In an instant, everything lost its color, the earth cracked, and there was no cloud in the sky.

The aftermath of the boundless explosion formed a powerful air wave, like an 18-level tornado, constantly destroying everything around.

Everything seemed to be annihilated.

""Hoo...Hoo." Panting heavily, Lanz and the other two stood in midair, gasping for breath.

On the other hand, the Golden Lion on the other side was not as relaxed as before. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead. After fighting for so long, his physical strength was greatly consumed.

However, even though he was no longer at his peak, he still suppressed Lanz and the other two. This was the legend on the sea, the terrifying power of the Golden Lion.

In the eyes of the navy soldiers below, the four people's attacks were like miracles.

Of course, in their hearts, they still put the defeat of the Golden Lion on Moser.

Although they had also witnessed the terrifying power of Yaozi and the other two, that was the Golden Lion! The real emperor, in their eyes, only Moser who defeated Big Mom was at the same level as the Golden Lion.

In midair

"The power of the devil fruit is indeed strong, but don't forget that I am also a person with special abilities."

At this moment, the Golden Lion no longer held back and attacked with all his strength.

""Lion's might rolls on the ground"

In an instant, a loud noise came from the sky.

In less than a few seconds, three huge rocks floated above the golden lion, which was extremely terrifying.

It was as if three lion heads thousands of meters long, carrying the power to destroy everything, crushed towards the three people.

Just this devastating power alone made the Ghost Spiders below tremble in their hearts.

What's more, the three people who faced this attack directly, they looked at the lion heads thousands of meters long that were attacking them at an extremely fast speed, and their faces were very solemn. The range was too large, and they had no way to avoid it, so they could only choose to resist it.

"Billion Volt. World-Destroying Lightning Fist"

"Ah!"Gill roared, and the terrifying thunder covered his whole body.

Infinite power was concentrated on one point, and his right fist, carrying the power to destroy everything, violently blasted towards the lion head.

Lanz and Yaozi looked at each other, and did not dare to hesitate, and used all their strength to make a final fight.

"Armed. Ice Phoenix."

The extreme ice exploded in the air.

With a huge roar, Yaozi completely turned into an ice phoenix that was hundreds of meters long. Wherever it went, everything turned into ice.

It swept towards the lion head that was thousands of meters long.

"Armed. A raging fire spreads all over the land."

The blazing flames, the temperature that burns everything, erupted continuously and condensed together like a large volcanic eruption.

Finally, in the endless sea of fire, a flaming dragon appeared out of nowhere, rushing forward with the flames that burned everything.

The figures of the three people were about to collide with the lion head composed of thousands of meters of boulders. The extremely proud will of the three people did not allow them to retreat at all.

The three people contained endless power. They were unwilling to hide behind Moser's wings all the time. They wanted to prove that even if they were the emperors of the sea, what would it matter?

""Boom boom."At the same time, the three of them collided with the thousand-meter-high lion head. Endless oppression and destructive power rushed towards them.

At the moment of collision, it seemed to tear their bodies apart.

The blazing flames on the Fiery Fire Dragon's body continued to erupt, and the limit of his body was continuously compressed. Even if he tried his best, he would smash this giant mountain. The thousand-meter-high lion head pressed step by step, constantly pressing towards the ground.

The two pairs of dragon claws of the Fiery Fire Dragon kept resisting, but his figure still moved sideways towards the ground step by step, making people feel extremely desperate.

"Ah!"A deafening roar, in an instant, endless hot flames burned in an instant, and continuously gathered on his body.

The hot flame that had originally declined immediately expanded again, bursting out with powerful force, and forcibly pushed up the thousand-meter boulder that was constantly descending.

At the same time, the cold ice on Yaozi's body continued to explode, and as he continued to break through his own limits.

The power continued to rise in an instant, and the ice phoenix more than doubled in an instant. It went straight up, as if to completely smash the thousand-meter lion head. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The endless thunder on Jill's body shone even brighter, and the breath of destruction completely erupted, as if to destroy everything in the world


Seeing this scene, many navy soldiers below couldn't help but sweat for them.

Even Moser below clenched his fists and couldn't help but take action.[]

"Boom…"In an instant, three lion heads that were like mountains of more than a thousand meters in height exploded in mid-air under the full-strength attack of the three people. The terrifying air waves swept in all directions, and the mountains were shattered into huge rocks that fell from the sky and directly hit the sea surface.

The powerful aftermath of the explosion caused by Lanz and the other two fell like meteorites.

Although they blocked the full-strength attack of the golden lion, they were defeated in the end.

The sky and the earth changed color, tsunamis piled up, and streams of water shot out like dragons.

The originally calm sea surface suddenly became turbulent, as if a tsunami was coming.

Looking at the three people of Yaozi who were falling like hills, Ghost Spider and the others did not hesitate, and immediately performed the Moon Step, rushed up, and caught them.

At this moment, Lanz and the other three were covered with scars all over their bodies. In the eyes of outsiders, they had completely turned into a bloody man. The seriously injured and unconscious, the Ghost Spiders who carried them down immediately called the medical soldiers to come up and treat them.

At the same time, the golden lion in the air was also not feeling well.

""Hu...Hu." He kept panting, his face was extremely pale, and he was half bent. Obviously, his physical strength had almost reached the limit.

Gradually, the golden lion stood up and looked at the figure in front of him.

It was Moser who was ready to take action.

""Golden Lion, you are worthy of being a legend on the sea. Even with your peak strength, you can still fight one against three and defeat my three little brothers.

However, that's all. As long as you can block one of my moves, I will let you go." Moser looked at the Golden Lion as if he were an ant, and raised a finger.

"Do you know what you are talking about? You can defeat me with one move. I am a legend on the sea, the Golden Lion."

In an instant, the Golden Lion's expression became extremely angry, and the momentum that had been declining burst out again.


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