"Ding - discover a new check-in location, whether to open the check-in!"

When I first stepped into the dormitory area of the juvenile detention center, the system's check-in prompt sounded.

"Sign in!"

"Ding - Congratulations to the host for successfully checking in and getting the skill reward 'true and false substitution'"

After hearing the system's check-in reward, Gojo Kaede also looked at the skill introduction curiously.

Because of this skill, he has never heard of it.

[True and false substitution: After using the avatar ability, the user can replace the true and false with any avatar within ten square kilometers centered on himself. 】

After reading the introduction, Gojo Kaede finally understood the role of this ability.

"This ability is simply a divine skill!"

Gojo Kaede said with some excitement.

Because the simple introduction of this ability is that as long as Gojo Kaede uses the doppelganger technique, and his doppelganger is within ten kilometers of his center.

You can freely replace the real and false with the avatar.

This is simply a super double-entry technique, and it also has the ability to teleport within ten kilometers.

Just as Gojo Kaede muttered, he suddenly found that what he walked into did not seem to be the dormitory of the juvenile detention center.

Or rather, it has become half a field here.

However, at this moment, there was darkness not far away.

Naizakino Rose, who was caught by a curse because of exhaustion, was pointing viciously at the curse in front of her who was ready to eat her

"I remember your face, I will definitely curse you to death!"

The curse ignored the wild rose's words, opened its blood basin and mouthed, and was ready to eat the wild rose.

But at this time, Gojo Kaede had already rushed over.

Covered in flames:

"You still have to be gentle with cute girls!"

As he spoke, Gojo Kaede swung out a fire fist.


The terrifying power instantly burned the curse that grabbed the wild rose to ashes.

After the curse was burned to ashes.

When Wild Rose landed, she quickly rolled on the spot and picked up the hammer spell that had broken the wooden handle on the side.

With a vigilant face, he looked at another fire fist and burned all the hordes of curses to


"Who are you? A teacher in the Spell High School? "

Gojo Kaede looked at the vigilant appearance of the wild rose, and also pretended to be an evil person with a mischievous intention:

"My name is Ace, I'm a super bad guy!"

Originally, Gojo Kaede thought that after he said this, Wild Rose would definitely run away in fear.

Who would have thought that Wild Rose not only did not run away, but also put away the hammer in her hand, and said with a cute smile on her face:

"I can see that you have no malice! Thank you so much just now! "

After speaking, Ye Rose did not forget to bow to him.

After the serious bow, Wild Rose immediately turned back and regained her eccentric personality

"Okay, I've already finished thanking you, so I don't owe you!"

Even though Gojo Kaede had long known that Wild Rose's personality was a bit eccentric, when he really experienced it himself, it really made people a little speechless.

"Nagasaki, are you all right?"

At this moment, Fuguro Megumi, who had grabbed Shikigami "Owu", landed next to Nagasakino Rose.

A wary and surprised look looked at Gojo Kaede.

"This is—the man who passed by yesterday with a back somewhat similar to Senior Kaede? How could he be here? "

After muttering to himself, Fuhei Megumi didn't ask more, and quickly said:

"Let's get out of here!"

Wild Rose frowned and said

"What about knotweed?"

Fuguro Megumi didn't explain too much:

"The situation is critical, let's go out and explain!"

Although Wild Rose didn't understand what was happening, she still chose to believe Fuguro Megumi and quickly fled out with her tired body.

Gojo Kaede had no intention of leaving, but walked in the direction of the curse.

"Hey, you're going to die if you go over!"

Although Fuguro Megumi didn't know how Gojo Kaede appeared here, it wasn't the time to care so much.

The priority is to escape immediately.

Let Knotweed Yuren release Sumi.

"Haha, I'm very strong!"

Gojo Kaede did not pay attention to Fuguro Megumi's advice, and continued to walk towards the depths.

Fuguro Megumi didn't pay much attention to Gojo Kaede after not listening to the advice.

With the wild rose under the lead of the jade dog, he quickly fled.

Wild Rose glanced at the direction where Gojo Kaede disappeared with a little worry, and didn't say anything more.

"Who is that guy?"

Fuguro Megumi noticed Wild Rose's turn back and asked curiously.

"I don't know, I only know that his name is Ace, and he can use a strong flame technique!"

Wild Rose said truthfully.

"Maybe it's a strong person sent by the academy!"

Fuguro Megumi frowned.

Although the two briefly talked for two words, their speed did not decrease in the slightest.

After a while, he was taken by the jade dog to find the exit and escaped.

At this time, after learning that his superiors did not provide support, Iichi also gritted his teeth and entered the black tent.

It happened to be that he saw Fuguro Megumi, who was cursed on his back and finally fell unconscious on the way.

"Huijun, did something happen?"

"Get out of here!"

Fuhei Megumi said breathlessly.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, he continued to ask:

"By the way, that sorcerer named Ace, was you sending it?"

Itachi frowned tightly

"The superior doesn't have any support, that guy must be the guy who just forcibly destroyed the black tent, most likely a curse master!"

Fuguro Megumi originally hoped that this was a first-level spell master sent by the academy, and might be able to save Knotweed Yuren out.

However, after hearing Itachi's words, Fuguro Megumi said without the slightest hesitation

"Jade dog, send a signal!"


At this moment, the injured knotweed Yuren, who was struggling to block the special curse, also heard this signal for the first time.

Danglian breathed a sigh of relief:

"They've finally left!"

As he spoke, Knotweed Youren's face instantly had more black patterns.

Under the eyelids, the second pair of narrow eyes was also slowly opened.

And the original black pupils turned blood red, and the whole body exuded an incomparably evil aura.

At this time, Knotweed Youren has become a two-faced supreme with the strength of one finger.

"This little ghost, it's really unpleasant!"

With the appearance of the two-faced host, Gojo Kaede also sensed this terrifying aura for the first time.

"It's worthy of being a two-faced puppet, just one finger has such a strong breath. I knew it would be like this, so I checked in late! "

Although the two-faced suku who has complete physical strength is very strong, if he only has the strength of one or two fingers, Wujo Kaede does not care too much.

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