“Sister Hong, what’s wrong with Hinata?”

Ino Eye quickly picked up Hinata, who had fainted.

She couldn’t help but cast a puzzled gaze.


Sunset red than a lip shape.

Ino immediately divided his attention into a copy of the diary.

When she saw Zhao Yuchen’s words, she blinked a little blankly.

If she understood correctly, it was Hinata’s father Hinata Hinata who gave Zhao Yuchen a mansion in the best location of Konoha, the nature of which was a dowry?

[Yamanaka Ino]: Could it be that the patriarch of the Hyuga family also has a diary and is now starting to invest!?

Not for this reason, he couldn’t think of a reason why Hinata Hiashi would now take a fancy to Zhao Yuchen.

“Yuchen-kun is hi to himself.”

Sunset Hong rubbed her eyebrows.

Hi? Ino immediately understood.

Hinata’s real intention should be to show his muscles to Zhao Yuchen and make him retreat or strive to be stronger.

Zhao Yuchen obviously saw it, and he didn’t take it seriously at all.

“Interesting, worthy of being Brother Yuchen.”

The corners of Jingye’s mouth hooked a good-looking arc.

Looking at this matter from another angle, it is not a mansion in vain.

With Zhao Yuchen’s strength, can anyone stop Hinata from being with him in the future?

“Sister Hong, I’ll take Hinata in first.”

Ino said to Sunset Hong.

“Well, see you in the evening.”

Sunset Red has already figured out what to do next.

She wants to talk to Sarutobi Hinata about Kurama Yakumo.

Seven days to allow only one visit, the interval is too long, and she wants to shorten this time.

So that she can quickly find a way to bring Zhao Yuchen to meet Kurama Yakumo.

She had a hunch that Kurama Yakumo would have a turn in dealing with Yido after seeing Zhao Yuchen.

“However, according to Hachi-kun’s personality, after seeing Yakumo, he may mention the events of that year in his diary.”

“If Yakumo can’t stand the stimulation, it is likely to blacken and run away, so before taking Hachi-kun, I have to talk to her a few more times about resurrecting her parents.”

“There is also the strength of the Feather Dust Lord, it is best to suppress Yidu.”

“Speaking of which, the Spiritual Technique may be useful!?”

Thinking of this, Sunset’s red eyes lit up, and he used a copy of the diary to remotely contact Jiu Xinnai.

[Sunset Red]: Sister Jiu Xinnai, I wonder if I can ask you to help? Sunset looked at the copy of the diary expectantly.

But what made her strange was that after a long time, Jiu Xinnai did not reply to her.

“Are you busy?”

Sunset Red wondered.

But what kind of busyness do you have to be, so that you don’t even have time to read the diary and return the message.

Could it be that there is some kind of battle that needs to be fully concentrated?

It is not impossible that Jiu Xinnai has only been resurrected and is likely to encounter various temptations.

“Let’s go find Sandaime first and tell me about seeing Yakumo.”

Sunset Red walked towards the Hokage Building with steps.

At the same time, Hinata Hiashi gave Zhao Yuchen in the courtyard of the mansion.

This is an independent courtyard with a construction area of more than 400 square meters, equipped with a small training ground, and hundreds of square meters of forest garden views, and the price is several times more than the house in Jiu Xinnai next door.

It can be seen from this that Hinata Hinata is indeed rich, and he is really important to Zhao Yuchen, and I hope that he can also have the same investment as Hinata in Hinata Hanabi and Hinata Ninji.

If all three of them can possess the strength of Shangnin, or even elite Shangnin, before the age of sixteen, Hiashi’s prestige in the family will rise to a higher level, and there will be more things that can be done.

He is gambling heavily, and the worst price after losing the gamble is only a house.

And this house, which was originally obtained twelve years ago, originally belonged to Uchiha, and the actual cost was not much.

Most people can’t afford it, and those who can afford it can’t see it, or don’t want to live, so they have been put on hold.

Now it has finally welcomed a new owner.



“King Kong blockade!”

“Flying Thunder God!”

“Water escape, water floods the golden mountain!”

“Tudun, Tuhe Che.”


