The old man was still standing, but the old man was still standing.

"Okay, Dad~" Marco continued to pick up the Den Den Mushi and dial.

"Bilibili~Bilibili~" A phone kept ringing in the ruins. However, this area of ​​ruins had been marked with a no-entry banner by the navy who came later.

These navy were looking for Kizaru in the ruins~~

"Report to the commander!" A corporal saluted to a navy commander dressed as an officer. "Kizaru was not found."

"No,..." a major general from the navy headquarters murmured.

This cannot be considered bad news. If Admiral Kizaru cannot be found, then at least it proves that Kizaru may not have been killed at this moment.

According to the local people in the Sabaody Archipelago, Kizaru's death was not seen, and Kizaru was not found in the ruins where Kizaru fought for the last time. So it is very likely that Admiral Kizaru has escaped~

"Continue the search! Expand the target to the entire Sabaody Archipelago and the surrounding small islands!" said the major general sternly.

"Yes, sir!" The corporal saluted and ordered the search team to continue looking for Kizaru's whereabouts.

"Bilibili~bilibili~" The Den Den Mushi in the ruins suddenly kept ringing.

The major admiral came to the sound of the Den Den Mushi and found it.

"This is..." The major admiral picked up the Den Den Mushi and looked at it.

It should be a Den Den Mushi left by a pirate. The Den Den Mushi of the navy all have special numbers, so the major admiral is sure that this is not the navy's Den Den Mushi.

But... It is not ruled out that it is a trap left by some bastard pirate, or it may be a bomb that will explode as soon as the phone is answered!

"Corporal Tom!" the major admiral shouted loudly.

A fat navy man came over and saluted as well, waiting for the order from the commander.

"This Den Den Mushi is very suspicious. Send it to the scientific unit to check if there are any traps. If it is confirmed that there is no danger, send it to the marshal's office!" the commander ordered.

"Yes, sir!" the fat corporal shouted loudly.

"Bilibili~Bilibili~" Marco had called nearly ten times at this time, but no one answered the phone at the other end.

"Bilibili~Bilibili~" The fixed telephone bug in Whitebeard's bedroom suddenly rang.

Whitebeard walked into the bedroom slowly. Only his intelligence department knew about this phone call. Could it be that there was something going on in the navy?

Slowly answered the phone. Whitebeard said directly: "What news? Just say it directly. Is it about the navy?"

"Hello, Dad~" Bai Qi grinned.

"Bai Qi? You, you bastard, finally called back. No, how did you know my phone number?" Whitebeard was very confused.

This phone is on the Moby Dick. In order to protect the safety of the intelligence personnel, only he and Marco, who is in charge of intelligence work, know about it. Even Diamond Joz doesn't know.

Whitebeard is very confused. How did Bai Qi, the little brat, know about it.

"Hey, Dad, my Den Den Mushi is lost~ I'm using Xia Qi's Den Den Mushi now. I didn't expect that Dad's informant is Xia Qi~" Bai Qi said.

"You bastard, that's the Den Den Mushi I gave you personally~" Whitebeard scolded.

"As for Xia Qi, you can find it if you find it, but don't tell others. This is also to protect Xia Qi's safety!" Whitebeard said seriously.

"Don't worry about this, old man, I understand! As for the Den Den Mushi, I'm sorry, I accidentally lost it in the battle with Kizaru just now. You know, I'm also struggling to face the admiral~" Bai Qi touched his head awkwardly and said lightly.

So, I was wrong about the little brat. Thinking about the bloody struggle between Bai Qi and Kizaru, he actually blamed Bai Qi for a small Den Den Mushi. Whitebeard was a little embarrassed~

But men don't say anything hypocritical!

"Bai Qi, you little brat, you did a great job, you really made Admiral Kizaru crawl! Awesome!" Whitebeard shouted, with a king's domineering aura.

"Old man, don't praise me, it's unnatural~" Bai Qi spread his hands and grinned.

"You little brat, when will you come back? We should go to the battlefield together to kill the enemy!" Whitebeard said, in fact, he was mainly afraid that Bai Qi would defeat Kizaru and anger the navy, and he would be afraid that Bai Qi would be retaliated.

Such a good seedling,

Whitebeard didn't want him to suffer any accident.

"Dad, I have one more thing to do." Bai Qi said lightly.

"What? Another thing? Didn't you win over Rayleigh?" Whitebeard said in confusion.

Encountering such a strong kid, and with Bai Qi's temper, Whitebeard is sure to be very familiar with Rayleigh's temper~

And Bai Qi defeated Kizaru, Rayleigh has no reason to join his camp.

So Whitebeard was very confused at this moment.

"Rayleigh, I have convinced you, don't worry about that! As for me, I still have to convince Hawkeye!" A trace of seriousness flashed in Bai Qi's eyes.

Hawkeye, the only guy among the Seven Warlords who can be named a Seven Warlord by relying on his own strength, is definitely not an ordinary person!

The title of the world's greatest swordsman is not for nothing!

If he gets Hawkeye's support, Whitebeard believes that the probability of winning can be increased by at least 20%!

However, Hawkeye is a loner. Even if it is Bai Qi, I may not be able to convince Hawkeye~

"Kid, you have to think about it. Hawkeye has a weird personality. The only person in the New World who can be as irritable as him is Red-haired Shanks~" Whitebeard said worriedly.

If Bai Qi can't convince Hawkeye, it is possible that Hawkeye will fight with Bai Qi. To be honest, Hawkeye's strength is not even clear to himself. Although Bai Qi can barely defeat Kizaru.

But facing Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman, it is really hard to say~

"Don't worry about this, Dad. By the way, there is one more thing! I have recently recruited a team. I will send them to meet you first! After I convince Hawkeye, I will find you!" Bai Qi said, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Good boy, since you have made up your mind, I won't say anything! When we meet, I will take out my private money to treat you to a drink!" Whitebeard said heroically but with some pain at the same time.

"Old man, this is what you said. Don't feel sorry for your private money and cheat me, haha!" Bai Qi said jokingly.

To be honest, although I have joined the Whitebeard Pirates for a short time, I have seen Whitebeard cheating and not paying many times.

Whitebeard touched his head awkwardly, "Stinky kid, don't worry, I will definitely not cheat this time." Damn, is this the image I have in front of this kid? Whitebeard was very depressed.

"Then goodbye, old man, I'm waiting for your treat, haha!" Bai Qi spread his hands and hung up the phone. A firm look flashed in his eyes, Hawkeye, I'll meet you.

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