The smoke completely dissipated, and everyone finally saw the situation inside.

Olya saw Sakaski half-kneeling on the ground covered in blood, and rushed forward to help him up.

"No, I can stand up by myself." Sakaski pushed it away violently, then trembled and slowly stood up.

"I lost this time. Olya, leave the protection fee and let's go." Sakaski looked at Moser with unwilling eyes.

But he knew that he lost, and lost miserably.

"Lieutenant General, we."Olia and the others wanted to say something - what

"I said to leave the protection fee, don't you understand?"Sakaski glanced at them with a dignified look.

Olya and his men didn't dare to say any more nonsense. They took down a large bag of berries from the boat.

"Can we go now?" Sakaski stared at Moser.

Moser still had a casual expression and slowly said,"Wait a minute, don't be so anxious.

If you paid protection fee at the beginning, it would be 10 million berries. Now? It's more than that price.

Ghost Spider told him how much they need to pay?"

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, you just caused extensive damage to our branch's port, and you injured one of our officers.

In addition to wasting our time, there are also mental damage compensation, tea fees, and other fees, which add up to 1 billion Baileys. Ghost Spider looked like a profiteer, looking at Sakaski and the others.

"Don't go too far."Olia stared at Moser and others angrily.

"Oh, you don't want to hand it in? That's fine, then you can stay here!

When you want to hand it in, I'll let you go."Moser looked at them with a smile on his face.

""Hand in hand!" Sakaski clenched his fists at this moment. He had never felt so humiliated since he was a child.

But now, he was not as skilled as others, and he had no choice.

"You wait for me, I will report you to Marshal Kong Yun."Olia was so angry that he gnashed his teeth, but he had to obey Sakaski's order.

He also knew that he could not be a match for Moser and his men, so he could only order his men to take out the money.

"Haha, whatever you want." Lanz looked at them with disdain.

Half an hour later, a large pile of Baileys and gold and silver treasures were placed on the dilapidated port.

Mole and his men walked up to take stock. After a few minutes, Mole turned around and said,"Boss, we only have 900 million Baileys here, and we still need 100 million."

"Don't go too far. We have taken out all the property on the warship. There is nothing left."Olia looked at them fiercely.

"I'm really sorry, I don't have many good qualities, but I keep my word.

If I say 10 billion berries, it means 10 billion berries, not a cent less. If you really can't make it up, then I can't help you."Mother looked at them with a smile on his face.

"You."Olia was so angry that he wanted to rush forward and fight with Moser.

At this time, the seriously injured Sakaski stretched out his hand to stop him, staring at Moser in front of him with fierce eyes, and said word by word:"Boy, you remember this, everyone gather together." He really did the cruelest things and said the most cowardly words.

Facing the threat, Moser's expression was still full of disdain.

After a few minutes, the sailors on Sakaski's warship, including himself, took out all their money, and finally gathered enough 10 billion Baileys.

"Boy, can we go now?" Olya looked directly at Moser.

"Of course, we are all navy after all. Even if you don't pay the protection fee, we will definitely let you go.

But if you insist on paying the protection fee and helping us repair the port, we naturally can't refuse."Moser said this shamelessly

"You, you."Olia was so angry that he almost spurted blood from his throat. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Sakaski clenched his fists so tightly that his nails almost dug into his flesh. He had never been so humiliated in his life.

Sakaski and Moser had a grudge against each other.

At this moment, he was thinking about how to take revenge. When he got on the warship, his eyes never left Moser.

Seeing Sakaski's look as if he wanted to eat him, Moser looked indifferent and even gave him a big smile.

""Puff." Seeing Moser's mocking smile, Sakaski, who was already seriously injured, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fainted on the ground.

""Lieutenant General, Lieutenant General, hurry up, medic..." Olya hurriedly asked the medic to help Sakaski down.

Seeing that Sakaski was fainted by Moser, the navy soldiers behind him had been trying to hold back their laughter and almost burst into laughter.

Looking at the gold and silver treasures in the port, they suddenly admired Moser. They didn't expect Sakaski to really pay protection fees.

But they heard that Sakaski had been selected as a general, and such a person still had to pay protection fees in front of his superiors.

Especially those navy soldiers who had always mistakenly believed that Moser relied on his three younger brothers to be so powerful, they suddenly felt ashamed and wanted to slap themselves in the face.

"Colonel Moser, Colonel Moser………"Someone shouted loudly, and the others also started to shout.

At this moment, everyone in the Navy branch, except Dager and Jill, was very happy.

Dager's depressed face was because he had completely lost his prestige in the entire Navy branch.

As for Jill, he felt ashamed. He had disappointed the boss and failed to defeat Sakaski. The boss had to do it himself.

Moser seemed to see through Jill's thoughts. He walked over slowly, with a serious expression, looking straight at him and said:"Jill, do you know? Failure is not terrible. No one is always undefeated.

The most terrible thing is that some people fail, and they will always be trapped in that failure, instead of thinking about how to defeat the enemy. This is the most terrible thing."

"Got it, boss.

Don't worry, I will definitely defeat Sakaski next time." Hearing Moser's encouragement, Jill's eyes were full of determination.

"That's right, he's just a Sakaski, he just relies on his age, Jill, you will definitely beat him next time."Yaozi also encouraged him.

"That's right, that's right, if it doesn't work, we'll go beat him up together next time." Ghost Spider said.

Seeing everyone encouraging him, Gil was immediately moved.

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