
A huge storm of energy was set off in the space of the starting ball.

The power of Huangquan Hirasaka loomed from time to time, and the opening of the surrounding space tore and closed.

Through the spatial cracks, you can see a small world with only volcanoes and lava, a small world with endless glaciers, a small world with bubbles rising and only a sea of sulfuric acid, a small world with endless deserts with a scorching sun, and a small world that feels heavy even at a glance.

These small worlds are the five major spaces of lava hell, frozen mountains, sulfuric acid sea, endless desert, and hypergravity space created by Kaguya in the heavenly palace, which can be connected to the main space Origin Sphere space.

Originally, these five spaces were in a blocked state, and even Kaguya could not open the entrance to enter with Huangquan Hirasaka, and could only faintly sense it.

But now, due to excessive emotion, there seemed to be brilliance flowing in the crack at the center of her eyebrows, which actually made Huangquan Biryasaka’s power skyrocket, opening the space mouth again.

“The existence in the clan that has the ability to transcend time is only the ancestor God of Otsuki.”

“Or maybe it’s with a lost plow?”

I don’t know how long it took, Kaguya’s mood finally regained its composure, squinting his eyes and pondering.

She could be sure that Zhao Yuchen was not lying.

Because just now, she felt a trace of high-grade energy from the same origin pouring into her body.

Not surprisingly, this should be one of the descendants of Hamura who has stepped into the level above the six realms, and because of the special bloodline influence such as fusion between the white eyes, she has obtained a trace of benefits.

So when her emotions are out of control, she can cast Huangquan Hirasaka and make the five spaces appear.

It’s a pity that the descendants didn’t appear for a long time, otherwise she would benefit a little more, and it wouldn’t take long to completely break the moon and return to Earth.

And that descendant suddenly appeared and disappeared, precisely in the power of time.

“No matter which one, this Zhao Yuchen’s future is definitely not ordinary.”

A throbbing color appeared in Kaguya’s pure white eyes.

In the Otsuki clan, her status is average, and she exists as the guardian of the sacrifice.

There are many members of the family who look down on her, such as Urashi and Momo-style.

But these members are not very strong in the Datumu clan.

And now, Zhao Yuchen can actually force Datumu to chase him across the timeline, which shows that future achievements are quite not simple.

“Perhaps, he can become the object of concubine cooperation.”

Kaguya mused.

[It is really a good means to cross the timeline and erase the future by killing the past. 】

[I hope this big tube wood family is not too careless, otherwise it will be very boring. ] 】

[But it’s time for me to practice seriously and increase my combat experience. ] 】

Leaving a declaration of deciding not to salad fish again, Zhao Yuchen moved his body and walked to the bathroom.

Last night, I played with Jiu Xinnai for so long, and the spirit guided the flesh, so…

Another map was drawn.

You’ve got to find a real person to release it.

At the same time, all over the ninja world, the women holding diaries had no waves in their hearts… What a ghost!

The Otsuki family, called by Zhao Yuchen as the existence of aliens, they already know a lot, especially about the Otsuki Kaguya.

For traveling through time and space, they have also learned from their diaries that this power exists in the ninja world.

In theory, these two things are nothing to look at together.

But when it did happen, they were shocked.

“The Otsuki clan…”

“The future of the ninja world must not be infighting.”

In a town on the border of the Land of Thunder, Samui lowered his head and pondered for a long time, took out a pen and paper to write a secret letter, and then let the secret intelligence channel quickly send it to Yunnin Village.

She wants to use her own way to reverse the thoughts of the four generations of Lei Ying Ai and others.

At the same time, the Land of Rain Inside the Hidden Village.

Konan, he found Nagato and said, “These are the intelligence I recently investigated about the resurrection.”

“I think after solving those two guys, we can hold a meeting and gather specific information on these resurrection methods together.”


Uzumaki Nagato did not hesitate and nodded: “Especially the immortal talisman, Yahiko’s body is still there, the immortal talisman can easily resurrect him, this can be used as our next focus to find the object.”

