There was a dark patch on Moser's right arm. He bent his legs and flew up into the air. His fist was like a meteor, rushing straight up with an extremely terrifying force.


The two collided like two giant dragons. In an instant, the sound of an explosion rang out, and the atmosphere roared, and the sky was cloudless.

The next second, Charlotte Lingling's figure fell down like a cannonball.

"boom...Boom..."The earth shook, and countless cracks spread.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew, smoke rose, and a pit several thousand meters deep appeared on the island, and the entire surface of the island collapsed.

Returning to the ground, with a calm expression, Moser stared at the deep pit.

In the fierce fight just now, Charlotte Lingling was at an absolute disadvantage, and this was the result of Moser not using his full strength.


On the BIGMOM pirate ship

"I told you, what about the Four Emperors? How could they possibly beat our boss?" Huoshaoshan, who had just finished dealing with his opponent, said shamelessly.

"Hehe, we all believed in the boss just now, but you said that the boss might not be a match for Charlotte Lingling. Ghost Spider mercilessly exposed him.

"Really? Did I say that?"Huoshaoshan didn't recognize him at all.

The mole who was fighting with the pirates on the side also rolled his eyes.

Cracker and Smoothie who were fighting fiercely on the other side of the island saw Charlotte Linling being beaten and fell to the ground, and they couldn't help but look over there.

They were all horrified. They could never have imagined that their mother would actually lose one day, and lose to a young man who looked less than 20 years old.

However, Cracker and the others didn't have time to think about it. After all, they were at an absolute disadvantage now, and their bodies were covered with scars.

Soon, the attacks of Jill and the others came with the sound of breaking through the air.

The huge long sword blocked in front of him, and Cracker's figure flew out.

"What do you mean the three generals are a joke? They are so weak in fighting?"Jill had no intention of letting him go. He chased after him with thunder covering his body. Smoothie, who was standing by, saw this and wanted to help, but before she could move, a cold ice spear came straight at her.

She could only quickly swing her sword and chop it out to block the attack. Yaozi's attack came like a storm.

Smoothie and Cracker were now covered with scars and their physical strength was greatly consumed. It can be said that defeat was a matter of time.

Forcing himself to stabilize his body, Karas, with great strength, also went up to meet him.


The smoke dissipated, revealing an extremely hideous face.

Charlotte Lingling, who was lying on the deep pit at this moment, felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Especially below her chest, there was a wound so deep that the bone could be seen, which was particularly scary.

Charlotte Lingling slowly stood up,"Hu...Hu." The heavy breathing sound showed how much physical strength she had consumed at the moment.

She looked extremely solemn, looking at Moser in front of her. She had never seen such a strong person. Even her former captain Rocks or Whitebeard were not as strong as the little guy in front of her.

Looking at Charlotte Lingling's seriously injured appearance, Moser had a casual look on his face. Up to now, it can be said that he has not used his full strength in the battle.

"Boy, you are indeed very strong, but I am one of the Four Emperors. If you want to defeat me, then come and try."

"Ah!" Charlotte Lingling roared, and in an instant, a powerful aura came out from the deep pit.

"Emperor Sword Broken Blade.~"

Charlotte Lingling held the Napoleon tightly in both hands, which contained blazing flames, and was surrounded by the domineering aura of the king. All her strength was concentrated on it.

With a big step, the ground was shaking. Charlotte Lingling slashed towards Moser, as if she wanted to destroy everything in the world.

"Interesting." Facing Charlotte Lingling's all-out sword attack, Moser finally showed a trace of seriousness on his face.

"Armed. Meteor Fist."

Mother's veins popped up like a dragon, his blood rushed to the sky, his strength was concentrated on his fist, and the ultimate armed color was covered with domineering aura, as if the punch was going to smash the mountains and rivers, carrying the sound of breaking wind, and blasted out directly

""Boom boom." The two collided like flowing light, the ultimate Emperor Sword, carrying the power to destroy everything, collided with the terrifying meteor fist light.

"Ah." Charlotte Lingling roared, flames on her body kept flaring, like a prehistoric beast, resisting the blood-colored fist light, and in a short time, they were evenly matched.

On the ground, the earth cracked, dust rose, and explosions continued. On one side was the blood-colored Wang Yang, and on the other side was the boundless domineering.

After less than a few seconds, the terrifying blood-colored Wang Yang, as if to completely drown the boundless domineering, rushed towards Charlotte Lingling. For a moment, the navy and the pirates all stopped attacking at the same time, watching who would win and who would lose, except for Jill and Cracker who were fighting fiercely.

"Do you think the boss can really defeat the Four Emperors?" Huoshaoshan asked the mole and others beside him.

"What do you think? The Four Emperors were suppressed by our boss from the beginning to the end. Our boss will definitely win this battle."Spirit Spider said with great certainty.

On the other side, Gil and Cracker were fighting fiercely, and the battle was also coming to an end.

The strength of the two sides was not at the same level. If it was Charlotte Katakuri, she could still fight with Gil and Yaozi, but Cracker and Smoothie were still a little worse.


In the center of the battlefield, Charlotte Lingling was covered with wounds all over her body. Her physical strength and injuries had reached their limits. Her boundless domineering aura continued to burst out, and her whole body's strength burst out in an instant.

But she was unable to stop the blood-red fist that destroyed everything.

"Ah!" Accompanied by a thunderous roar, Charlotte Lingling completely broke through her limit, and her ultimate sword intent became even more violent.

""Boom boom." In an instant, a sword with all the strength of Charlotte Lingling simply pressed down Moser's fist, making it impossible for him to move forward.

