Wait... this face is getting more and more familiar. After a while, Hawkeye patted his head hard, "Are you Bai Qi?" asked in confusion. "I didn't expect that I'm so famous now, even Hawkeye Mihawk knows me? I'm flattered!" Bai Qi said lightly, but there was no compliment at all. His eyes were full of the look of being on an equal footing with Hawkeye~ "What's wrong, you also noticed this kid, Hawkeye!" Rayleigh said with a smile. Although he was not sure whether Bai Qi could successfully persuade Hawkeye, a stubborn guy, to join Whitebeard to fight against the navy. But Rayleigh is sure of one thing, that is, this kid, Hawkeye Mihawk will definitely be very interested in him, and he will not be ordered to leave for the time being~

Sure enough, Hawkeye looked at Bai Qi with his sharp eagle-like eyes. "He is a little different from the figure in the newspaper. I never thought that the strong man who could defeat the admiral would only look like an eight-year-old kid." Hawkeye said with emotion.

Cut off Jack of Drought in half, killed the descendants of the world god, and defeated the admiral Kizaru! All this was done by the recently popular Bai Qi kid. These shocking news about Bai Qi. Inadvertently, Hawkeye imagined Bai Qi to be tall and strong.

I suddenly saw him in person today, and I really felt like I saw a pretender.

Looking at Hawkeye Mihawk's puzzled eyes, Bai Qi spoke. "Don't worry, it's genuine! I don't know if Hawkeye can let us go in for a drink. The weather here is too damp and cold~" Bai Qi spread his hands and said indifferently.

In front of the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, the kid who can be so calm, Hawkeye has confirmed that the kid in front of him is the popular Bai Qi in the newspapers recently!

Looking at the calm Bai Qi, and then looking at Pluto Rayleigh, Hawkeye thought for a while, to be honest, he is really interested in this Bai Qi!

"Hehe, you two are not unknown people, go in and have a drink~" Hawkeye's eagle-like eyes eased a little.

Walking into Hawkeye's castle, it is not luxurious but very romantic. An old man and a young man sat on the bronze chair, and Pluto Rayleigh spoke first, "Mihawk, your place is not bad, but it's too quiet, I can't stand it."

With Rayleigh's personality, he either likes gambling or likes to steal money in lively places. If he was thrown on this island and there was no one to see, I'm afraid Rayleigh would have gone crazy long ago.

"Hehe, Perona, bring me the best red wine." Hawkeye Mihawk did not continue Rayleigh's topic.

"Asshole, how many times have I told you that I am not your maid, you unromantic guy!" A little Loli holding an umbrella suddenly flew over from the sky, very cute.

Although she said this, Perona still took out a bottle of red wine obediently. Living in Hawkeye's castle for free for so long, Perona naturally felt a little bit soft-hearted and short-handed~

"Eh, such a small kid?" Perona said in surprise. At the same time, she flew in front of Bai Qi and looked up and down at Bai Qi.

Perona was not surprised by the arrival of Pluto Rayleigh. With Hawkeye's status in the world and his reputation as the world's number one swordsman... there must be countless people who come here to admire him, and those who can enter the castle are even more famous among the celebrities in the world!

For example, a year ago, a great figure came to this castle, the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks!

It can be seen that Hawkeye's castle is indeed not accessible to ordinary people.

And this eight-year-old kid can come in, which can only mean that he is the child of some powerful person?

But... why does this guy look familiar, as if I had seen him some time ago.

No! I have been staying in the castle. It is either the unromantic Hawkeye or the green algae-headed Zoro who has a poor sense of direction. It is impossible to meet a third person.

Then the only way for me to know this kid is through... newspapers!

Perona suddenly slapped her forehead with her hand. Yes, this kid is Bai Qi! Perona suddenly realized that this is the kid that Hawkeye Mihawk has been mentioning recently! The genius who can defeat Kizaru!

I really didn't expect that his appearance would be no different from that of an ordinary eight-year-old child!

Perona almost put her face close to Bai Qi's face, and she almost took out a magnifying glass to look at it. "You are Bai Qi!" Perona suddenly said with shock in her eyes.


...I really didn't expect that my reputation is now known even here..." Bai Qi scratched his head awkwardly. It was a bit embarrassing to be shouted at by a girl at such a close distance~

"Hahaha! You little brat, if you go out now, I'm afraid everyone will know you!" Rayleigh said with a smile.

"Not only everyone knows, didn't you read the latest newspapers?" Hawkeye said seriously.

"The latest newspapers about me? "Bai Qi said excitedly. It seems that his victory over Kizaru has been published in the newspaper.

Bai Qi was shocked when he took the newspaper handed over by Hawkeye. It turned out that his portrait was printed in a prominent position on the newspaper!

It said, wanted criminal Bai Qi, bounty 3.5 billion Baileys! It also said something like the biggest enemy of the future navy, the devil of the worst era.

Good guy, the navy has invested a lot this time, and his bounty is almost the same as the four emperors.

You know, the bounty of the four emperors in the new world is so high, not only because of their strength, but also because of their appeal.

Which of the four emperors doesn't have a super large pirate group that listens to the orders of the four emperors? It's like playing to order an army of tens of thousands.

And Bai Qi's big white Shark Pirates, to be honest, Bai Qi himself was panicking. Except for himself as the captain, the strength of the others was not good enough!

In this way, the Navy can offer such a high bounty because they are afraid of Bai Qi's personal strength, afraid that Bai Qi is only eight years old but has such talent!

With such a bounty, it seems that there will be a lot of unnecessary troubles in the future. Who knows when there will be a few guys who want money but not life, come to take their heads for money.

Bai Qi is not worried about the danger of his life. With his own strength, which bounty hunter can be his opponent?

It's just that... there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the future!

Rayleigh looked at Bai Qi's headache expression, took the newspaper, and laughed after reading it.

"3.5 billion Baileys? Haha! There will be more and more people who want your little devil's head in the future. To be honest, I am still a little tempted by your head. 3.5 billion Baileys, tut tut! "Rayleigh said excitedly.

"Don't make fun of me, old man. Let's talk business!" Bai Qi didn't want to continue this troublesome topic.

Instead, he looked at Hawkeye Mihawk, and Mihawk also looked at Bai Qi with eagle-like eyes.

When their eyes met, both of them became serious. Even Rayleigh lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and waited for Bai Qi's words.

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