Xiao Nan nodded slightly, and then said: “I will go out now to do the final arrangement.”

After speaking, Xiao Nan went up from a tall building to the world, using paper wings to control his body, leaving a beautiful arc in the air.

She had seriousness in her eyes: “If Yahiko can be resurrected, the Xiao organization is the Xiao organization that used to be.”

“There was no way before, Nagato and I could only make the realization of Yahiko’s dream the highest pursuit.”

“But now that there is a way, you must first resurrect Yahiko.”

“At that time, the Xiao Organization can cooperate with Zhao Yuchen.”

“As a traverser, he certainly knows the path to peace.”

After flying for some distance, Xiaonan’s figure deflected and disappeared into the forest.

After a while, he appeared on the canopy of a large tree, and his eyes were clear.

“This time, absolutely.”

Hei Jue sneered.

“Do you want to call Obito?”

Bai Jue asked.

“Of course you have to call.”

Hei Jue said in a deep voice: “Xiao Nan has a secret on him, with the two of us, we may not be able to kill him just by sneak attack, let alone capture and torture the secret.”

“You have to bring soil to help.”

“Aren’t you afraid to take the soil and turn your face with you?”

Bai Jue’s body had an admiring expression.

“Afraid of something.”

Hei Jue narrowed his eyes and said coldly: “As long as you tell him the news of the resurrection of Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai, he can’t be angry at all.”

“Speaking of which, I’m curious about how his expression will be when he knows this information.”

“It should be wonderful.”

Bai Jue let out a strange laugh.

Soon, it disappeared into the canopy again.

But he didn’t know that his behavior was seen by a squirrel with reincarnation eyes.

Good show, the gong is about to start.

At the same time, in a town near the border in the Land of Fire.

“What’s wrong, Fragrant?”

Mikana felt the force of Kakasu’s hand grabbing herself, and thought that there was a chasing attack from Kusanagi Village, and immediately sealed the seal using perception techniques.

But after making sure that there was nothing unusual within a radius of a few kilometers, she noticed that she might be wrong.

“Mom, it’s nothing, Konoha just doesn’t know what Konoha will do to us.”

Fragrant phosphorus pulled a lie.

With her current strength that is temporarily stronger than Mikana, she can not be afraid of being perceived.

She reacted so much, of course, because of the sentence in the diary, she was worried about Zhao Yuchen.

The Datumu clan, but even the Chakra ancestor Datumu Kaguya is afraid of the family.

Such a person, using the power of traveling through time and space to deal with Zhao Yuchen, things are not trivial.

“Don’t worry.”

Mikana did not suspect that her daughter would lie to herself, and said with a somewhat jerky smile: “Konoha was an ally of our Vortex Country from the earliest.”

“The first Hokage lady and the fourth Hokage lady are both our Uzumaki clan, and the costumes of their village have pictures and texts that mean whirlpool, so Konoha will be very friendly to us.”

Hearing this, Xiangphos temporarily put aside his worries about Zhao Yuchen, and asked rhetorically: “In that case, why didn’t my mother flee to Konoha back then, but went around in a big circle to the country of grass.”

“Mother doesn’t know about this.”

Mikana also shook her head and said, “This is the meaning of several elders in the village at that time.”

“All the masters fled in several teams, each elder led a team, and I was chosen to go to the team of Iwa Shinobi Village, just fled to the general and hid in Kusanagi Village.”


Xiangphos wrote down this matter and prepared to ask for answers at Zhao Yuchen’s side.

Seeing her like this, Mikana thought that she was still worried, so she continued to persuade: “Even if Konoha’s attitude towards us is average, but with that adult here, at least Kakka can grow up happy and safe.”

Hearing this, Xiangphos’ eyes brightened.

If he can live with Zhao Yuchen, then he will definitely be his bride, right? Anyway, I definitely won’t leave him.

It seems that he has a spiritual rhino, and Zhao Yuchen, who brushed his teeth halfway, bit and crushed it with his mouth, and then formed a shadow doppelganger and said: “You first go to find Xiangphos and Meikanana, and send them in the direction of Konoha.”