In a courtyard, the sound of fighting was constantly heard.

I have to say that Sunset Hong is very smart and guessed exactly what Jiu Xinnai is doing.

She is fighting with someone, and the opponent is no one else, it is Zhao Yuchen, who has just finished watching the mansion.

The scenery of this large mansion is good, but the style of the house is too Japanese, and Zhao Yuchen decided to transform it into the Jiangnan house he owned in Suhang in his previous life.

The house is large, but not mottled, and it can be seen that people come to clean it regularly.

But Zhao Yuchen felt that he still had to leave his own chakra to be considered his own breath, so he asked Jiu Xinnai’s opinion.

Jiu Xinnai was full of Chakra at this time, and he could even forcibly transform the spirit into reality, and he also wanted to familiarize himself with whether the theory of the Vortex clan was still there, so he proposed to fight again.

The chakra released by ninjutsu can definitely fill the entire house.

He has exactly the best of both worlds.

Zhao Yuchen agreed after thinking a little.


Jiu Xinnai cast a King Kong blockade at the moment Zhao Yuchen nodded, trying to trap Zhao Yuchen.

“And think of surprises.”

Zhao Yuchen smiled gently, cast the Flying Thunder God to dodge the attack, and appeared behind Jiu Xinnai.

“Don’t try to escape.”

The King Kong blockade was originally condensed by Chakra, and at this time, Jiu Xinnai seemed to be more handy to use and change direction smartly.

“I like to use the sealing technique so much, you can experience it yourself first.”

Zhao Yuchen cast the Flying Thunder God again, moved, and at the same time threw out four rune papers that had been drawn long ago.

Seal the Dharma Formation!

Light appeared on the four sealing talismans, connecting with each other to form a burst of patterns.

Within the range of the formation, Jiu Xinnai was accidentally limited in his mobility.

This made a look of panic flash in her eyes, but she was still not to be outdone.

Although she can’t move, it doesn’t prevent her from performing ninjutsu and illusion.

With a movement in her mind, she untied her body, and channeled two pet bears to cast illusion attacks.

Illusion acts on the five senses, namely: shape, sound, smell, taste, and touch, corresponding to the five sensory organs of the human body, that is, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

The two pet bears danced and impacted Zhao Yuchen’s sight, which was a visual illusion.

Zhao Yuchen was directly hit by the illusion, his body froze, and his eyes fell into a sluggish state.

But immediately, his eyes turned into three-hook jade writing wheel eyes, easily breaking free from illusion, and easily seeing through the pet bear.

The images of the two pet bears are clearly reflected in the eyes, and the red nose is clearly visible, as well as weaknesses.

Taking advantage of Jiu Xinnai’s body being restrained, Zhao Yuchen attacked, first pressing the two pet bears to the ground easily.

“I know, that’s their weakness.”

“I know that I have a chakra eye, and I also use illusion psychic beasts.”

“Jiu Xinnai, your experience against the enemy is not good.”

Saying that, Zhao Yuchen pinched the noses of the two pet bears.

Sure enough, the two pet bears trembled.

But Zhao Yuchen did not plan to stop there, but increased his strength.

Jiu Xinnai is now just a Chakra materialized spirit body, and the Chakra used to cast psychic beasts is connected to the body.

At this moment, she felt that her strength was being drained.

“It’s over!”

Zhao Yuchen chuckled.

But just when he thought he could win easily, he found that Jiu Xinnai suddenly smiled.

He secretly said something bad in his heart, but found that his body had been locked by Jiu Xinnai with his legs.

“Sister, I’m a whirlpool.”

“Playing the sealing technique in front of me, you are still a little tender.”

Jiu Xinnai showed a look of victory, and due to the excitement brought about by the success of the calculation, her pretty cheeks appeared red.

When Zhao Yuchen used the Sealing Formation, she had already reserved the power to cast the Vajra Blockade.

When Zhao Yuchen approached, the King Kong blockade offset part of the seal so that she could move.

“Illusion, Red Sea Vortex!”

This time, Jiu Xinnai launched the Contact System Illusion.

