After obtaining the double divine power, Gojo Kaedang even let the wooden doppelganger go to class instead of himself.

I left the academy, looked for a remote mountain forest, and began to practice the use of divine power.

Because the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye belongs to the ability of bloodline fusion.

So you can't be proficient when you open your eyes.

It takes Gojo Kaede himself to ponder little by little is to grow.



As Gojo Kaede's left eye jerked back.

A part of a tree in the distance was instantly absorbed by an invisible force.


Due to the sudden disappearance of a large piece of tree on the main trunk of the tree, the tree body could not continue to support the upright standing of the tree, and it collapsed.

"It's really hard to control, after training for so long, I can only teleport that range."

Although Gojo Kaede could also grit his teeth and send away a larger range of objects, in that case, he would not be able to control Kamui's ability.

It is likely to endanger others.

Therefore, this exercise is to allow Wujo Kaede to control the power of Shenwei more accurately.

Although both eyes are Kamui abilities, the left eye's abilities are biased towards attack.

Able to twist and tear the bodies of others through the power of space from a distance.

However, in terms of defense, it is extremely poor.

But the chakra eyes are often complementary.

When the left eye attacks, the right eye is biased towards defense.

"Compared to the attack of the left eye, it is more convenient to control the right eye."

After complaining, Gojo Kaede began to train his right eye.

Unlike the left eye, the right eye has the ability to absorb objects and release objects at close range.

However, his strongest point is that he can teleport himself away, and through his own control, he can freely blur the part of himself that is about to be attacked.

When used well, it can have an extremely powerful effect.

At least, after practicing the teleportation, Wujo Kaede would no longer be afraid of any realm.

In his thoughts, Gojo Kaede began to train his right eye.

His training method is simple.

It's a straight line through the woods at great speed.

If you encounter any obstacles along the way, you must use the Blur ability to dodge.

As for teleportation, at present, Wujo Kaede is still in the groping stage and has not been able to fully control it.

However, he was very patient, so he decided to start with the simplest ability.

The time for diligent training always flies by.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Gojo Kaede had already practiced the ability of blurring to an extremely proficient level at this time.

Teleportation also barely meets the standard of use, that is, it cannot be used as desired.

If you want to achieve the proficiency of blurring, it will take a while to practice.

As for the long-distance absorption ability of the left eye, it is also more and more skilled in control.

In a non-combat state, you can do the level of what to fight.

And at this moment, Wujo Kaede's mobile phone also sounded a text message.

This time, it was a message sent directly from the brainflower.

"Is the undercover mission coming? It just so happens that there is a lack of real combat now, so let's go over and take a look! "

Practicing alone is already slow.

If it weren't for the fact that Brain Flower happened to send a collection text message, Wujo Kaede himself would probably have to go around looking for spell spirit refining ability.

Not long after, Gojo Kaede, who turned into Ace and wore a pair of sunglasses, arrived at the meeting place.

This time, there were a lot more people coming to the assembly.

Not only did he see the heavy face Haruta and HDB tanning on his previous mission, but there was also a family of three, and some old men gathered here.

"Ace-kun, long time no see!"

After seeing the arrival of Gojo Kaede, Brain Hana smiled and said hello.

For this performance of the brain flower, the rest of the curse masters glanced at Gojo Kaede curiously.

A strange expression appeared, as none of them knew Gojo Kaede.

"I heard that this guy is very strong!"

"Well, according to the guy in the heavy face, he is a master of using the fire system!"

"It seems that he is still a curse master from overseas, and he used to be a pirate!"

"No wonder I haven't seen it!"

After seeing Gojo Kaede coming, these curse masters were curious to talk about a few words.

Gojo Kaede didn't care about this, he just stood quietly on the side, waiting for Brainflower to say the purpose of this mission.

"Well, it seems that the only cursers who are willing to come this time are you, and I feel sorry for those who missed this-"

After gathering everyone, Brain Flower waited for another moment.

After seeing that no one came to assemble again, he began his own speech.

For this kind of speech, Gojo Kaede listened to it sleepily.

The rest of the curse masters on the side were excited to hear Brainflower's speech.

Even old tears.

It seems that the brain flower has spoken to their hearts.

"-So, we decided to start the plan in Shibuya on October 31st to seal Gojo Gojo!"

After some speech, Brain Flower finally said the most crucial words.

After hearing this, Gojo Kaede's dozing also woke up instantly.

"Here, the conspiracy of the Shibuya incident has finally begun!"

Gojo Kaede muttered to himself.

"Do you need us to do something?"

Although Brainflower's speech was full of passion, it even made many elderly spell masters burst into tears, as if they had found a confidant.

But as soon as they heard that the plan to seal the five realizations was opened, everyone instantly sobered up.

Tentatively asked.

After all, they didn't come to assemble to send death.

If they are allowed to seal Gojo Gojo, then they should go home and wash and sleep.

After all, they are not even as good as leaks, let alone Gojou.

As long as you dare to show up, I'm afraid it won't be enough for Gojo Gojo to kill.