The shadow avatar cast the flying thunder god and disappeared.

Zhao Yuchen looked at the mirror and frowned and thought.

Uzumaki Kabu and Uzumaki Mikana are coming to Konoha but legal status is a big issue.

With the character of the old monkey, if he does not prepare a set of rhetoric in advance, there will definitely be various small actions at that time.

Although I am not afraid, it will definitely feel annoying, so it is best to avoid it.

“There you have it!”

Zhao Yuchen quickly thought of a method.

[It’s good that Jiu Xinnai can come back to life! ] 】

Jiu Xinnai, who was smirking in a daze: “? ”

“Hmph, even if you have a conscience, don’t waste so many sins I suffered yesterday.”

The corners of Jiu Xinnai’s mouth curved.

What crosser, not yet taken down by her?

But the next moment, her smile froze.

[When Kakoto and Minako get to Konoha, I can ask them to push everything onto Kushina. 】

[Vortex saves Vortex, a reasonable horse. 】

[Does the current old monkey dare to fight with Jiu Xinnai? ] 】

[No, he doesn’t dare! ] 】

[I can think of such a perfect way, it is worthy of me! ] 】

Jiu Xinnai: “…”

You actually want to use me, you wait for me! Meanwhile, Hinata Mansion.

Hinata, who quickly solved breakfast, took two bento boxes and prepared to go to Zhao Yuchen’s house for an appointment.

But as soon as she walked out of the restaurant, she was stopped by Hinata Hinata.


Hinata rules and manners.

“Are you going to find Zhao Yuchen?”

Hinata Hiashi asked with a cold face.

Hinata’s strange appearance these days, her guardian division has been reported to him.

“Yes, yes, father.”

Hinata’s face turned slightly red.

But the next moment, her expression turned pale.

“Give me a little more distance from Zhao Yuchen in the future.”

Hinata said with a straight face.

“For, why?”

Hinata asked, puzzled.

“Do you want to be engraved as a caged bird?”

Hinata Hinata hated iron and said: “I know that Zhao Yuchen’s appearance is very attractive to the opposite sex, but the strength is too weak, the talent is even weaker, and the chances of becoming a middle ninja in this life are all slim.”

“And you are the daughter of the Hyuga clan, you are with him, even if he is willing to join the family, you will definitely be branded as a caged bird, and it will also affect the purity of your descendants’ bloodlines.”

“Only by marrying a real strong man can he keep you.”

This is the first time that Hinata Hiashi reveals his true thoughts to his own woman, as well as his father’s love.

As a father, he doesn’t want to hide it anymore in the face of his daughter’s search for a man.


Hinata’s body froze, but his heart was a little moved.

It turned out that Hinata Hiashi was thinking about her and didn’t want her to be imprinted as a caged bird.


Thinking of Hinata Hinata struggling between herself and Hanabi and always blocking the pressure from the elders, Hinata’s eyes gradually became determined.

She handed the bento box to Hanabi, then walked to the open space in front of the hall and made an inviting gesture to Hinata Hiashi: “Father, please advise.”


Hinata laughed angrily.

Hinata couldn’t even beat the fireworks, and actually dared to challenge him.

Well, at least this courage, he is very relieved.

However, he did not show it, but said seriously: “Well, I have given you a long memory for my father recently.”

He wants to wake up Hinata and actually rebel against his father for a waste man.


Hanabi saw that Hinata Hinata was angry and hurriedly wanted to persuade.

“It’s okay!”

Hinata shook her head at Hanabi and said with a smile: “Sister will not lose easily.”

Hinata Hiashi became even more angry, and her voice became a little colder: “Let’s start with the gossip sixty-four palms, let me see how you master?” ”

Hitting my daughter definitely doesn’t work, the main thing is to point.

But when Hinata heard this, he changed his starting style, and then said: “There is no need to bother so much!” ”


Two lion heads appear on Hinata’s hands.

Hinata Hinata:?!?

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