The old man was very happy.

"No, no, I mean, Bai Qi, that kid, defeated Kizaru, and Kizaru is currently missing~" Perospero explained hurriedly.

As soon as this was said, everyone in the audience showed shocked expressions. Everyone looked at Perospero with dull eyes, doubting the truth of what the eldest brother said~

Are you kidding? Bai Qi beat Admiral Kizaru, the man known as the fastest man in the world, and his whereabouts are unknown?

How could this be possible? You know, Bai Qi is only an eight-year-old kid, how could he be so terrifying?

"Hahahaha! Mum~mum~!" The aunt laughed crazily.

"Perospero, do you believe this kind of gossip?" Although Bai Qi is indeed a talented kid, the aunt doesn't believe that this kid can surpass the generals.

Surpassing a general is not easy. Even I am not sure whether I can kill a general, not to mention Bai Qi, an eight-year-old rookie~

There is only one possibility, that is, Perospero, the idiot, must have been deceived by some newspaper that is designed to attract people! Thinking of this, the aunt couldn't help laughing again~

It's not surprising to think about it. Bai Qi, the kid, has been very popular recently. According to Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, it seems that he spent 200 million Baileys to buy news about Bai Qi last time!

Under the temptation of huge interests, it is not surprising that some people rely on writing gossip about Bai Qi to gain economic benefits~

"Haha! Mum~mum~ Let me call Morgans and I will know it immediately~" The aunt said calmly.

"Bilibili~Bilibili~" the communicator rang.

A strange voice came from the other end. "Hello, auntie, your tea party was really good last time, so nostalgic~" Morgans said politely with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Mum~mum,~ That's natural, I plan to hold a bigger and more sumptuous tea party next time, haha!" The aunt's loud laughter came.

"By the way, Morgans, is there any news about Bai Qi's kid recently? That kid is not dead~" A light flashed in the aunt's eyes~ and the topic was brought to Bai Qi.

"Auntie, you are joking. Bai Qi is a good guy. Recently, this guy has defeated Admiral Kizaru!" Morgans said excitedly.

To be honest, Morgans has been working in the news industry for so many years, and this is the first time he has met a guy with such talent as Bai Qi. He has edited so many genius news in this world, but only Bai Qi makes him tremble with excitement~

Bai Qi's talent can be described as a demon! Moreover, Bai Qi's personality is that he will confront others at any time, and he is also this guy who is easy to provoke~

"What did you say? Bai Qi... Bai Qi he..." The aunt's face was dull, and her eyes were wide open. It was really hard to believe that Bai Qi, that kid, really defeated Kizaru.

Beep beep~~Hang up the phone.

The aunt turned her eyes to Perospero blankly. "Perospero, I finally know why you are so uncalm~"

"Bai Qi he... he..." Katakuri's voice began to tremble.

I heard the conversation between the aunt and Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, just now. I really didn't expect that Bai Qi, that guy, could actually defeat the general!

Katakuri clenched his fists tightly. Is his opponent already so strong?

Last time, he looked at Bai Qi with a condescending attitude and decided to fight with Bai Qi. Unexpectedly, after only two weeks, Bai Qi actually, actually surpassed him~

Yes, Bai Qi is now stronger than him, and Katakuri will not avoid admitting this!

Katakuri thought that with his own strength, he could only restrain a general at most, but it was still very difficult for him to defeat the general~

He must continue to become stronger!

On the sea, another emperor.

At this time, Shanks was sailing comfortably on a small boat.

He picked up a bottle of white wine beside him and read the headlines of the newspaper again. "Hahaha! I didn't expect that the guy on Whitebeard's ship is getting more and more amazing~" Shanks laughed up to the sky.

"Oh? What's wrong, Captain

, are you talking about that kid Bai Qi? " Beckman, holding a cigarette in his mouth, slowly came to the front of Red Hair Shanks and sat down.

During this period of time, the kid on Whitebeard's ship was Bai Qi in the Red Hair Pirates~ So Beckman could immediately hear that this was news about Bai Qi~

"You can see for yourself, Beckman, it will definitely surprise you~" Red Hair smiled at Beckman, and a cunning look appeared.

"Humph, Captain, you are making a fuss. I don't believe that the kid Bai Qi can have any news that will surprise me, Beckman~" Beckman said jokingly.

It's not that he doesn't recognize Bai Qi's strength, but Beckman is also a natural strong man, but he has the strength close to the Four Emperors!

What else will surprise him?

Slowly opening the newspaper, Beckman's cigarette suddenly extinguished, and then read the newspaper in one breath with interest.

"This, this, this is really too surprising to me! "Beckman said seriously. At the same time, there was a look of deep shock in his eyes~

"I told you, Beckman, that kid is not simple." Red-haired Shanks waved his hand and put a straw hat on his head.

"What news?" Jesus Bu and other elites of the Red-haired Pirates heard the movement from Red Hair and ran over.

"About that kid Bai Qi?" said a man with a monkey on his back.

"See, you will be as surprised as I am!" Beckman said cunningly. He took the newspaper from Beckman. "What? How is this possible? ! "

Everyone showed an expression of disbelief and shock on their faces.

Everyone's first reaction was that the news was fake. But when they saw that this was a newspaper that the boss Shanks had obtained and marked, everyone believed it.

This is the intelligence organization specially cultivated by Red-haired Shanks. As long as it has this mark, it proves that the news is true! There is no doubt at all~

So everyone fell into a state of confusion.

Looking at the men beside him. "Hahaha! Don't let this newcomer outshine you~" Red-haired Shanks laughed at the sky again, and a domineering aura instantly swept the entire area~

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