"It's interesting, but you still lost in the end."Moser was also a little surprised when he saw Charlotte Lingling's strength increased.

But so what?

In an instant, the bloody Wang Yang behind Moser expanded again, and his fist forcibly pushed the big sword upwards. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How is it possible?"Charlotte Lingling was full of disbelief.

""Puff!" A mouthful of blood spurted out of her throat, and Charlotte Lingling's body flew backwards like a hill.

She crashed into countless trees and hilltops, and stopped only a few thousand meters away, falling among the countless rocks. In an instant, dust rose up, and everyone's eyes were looking at the place where Charlotte Lingling fell.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, as the dust dissipated, Charlotte Lingling was half-kneeling, with a big sword stuck in the ground, and blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth.

Her body was covered with hideous wounds, and she looked seriously injured.

"Oh, she has such a strong vitality, how can she hold on like this?" Moser looked at Charlotte Lingling half-kneeling in the gravel with some surprise.

""Hu...Hu." Charlotte Lingling gasped heavily and looked at Moser with a very solemn expression. She felt the serious injuries on her body, and then looked at this guy, who looked unharmed.

Charlotte Lingling knew that if she continued to fight, she would definitely die.

Trembling, Charlotte Lingling slowly stood up, and then stood on the thundercloud Zeus, as if she was going to continue to fight.

Moser still looked calm and looked at her.

Charlotte Lingling rushed towards Moser, just when everyone thought the battle was not over.

Suddenly, Charlotte Lingling turned around and rushed towards Cracker and the others.

Just when everyone was confused, Charlotte Lingling used up her last strength to chop out two sword energies, slashing at Jill and Yaozi respectively.

In an instant, Jill and the others stopped attacking and blocked them.[]

""Go!" Then, Charlotte Linlin shouted, and Cracker and Smoothie immediately understood what she meant. They took the seriously injured and unconscious Katakuri and jumped onto the thundercloud.

Then they flew towards the horizon. Facing Charlotte Linlin's escape, Moser had no intention of stopping her. Eliminating the Four Emperors would not benefit him at all.

He just wanted to fight today.

Jill and Yaozi saw that Moser did not choose to chase, so they naturally would not chase after her.

"Boy, tell me your name, I will definitely seek revenge on you." Charlotte Lingling, who was already flying in the sky, suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of Moser.

"remember���My name is Monkie.D.Moser, my father is Karp, if you dare, go and cause trouble for my father!" Moser said arrogantly.

"Good boy, I will remember you, and Garp is your father, right?

I will definitely settle accounts with you and your son." Charlotte Linling left a vicious sentence, and then disappeared into the sky with Cracker and the other two who were seriously injured behind her.

At the same time, Garp, who was on a mission in the New World, yawned,"Ah." He thought to himself, who is thinking about me.

As for Moser at this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He had just successfully made Charlotte Linling hate Garp, and the system rewarded him with a lot of cheating points.

As for the pirates of the BIGMOM Pirates who were still fighting fiercely, they gave up struggling at this moment when they saw Big Mom running away.

The pirates had despair on their faces. They could never have imagined that a young man who looked less than 20 years old could really defeat the Four Emperors.

The navy soldiers were even more unbelievable. They didn't expect that their own colonel actually defeated the Four Emperors, and made one of the Four Emperors abandon his pirate ship and flee in a hurry.

"I swear, the colonel will be my idol from now on." said a navy soldier with a crew cut.

"Come on! Who said just now that our commander is a second-generation official who is just waiting to die and challenging the Four Emperors is overestimating his own abilities? I remember you said that!"A navy soldier next to him mercilessly exposed him.

"Ah, who said that? Anyway, it wasn't me who said that. The colonel is my idol, how could I say such a thing?"The navy soldier refused to admit it.

At this moment, in the eyes of these navy soldiers, Moser was like a god. They never thought that one day they would be able to drive away an imperial group.

Dager and others who had been hiding in the distance, when they saw that Moser really drove away the Four Emperors Big Mom, and beat her so hard that she didn't even dare to take the pirate ship.

At this moment, their feelings can no longer be described in words.

"Lieutenant General, what are we going to do next?" (Li Qianzhao) Ghazali couldn't help but ask this question

"Well..., let's report the battle situation to Marshal Kong first." Dager picked up the Den Den Mushi and dialed.

In the office of the Navy Marshal, Steel Bone Kong was very excited at the moment,"Bulu... Bulu." Suddenly, the voice of the Den Den Mushi sounded.

After picking up the Den Den Mushi, he

"Marshal, the battle is over. Moser and his crew defeated the BIGMOM Pirates. Charlotte Linlin escaped with the three generals. The rest of the pirates, including the BIGMOM Pirates, were captured by Moser and his crew."On the other side, Dager's voice came.

"Beat Charlotte Linlin away?"Although Kong had guessed that Moser might be able to defeat Charlotte Linlin, he was still surprised when he heard the exact news, but also a little regretful that he did not catch Charlotte Linlin.

Forget it, anyway, this little guy Moser has the strength of the emperor level. In Kong's eyes, he was already thinking about how to arrange Moser.

Should he publicize his strength and push him to be the next hero of the navy?

Or should he treat him as a secret weapon of the navy and hide it.

For a moment, Kong Steel couldn't make up his mind. He decided to wait for Garp to come back and call the little guy over to see what Moser thought.

An emperor-level combat force under the age of 20 still belongs to their navy. At this moment, Kong Steel has a vision of the future of their navy.

If he knew that Moser's strength was far more than the emperor level, I wonder what his expression would be?


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