. After all, this little guy seemed to be less than 20 years old now.

How could he have the strength of an admiral? Now it seems that this guy is really so terrifying.

Even Sora has never seen the combat power of an admiral under the age of 20.

Looking at Sora's shocked expression, Kizaru continued:"Not only is the little guy Moser so powerful that he is like a monster, but one of his younger brothers is also the owner of the Thunder Fruit. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Moreover, his degree of development of the Thunder Fruit and his own physical skills are very powerful. Even I can't get rid of him in a short time."

"What did you say? The owner of the Thunder Fruit, who can compete with you for a short time, are you sure you didn't let him win?"

Gang Gukong was extremely surprised and asked loudly.

"No, if I go all out, I should be able to take him down.

But it is unlikely to happen in a short period of time. His strength should not reach that of a general, but he is stronger than a lieutenant general of our headquarters."[]

Kizaru still spoke in a positive tone.

Upon hearing this, even Kong Kong was so shocked that he stood there..........

But then a smile appeared on his face. After all, such powerful monsters belong to their navy.

Needless to say, Moser is a general-level warrior. And that Gil, the last time I saw him, he was only in his early 20s. He is also the owner of the Thunder Fruit.

If he is trained well, in a few years, he will be another general-level warrior.

Thinking of this, Kong Gang's old face laughed.

Seeing Kong Gang like this, Borsalino was very confused. He was obviously shocked just now, why is he laughing now?

If Kong Gang knew that among Moser's subordinates, not only Gil has such strong strength, but also Yaozi and Lanz also have such strength, I wonder what his expression would be.


Three days later, the weather was fine and Moser and his men returned to the Navy Headquarters.

Along the way, Wald kept shouting and cursing, but every time he cursed, Gil and his men not only punched and kicked him, but also stuffed smelly socks into his mouth and poured foot washing water directly into his mouth.

In just three days, Wald became a trance. The physical and mental torture made him miserable during these three days.

Now that he had arrived at the Navy Headquarters, Wald thought that he was finally going to escape from the sea of suffering, and he stood stupidly on the deck, looking like he was about to cry.��

""Go quickly."

Jill behind him kicked him hard.

Wald was angry. As a great pirate, he still had some backbone. He turned around, but when he saw Jill's evil smile, his anger disappeared immediately. He didn't want to be tortured again.

"How come you came back so soon?"

Mother looked at Gion with a reluctant look. During these three days, Moser had Gion by his side all the time, and he was very happy.

As he said that, Moser held Gion's hand and held it tighter. Gion also lowered his head shyly.

Soon, the navy soldiers at the port detained Wald and others in the navy headquarters.

As for Moser and others, they also walked towards the direction of the marshal's office. After all, he would not forget that

Ganggukong promised him that after completing the mission, he would let him lead a warship alone.

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