Zhao Yuchen’s eyesight that improved after opening the Sharingan eye became a stumbling block at this moment.

He only felt his vision flicker, and he was above the ocean.

This ocean is very strange, with a huge and unfathomable whirlpool, and there are red seaweed all over the whirlpool near the whirlpool, like a man-eating giant beast.

Under normal circumstances, seeing such scenes can be scary.

But Zhao Yuchen fell for illusion, but he just wanted to find out.

He fell from a height, and the head was the first to go deep into the whirlpool.


The red seaweed begins to stir and the vortex begins to contract.

A powerful suction force dragged Zhao Yuchen into the whirlpool.

It was also because of this force that he suddenly sobered up and his hands were sealed.

“Earth, earth rock pillar.”

Chakra surges in his body, acting above the body surface.

Immediately after, his body began to harden and went deeper into the vortex.

But when it was about to be completely engulfed, the body suddenly shifted, dangerously returning to the whirlpool.

“Tudun, Tudangu.”


In a matter of seconds, Zhao Yuchen let the earth doppelganger and his body swap and enter the whirlpool instead.

The confrontation at the level of illusion begins.

Zhao Yuchen’s manipulator Tudun doppelganger, wrestling with Jiu Xinnai’s Red Sea whirlpool.

In the end, he still has a chakra eye.

The whirlpool collapsed, and Jiu Xinnai was very upset, and Shi Shui wanted to fight back.

However, Zhao Yuchen saw her intention in advance and cast a combination ninjutsu with one hand.

“Thunder, mine explosion!”

The Tudu avatar exploded on its own, turning into countless electric snakes in the depths of the whirlpool.

The entire illusion space was filled with thunder attribute Chakra.


Zhao Yuchen broke free from the illusion and returned his gaze to reality.

He leaned forward, approached Jiu Xinnai, and released a stream of thousand birds all over his body.

Jiu Xinnai originally wanted to perform a substitute technique to leave, but at this time he directly got an electrotherapy package, and suddenly his body convulsed, and he didn’t even have the strength to raise his hand, let alone seal it.

“Admit defeat, admit defeat!”

Jiu Xinnai reluctantly surrendered.

I thought that I could win back a game after having a body, but I didn’t expect to lose faster.

“It’s definitely not that my strength is not good.”

“In the early hours of the morning, I am a spirit body, and to put it bluntly, I am a Yin Chakra.”

“Now I seem to have a body, but Chakra has become more dense, maintained more consumed, and does not have the physical advantage of the Vortex family.”

“I have to fight again after I have my body again!”

Jiu Xinnai secretly swore that he would win.

Zhao Yuchen didn’t know what she was thinking, and thoughtfully injected Chakra into her to recover.

Otherwise, I guess I’ll have to teach her a good lesson.

At the same time, the other side.

Sunset Red went home first to change into formal clothes, and then came to the Hokage Building.

As soon as she walked to the office on the fifth floor, she found that there were many people gathered outside with their ears pricked up.


Sunset Red saw Kakashi in the crowd and was about to open his mouth to ask him what was happening inside, when he heard a loud “boom” from the office.

Immediately after, a somewhat familiar but somewhat unfamiliar rough voice came from inside.

“Old man, I’m not coming back to talk to you.”

“I’ll just say a word, I’m going to be a Hokage, and you will say let me not let it!”


All the ninjas at the scene began to exchange ears.

Sunset Red felt that she might have fallen for illusion.

This year, there are still people who directly ask for the position of Hokage for the three generations of Hokage.

Jiu Xinnai can’t do it either, right?

Wait a minute!

Jiu Xinnai suddenly sounded the owner of this voice.


No wonder so many people gathered on site.

Tsunade is a female ninja worship, male ninja admire, this is to meet idols.

“However, how could Tsunade-sama suddenly come back and want to become the fifth generation Hokage.”

“According to what is written in Hachen-kun’s diary, she should be the third generation of the village after being killed by Orochimaru and returned to the village by Naruto and Jiraiya, and there should be still a few months before now.”

“Could it be…”

Sunset red eyes condensed.

Tsunade-sama also has a diary!?.

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