"Principal Leyan Temple, this penalty result is not good. If Gojo Kaede runs away because of this penalty, it will definitely be a loss for our spell world! "

In the high-rise gathering area deep underground of the Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Academy, Nitta Akira strongly persuaded.

After all, she had seen with her own eyes the powerful strength of Wujo Kaede.

In addition, the entire Shibuya incident this time was basically calmed down by Gojo Kaede, otherwise the casualties would definitely be extremely frightening.

"Hmph, no need to say any more, this is the final order given by all the high-level."

Leyanji Kashin did not care in the slightest, and after snorting coldly, he no longer paid attention to the advice of the auxiliary supervisor Nitta Akira.

This is not that Leyanji is stubborn, but he does not believe at all that Wujo Kaede, who has been wasted for more than ten years, can suddenly be stronger.

Even if he suddenly gained the ability of a special sorcerer?

As long as the five enlightenments are not unsealed and the Su Fu is not fully awakened, there is nothing to worry about.

After Nitta Ming "zero one zero" saw that he could not be persuaded, he also sighed and left disappointed.

Not long after Nitta Akira left, Gojo Kaede also happened to come to the door of the Spell High School.

After seeing the sweep, he found out the location of the prison gate.

After touching his face with his right hand, half of the skeleton mask appeared on Wujo Kaede's face, and a terrifying aura instantly swept the entire spell master.


"What a terrible curse aura, is it a special curse attack on the high commission?"

"Sound the alarm!"

As the aura of Wujo Kaede emanated, the personnel in the high school quickly took action.

Pull the alarm of the pull alarm, notify the upper level of the notification of the upper level.

The rest quickly gathered at the gate of the high school, carefully guarding against Gojo Kaede.

"What do you say? Did that imp from Gojo's family come to the door? "

"Hmph, we are already very tolerant of his sin, and we dare to come to the door? Quickly notify all the warlocks above the second level in the academy and arrest him on the spot! "

"If he resists to the death, allow you to execute him on the spot!"

The five high-ranking officials apparently did not realize the crisis of the situation.

One by one, they all thought that Wujo Kaede was impulsive and looking for a dead end.

At the same time, Wujo Kaede, who slowly walked into the high school, was also surrounded by a group of sorcerers.

"Give you ten minutes to bring out the prison gate and the headmaster of the night moth, otherwise leave me alone and dismantle the entire high school."

Gojo Kaede said in an icy tone.

After everyone heard Wujo Kaede's words, they all showed vigilant eyes.

But he continued to surround Gojo Kaede.

They are waiting for orders from above.

Since the technique of brain flower worked, the entire Fuso quickly became chaotic.

As the base camp of the spell world, the Tokyo Metropolitan High School and the Kyoto High School are naturally fully prepared and always on guard against the invasion of curses.

The order was given, and Gojo Kaede's invasion of the High Commissioner was seen as a defection and he was immediately arrested. If you resist, you can be directly executed"

After an order was given, the leading sorcerer quickly performed the spell.

Prepare to take Gojo Kaede on the spot.

Wujo Kaede instantly flew into the air, his fingertips compressed with energy, and said to the empty house in the high school:

"Wang Void Flash!"


Sweeping his fingertips, the uninhabited Buddhist halls were smashed by the five maples.

The terrifying explosive power stopped all the sorcerers who were ready to strike.

Everyone showed shocked expressions.

"Well—what a terrible technique, if this technique hits us, there is absolutely no possibility of survival!"

"Lao Tzu doesn't do it, how can this monster stop it?"

"Yes, if the group of fools at the top want to find death, let's find death themselves!"

After seeing the strength of Wujo Feng, the low-level sorcerers scattered without the slightest hesitation.

Only some of the deeper quasi-first-level and first-level sorcerers who were tied to the high specialist were left, and some were in a dilemma.

"What are we going to do?"

"Hard fighting is absolutely impossible, just the power of that technique just now, the lowest level is also a special level!"

"Hurry up and inform the high-level!"

After hesitating repeatedly, this part of the sorcerers quickly sent a person to inform the upper floors deep underground.

The rest of the people were covered in cold sweat and guarding Gojo Kaede in place. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, if Gojo Kaede made a slight move, they would not have the slightest hesitation, and they would definitely turn around and run.

Gojo Kaede did not have any difficulty for these ordinary sorcerers, after all, he and these people also had no grievances or enmity.

Of course, if these guys don't know how to lift, he will not hesitate to slaughter them.

"What? You can't deal with that little ghost? "

"Is that little ghost that powerful?"

When faced with the question of the high-level five elders, the spell master also said helplessly:

"Judging from the technique he used, the worst is also the best among the special grades."

When the five elders heard this response, they were all silent.

Among the contemporary spell masters, there are four special grades.

The strongest of these is Gojo Gojo.

This is followed by Ninety-nine Yujie and Xia Youjie, and finally Otoku Yutai.

The leader among the special grades shows that the strength of Gojo Kaede is second only to Gojo Goku.

"Let everyone retreat to the enchantment, send out a notice explaining that Wujo Kaede defected to the spell realm, and let the spell masters above the first level nearby quickly return to help!"

After thinking carefully, the top level gave an order.

Although Gojo Kaede was strong, they were not afraid.

Because they had not seen the strength of Gojo Kaede with their own eyes.

Moreover, with the enchantment of Tian Yuan, they are not too worried about their safety.

"Yes, my lord!"

The spellmaster quickly led the way to leave.

After the spellmaster left, the five elders continued after a deep groan:

"Inform Otoku Yuta and let him return as soon as possible!"

"Hmph, it's just a special imp of the Gojo family, do you really think that you are Gojo Goku?"

Under the stubbornness of the five elders at the top, all orders were quickly issued.

The reason why they suddenly went all out to prevent Wujo Kaede from snatching away the prison gate.

It was because their previous sentence already represented a break with Gojou.

Once the five realms are released, it is certain that the entire spell world will be reshuffled.

At least they have no way to live.

At the same time, the first-level spellmaster Hishita and others who were removing the curse nearby also received urgent news from the high-level.

"Oh my God, Gojo Gojo's younger brother actually defected?"

"It must be because of Gojou's sentencing incident!"

"Hey, I really didn't expect that Headmaster Night Moth and Gojo Gojo would actually end up with 1.1!"

"Let's go, let's go back to support the high school quickly!"

Hinata did not hear the discussion of these spell masters who had not seen the strength of Gojo Kaede, and fine beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

"I knew that such a penalty would definitely lead to this result, those stupid old men, this guy is a monster who can't give in with Gojo Gojo!"

While Nishita muttered, the rest of the companions also looked at Hishita strangely and said:

"Hinata-senpai, what's wrong with you? The order from the top is coming, let's hurry back to help! "

Hinata refused without hesitation:

"I don't want to die yet!"

After that, the lower part of the day ran in the opposite direction of the high school at an extremely fast speed.

Only a group of spell masters were left with a confused look.

"What happened to Hinata-senpai?"

"I don't know, time is urgent, let's go back quickly!"

"Well, let's go!".

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