"Xia Youjie has been killed by me!"

Inside the Spell High School, Gojo Gojo said with an expressionless face as he looked at Jia Jinzi, who was disposing of the corpse not far away.

After hearing Gojou's words, Iejin's expression did not fluctuate much.

Raising his head slightly, his big eyes showed a lazy look, and with that layer of dark circles, it gave people an extremely tired feeling.

"What about the corpse?"

Iariko asked.

"I buried it!"

Gojo responded lightly.

Iejin Glass and Gojo Gojo and Xia Youjie are students of the same time.

I know the relationship between the two best friends very well, so I didn't say much.

Although the result of such processing is extremely non-standard.

Because when a powerful spell master or curse master dies, it is likely to become a terrifying curse.

But Jia Jinzi, who knows the relationship between the two, also knows that no one can stop Gojou's decision.

So there's no need to say anything more.

At this time, in a rural mountain forest, a stone tablet was carved on a dirt bag.

Shangshu Xia Youjie's tomb five big characters.


A soft sound came, and a hand passed through the soil bag, pulling away the soil layer above little by little.

Soon, Xia Youjie, who had already died, came out completely.

However, at this moment, Xia Youjie is missing a right arm, and the forehead is also cut.

A throbbing brain flower lodged in Xia Youjie's head.

"Spell Spirit Technique, finally got him."

After the brain flower controlled Xia Youjie and made an evil sound.

He got up with a strange smile and left the mountain forest.

With the passage of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking incident caused by Xia Youjie, the days seemed to have once again returned to their former calm.

In addition to studying and exercising, the five members of the first grade began to participate in large and small tasks every day.

At this time, outside an abandoned building, Maki Zenin is in a group of five kaedes, ready to carry out a mission to clean up the curse of miscellaneous fish.

Although the rating of Zen-in Maki has not been able to upgrade due to the interference of the Zen-in family.

But its true strength has already reached the level of level two, and it can fully cope with daily tasks.

"How did you go from a waste material bound by heaven and curses to become so strong?"

Standing on the empty flat ground outside the building, Maki looked at Gojo Kaede on the side and asked.

Although Gojo Kaede has been playing the fool on the issue of his own strength.

But Maki had long ago decided that Gojo Kaede was the mysterious person who protected her and seriously injured Xia Youjie.

Maki laughed out loud whenever he thought of the mysterious powerhouse Gojo was looking for and searching for, who was actually his scrap brother.

Because she was also looking forward to Gojo's reaction when she learned about this.

Even those famous families who have always regarded Gojo Kaede as a shame for the three royal families will react after knowing the strength of Gojo Feng.

"How do you get stronger? It's nice if you have a thick skin! "

Gojo Kaede continued to pretend to be a fool.

Maki didn't care about Gojo Kaede's pretending to be stupid because she was used to it.

Anyway, her face has already been lost before, so it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, Maki really understood a little why Gojo Kaede was so strong.

It's really thick-skinned.

"If you teach me some combat skills, I will never say it!"

Maki said with the mentality that thick skin can become stronger, and looked at Gojo Kaede with expectant eyes.

Gojo Kaede was also tempered by Maki's perseverance.

A few days ago, this guy would be shy and angry because of the ridicule of several fat people, so he ran away.

Within a few days, however, Maki ignored the teasing of the jokes.

Stare at him like a prisoner every day, and opening your mouth is why you hide your strength.

How do you do this kind of question so strongly.

So I thought that since it had been exposed, it was better to pull Maki into his camp.

After thinking about it, Gojo Kaede turned his head to look at Maki's big eyes full of expectation, and said seriously:

"It's not impossible to teach you, but you must guarantee that you can't show your true strength outside at the moment of life and death!"

Although the days are calm now, it is very daily.

But Wujo Feng understood that Xia Youjie was just the beginning.

There are not too many people who are stronger than Xia Youjie, but there are many more people who are ruthless, ruthless, and more proficient in calculation than Xia Youjie.

It was like the curse "brain flower" that occupied Xia Youjie's body.

This thing can be described as a Pokémon master player.

He controlled Xia Youjie's technique, and used all kinds of tricks to make the spell master world and the spell spirit world fight.

He is picking up special Pokémon while cholera the spellmaster world.

He is simply a master figure in the world of stratagem.

In addition to the brain flower, this world also has a two-faced host known as the Lord of Curses.

In a few months, this guy will also be born.

The world will be chaotic at that time.

Therefore, with his current strength, it has been exposed that there is no benefit at all.

It is better to strike safely when the strength is above all of them.

"Well, don't worry, I'm absolutely secret!"

Maki also looked excited when he heard that Gojo Kaede finally let go.

The head clicks as fast as a chicken pecking rice.

It is completely absent from the cold and arrogant appearance of the past.

The main reason is that Maki feels that he has mastered the secret of Gojo Kaede, so he puts down his guard and unconsciously reveals his true self.

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