Brain Flower was very disdainful of the reaction of this group of cursers, but this disdain was hidden very deeply, and it was not visible to everyone.

It's still the same way that Tarzan can keep smiling before he collapses:

"I gathered everyone this time, just to tell you this news in advance. When the plan starts, I'll seal Gojo Gojo, and you just need to make a fuss when those spellmakers come!" "

After everyone heard that the task was just making a fuss on the periphery, they immediately showed a reassuring expression.

One by one, they all patted their chests and assured:

"I haven't made a big fuss for a long time, and this time, it will be our curse master's!"

"Ever since Gojo broke the balance of the spell world, we have been living like rats crossing the street, and now, the moment of liberation is finally coming."

"I'm going to make a big fuss!"

Gojo Kaede looked at the expression of this group of miscellaneous fish, revealing a look of sympathy.

Because this kind of little minions are just cannon fodder.

How happy the time comes, how miserable their deaths will be.

"That's the purpose of our gathering today, everyone, we will be on October 31st, see you all!"

Brainflower said with a smile.

"Don't worry, the movement that day will definitely not be small!"

"Hahaha, what an expectation!"

When Gojo Kaede saw everyone leaving, he also turned and left.

But before he went far, he was stopped by the brain flower.

The two walked together and said

"Ace-kun, we have other tasks for you!"

Gojo Kaede showed a surprised expression after hearing the other tasks.

"Other tasks? If it's too boring, I'm going to refuse! "

Although I really want to hear what the task is, the arrogant and evil temperament still has to be done.

"After more than a month, with us invading the Spell Highschool, this task will not be boring!"

Brainflower said with a smile on his face.

Gojo Kaede said with an interested expression

"Nice mission!"

If Gojo Kaede had been replaced by a real and false one, he would definitely have refused the task.

Because during the exchange meeting, he himself has to play.

At that time, the kind of battle is not something that a wooden doppelganger can hold.

Don't accidentally be beaten into pieces by the reckless man in the East Hall, and then the fun will be great.

But now there are both perception spell seals, real and false substitutions, and divine power and various templates.

In this case, it is much easier.

"But before that, I want to ask Ace-Jun to bother with some of the fingers of the supreme master, and there will definitely be a heavy thank you when the time comes!"

Brainflower said with a smile.

Because judging from Rimei's appreciation of Gojo Kaede, Brain Flower has a high estimate of Ace's strength.

At least, he had been placed on an equal footing with the four curses.

Therefore, he believed that if he touched the fingers of the Su Fu, Ace was capable of helping them recover it alone.

"Well, let me know if you have location information!"

Gojo Kaede also needs to fight to train, so it would be good if they could help him find the special curse.

At least it doesn't take Gojo Kaede to start the fishing plan again and use his finger to create a special spell.

After all, the special grade spell created is too quiet, and it is not easy to train Shenwei with confidence.

"Then trouble Ace-kun!"

After Brain Flower finished speaking, the two also stood right under a landmark building.

The system's sign-in tone just sounded.

"Ding - find a new check-in location, do you clock in?"

"Sign in!"

Gojo Kaede didn't care too much, anyway, after having Shenwei, he was already temporarily satisfied.

Even if you can't break through the enemy's territory, there is still no problem leaving.

Therefore, his current thoughts are mainly focused on cultivating divine power.

There is not much interest in checking in anymore.

After all, even if the four curses and brain flowers are combined to sign in, the reward will not be greater than the signing in front of the five realms.

Of course, if you can sign in with the five realms and the person who appears.

That reward is definitely hi pi.

"Ding - Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting the skill reward 'Liuku Immortal Thief'"

Although there was not much expectation of the check-in reward, this skill still made Gojo Kaede happy.

Because this skill is still of great help to Gojo Kaede at present.

Different with double hands for real people.

The Liuku Immortal Thief is of great use to the storage of the Yin Seal.

Because the Yin Seal will only accumulate energy in the body for many years.

And the effect of this accumulation is not strong.

For example, Wujo Kaede has not unlocked the Yin Seal for a year.

But the energy currently stored is at most enough to blur and use, and then let the reverse generation triple completely repair his whole body.

Therefore, at this time, he got the Six Ku Immortal Thief, which is really a blessing for Wujo Feng, who currently has many skills but limited energy.

Because as long as they continue to devour the curse spirit, the energy in Wujo Feng's body will continue to increase.

And those excess energy that could not be fully digested because of the crazy increase would also flow into the Yin Seal.

The storage effect of the Yin Seal is greatly increased.

At that time, as long as the curse devours enough, when the decisive battle comes, the Yin Seal will be lifted.

Gojo Kaede can completely experience a refreshing battle of infinite blue bars.

It's a little exciting to think about!

"Ace-kun, contact again!"

While Gojo Kaede was immersed in the sign-in reward, Brain Flower had already waved his leave.

Gojo Kaede, on the other hand, looked at the dim sky.

Ready to start his crazy devouring plan, and went to the actual combat training with Kamui.

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