"Maki and the children are fine!"

In the rest area of the hospital, Gojo said with a smile on his face to Otoku and Gojo Kaede.

"That's wonderful!"

Otoku's worried look was also much lessened.

After a pause, Otoku looked at the ring on his ring finger and continued with a heavy expression

"Teacher, I remembered - maybe it wasn't Rika who cursed me, but I cursed Rika!"

Gojou's expression at this moment was also slightly serious, and he slowly spoke:

"Personally, I think there is no more twisted curse in this world than love!"

Gojo Kaede, who was holding his head and looking lazy, nodded deeply at this sentence and said:

"That's right, a handsome and golden man like me will always be loved by countless girls, and these loves will turn into a huge curse, which is why I came to the Spell High School!"

Gojo opened his mouth and found himself speechless.

Simply ignored Gojo Kaede's statement and looked at Otoku worriedly

"Let's hone yourself next!"

"Well, I'm going to unlock Rika's curse at the Spell Academy!"

Gojo Kaede looked at Otoku's determined expression, and knew in his heart that this pure love war god was finally going to start hanging.

Regarding the matter of the special curse prayer Rika, whether it is Gojo Gojo or those old men in the spell world, they are temporarily unknown.

But Gojo Kaede understood how Orika became a special curse.

The reason is not because of Rika Kai, she is just a little girl from an ordinary family.

The real reason is Otoku Sorrow.

If his life is traced, he is a descendant of Sugawara Michijin, who is of the same clan as the Gojo family.

He is a distant relative of the Gojo family and a genius with the bloodline of a top spellmaster.

"You guys go back and rest first, I still have some things to do!"

After everything was settled, Gojo left again.

"The teacher is really busy!"

Otoku looked at Gojo Gojo, who left alone, and complained.

"Well, after all, the strongest in the spell world is not so good!"

Gojo Kaede knew that Gojo had something to do this time.

Although Gojo Kaede rescued everyone in the cursed belly.

But Otoku finally released Orika completely in order to get rid of the rest of the curses.

After making a fuss for several minutes, Rika Omoto returned to Otoku's side.

This dangerous special curse was completely released, which was an extremely serious accident in the eyes of the timid old men in the spell world.

Therefore, Gojo must meet with the group of smelly old men to save Otoku's life.

"We gave that guy to you just to prevent the situation where the special curse was completely released, but you watched her appear!

Do you have anything else to defend? Gojo Gojo! "

Inside a simple and gloomy ancient building, an old man named hiding behind a screen looked at Gojo Gojo and said in an interrogative tone.

At this time, Gojo had already unwrapped the bandage that wrapped his eyes, and responded with a lazy look on his sunglasses:

"Huh? I didn't intend to make any excuses! "

After seeing Gojou's casual and lazy attitude, an old man with a long nose said very dissatisfied

"What are you talking nonsense? If that special curse is violent, it can destroy an entire town! "

Gojo responded with a slightly serious attitude

"If that's the case, I'll try my best to stop her!"

"Hmph, don't you forget, Otoku's secret death, the punishment is only a suspended state!"

An old man saw Gojou's arrogant appearance and said with a slight threat.

Gojo Goku was also completely serious at this moment, turning his face sideways, revealing blue eyes as bright as a vast star dome under his sunglasses, and responded grimly:

"Don't forget, I'm on Otsu's side!"

After speaking, Gojo Gojo ignored this group of stubborn old men and left with a look of disdain.

When this group of true rulers of the spell world saw the attitude of Gojo Gojo, they were all angry, but helpless.

Because Gojo Gojo is the strongest in the spell world, he dictates this era.

After leaving this secret building, Gojo took off his sunglasses, wrapped the bandage around his eyes again, and restored his original image.

"Cut, a group of stubborn old immortals!"

After saying a word to himself, Gojo got into the exclusive luxury car of the Gojo family and left.

Early the next morning, everyone gathered in the open space.


"Hey, hey, don't look around!"

After a night's rest, Maki Zen-in's body has fully recovered.

At the moment, he is training the weak Otoku Sorma.

"Yes, Zen-in-san!"

"Don't call me by my last name!"


Gojo Kaede was lying lazily on the lawn at the moment, expressing deep sympathy for Otoku Yuta who was beaten during training.

"Ah--Xuntai was beaten again, the Zen Academy classmates are really fierce!"

After hearing Wujo Kaede's words, Fat Da and Dog Curly Thorn quickly put on a silent posture.

But it was too late, Zen-in Maki had already heard Gojo Kaede's words, and was glaring at him with a fierce look at him at the moment:

"You surious bastard, don't hurry up and come to training!"

While speaking, Maki also played a trick with the wooden spear, looking like he wanted to teach Gojo Kaede a good lesson.

But Gojo Kaede refused without hesitation

"No, I don't do this troublesome training!"

As he spoke, Gojo Kaede yawned, looking drowsy.

"Abominable, you shameless scrap, gojo family moth-"

However, no matter how provoked by Maki, Gojo Kaede was unmoved, but still pretended to have a heartache and pompous expression:

"Maki-san, is that how you treat your lifesaver? It really hurts my heart! "

After seeing Gojo Kaede's pompous appearance, Maki ran away on the spot.

Brandishing a wooden spear, he rushed towards Gojo Kaede, but was stopped by Fat Da.

"All calm down!"

"Don't stop me, I'm going to kill this scrap!"

Gojo had just arrived at the school at this moment, and after seeing the chaos of everyone, he smiled with satisfaction

"What a group of lively young people!"

ps: Ask for flowers, evaluate the votes!!

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