After the idea came up, Gojo Kaede really felt that this method was feasible the more he thought about it.

Because he vaguely remembers the episode where Knotweed Yuren committed suicide, the special curse evolved into a special grade because he ate the fingers of the two-faced suku.

And because it has just evolved, the strength is not very strong.

For the current Gojo Kaede, it will not be much difficult to deal with.

"The more I think about it, the more I think I can do it!"

After muttering, Gojo Kaede looked at the skills in the character panel in the system.

Gojo Kaede's character panel at this time was much richer than when he first came to the spell academy.

There are countless small skills and small ninjutsu in various worlds.

There are also a lot of props.

What detonation charms, shurikens, poison darts, most of them are things that have no effect on curses.

Because there are too many skills, you can't see them.

So Gojo Kaede hasn't paid much attention to his character panel for a while.

After rummaging carefully today, I also found a few good auxiliary ninjutsu.

For example, the Shadow Doppelgänger technique obtained earlier and the Transformation Technique obtained recently.

The Shadow Doppelganger is an advanced ninjutsu that can separate a chakra and has an independent consciousness doppelganger.

Although under the change of the system, the shadow avatar is not able to display all of Gojo Kaede's skills.

But just by performing ninjutsu, you can still do it.

Therefore, it is completely possible to change the appearance of the shadow doppelganger and steal the fingers of the two-faced host, so that it is impossible to find out about yourself.

"Decided, I'll do it tonight!"

After thinking about the action plan, Gojo Kaede also showed a smile of expectation.

"Did you decide something privately?"

Just as Gojo Kaede whispered unconsciously, Gojo Gojo's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

The frightened Gojo Kaede almost pulled out his knife.

After seeing that it was Gojo Realization, he was relieved and said dissatisfied

"Brother, can you not be so elusive, it's scary to know?"

Because Gojo is not a threat.

Therefore, when Gojo Kaede is distracted by the problem, does he automatically perceive whether there are more or fewer people around who are not in danger.

"Huh? Strange! By the way, I still have some things to do today, so it's up to you to take Megumi on a mission! "

Gojo Goku didn't care too much about Gojo Kaede's whisper, although Gojo Kaede already had the strength of a level 2 spell master on his face.

But in front of Gojou, he still belongs to the level of a miscellaneous fish spell master, and it doesn't make him think too much.

"Oh, okay!"

Gojo Kaede glanced at Fuguro Megumi and nodded in agreement.

Although he planned to steal the fingers of the two-faced host.

But the action will definitely have to wait until the evening, so it's good to go out and sign until you kill the boring time.

"I want to go too!"

As soon as Maki heard that it was a task assigned to Gojo Kaede, he immediately applied to accompany him.

After all, she hadn't fought in action for a while, and she also wanted to test how much her strength had improved.

The main thing is that she wants Gojo Kaede to see her progress and then praise herself.

"It's just an ordinary task, there is no need to go to so many people!"

Gojo didn't agree to go with Maki.

First of all, because the mission really doesn't need that many people.

Secondly, he has heard Idichi's report more than once.

It is said that Gojo Kaede and Maki always take a long time every time they go out on ordinary tasks.

Because the black tent blocked the line of sight, no one knew what the two of them had been doing in the past few hours.

Although Gojo is happy to see his own scrap brother be able to find a girlfriend and get his daughter-in-law.

But young people still don't develop too fast.

After you have completed your full youth, it is better to think about adult things.

Apparently, Gojo was misunderstood by the two.

After all, normally, a trash fish task will be finished in half an hour at most.

But when Gojo Kaede goes out on a mission with Maki, the fastest task to solve takes four hours.

When I think of a pair of boys and girls, when their youth hormones exploded, they spent four hours in a closed world of only two people.

I don't think it's too normal.

After hearing Gojo's negation, Maki also said with a little regret:


Maki didn't know what Gojo was thinking, and if she did, she would definitely be shy to find a gap in place.

Gojo Kaede didn't care, because so far, all the skills that Maki could learn had already been taught.

The rest is for Maki to improve on his own.

So it makes no difference whether they go out on a mission together or not.

Of course, if he knew what was going on in his brother's mind, he might feel as if he could indeed do something.

It's just that at present, his main thoughts are on signing in.

After all, this world is very dangerous, and only invincible strength can make him think about other things with peace of mind.

"Let's go, finish the task early, and come back to sleep early!"

Gojo Kaede stretched out and said with a lazy face.

Fuguro Megumi has also long heard Gojo say that he has a biological brother.

So after seeing Gojo Kaede, I became curious.

"Presumably, as Gojo-sensei's own younger brother, Senior Gojo himself will also be a genius sorcerer!"

After Fuhei Hui muttered secretly, he quickly followed.

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