The more you move, the more you move.

Is this the razor in the Navy's Six Styles... In an instant, you step on the ground dozens of times at high speed, generating explosive reaction force to move at high speed, giving the enemy the feeling of disappearing.

When used by the Navy King Garp, it was indeed much more shocking than CP0. Bai Qi even mistakenly thought that Garp was releasing his own skills, Flash!

Bai Qi opened his observation Haki to the extreme, and with full perception, a super strong shock wave came to his face. It was not released by Garp, but by Sengoku standing next to him.

Zhan Guo was in the sky, staring at Bai Qi with his huge body: "Little boy, your opponent is me! Don't look around!"

I don't know when the Buddha Zhan Guo has transformed into a big Buddha, staring at Bai Qi with anger from above, and directly hit a golden shock wave.

Is this the legendary golden combination... Bai Qi was surprised. Just a face-to-face, Garp and Zhan Guo, these two guys, gave him a set of combined attacks without any gaps.

Fortunately, I fully activated the observation color in time, otherwise, I might really be caught. The moment Garp disappeared, he was hit by the shock wave of Zhan Guo, the angry King Kong~

Bai Qi, who saw the future through the advanced observation color, made defensive moves in advance. I only saw Bai Qi cross the two swords, one white and one red, on his chest, and the armed armor quickly spread over the entire blade. At the same time, a layer of transparent armor appeared on his head.

With a bang, Zhan Guo's powerful shock wave directly hit the double swords on Bai Qi's chest.

I seem to have seen this scene before? By the way, in the anime, this guy, Sengoku, used this move and turned into a big Buddha, which made Blackbeard, who had obtained the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, vomit blood! Blackbeard was confused at the time, wondering why he was not so strong when he attacked Luffy...

It seems that Sengoku, the old fox, has already discussed with Garp and is ready to use a killing move from the beginning... This move must not be underestimated!

Although Bai Qi had two swords against his chest and the defense of the high-level armed color armor, he was still rushed back ten steps by the shock wave.

Bai Qi was secretly shocked. Everyone knew that Garp was the king of the navy, but Garp's old partner, Buddha Sengoku, was underestimated. This Buddha Sengoku definitely had the strength of a general!

The Sengoku in the sky was more shocked than Bai Qi at this moment. This set of combined attacks between him and Whitebeard was something that Bai Qi and Whitebeard had thought of in advance before they arrived.

Garp goes first, then uses the razor from the Navy's Six Styles to make a feint, then takes advantage of the opponent's moment of distraction to transform himself into a Buddha and release a powerful shock wave to attack the enemy unexpectedly~

The purpose is very clear, that is, to attack the weaker party first with a combination of rapid and thunderous attacks, so that Bai Qi loses his combat effectiveness first, or at least is injured and affects his combat effectiveness.

Create a good combat environment for the next continuous combat.

In the eyes of Garp and Sengoku, Bai Qi is indeed more threatening than Whitebeard. No matter how powerful Whitebeard is, he is old after all, and he will be somewhat powerless.

But Bai Qi is different. He can achieve such achievements at a young age, and his future achievements will definitely be higher than the world's strongest man Whitebeard!

However, in terms of combat power, both Sengoku and Garp believe that their old rival Whitebeard is worse than Baiqi. Baiqi is powerful because of his talent, but in Sengoku and Garp's opinion, the current combat power is still not as good as Whitebeard~

So, the priority target is Baiqi!

But what I didn't expect was that Baiqi could actually resist my Buddha shock wave! After being hit by this shock wave, he only took a few steps back...

This kind of armed color and physical fitness is too buggy, right? Maybe his physical fitness will catch up with that bastard Garp!

With a whoosh, a phantom appeared, and Garp's figure suddenly appeared in the sky. Garp slowly stood on the shoulders of Sengoku, who had transformed into a Buddha. His expression was very solemn, and he was looking at Baiqi with his eyes, while his fingers were snapping.

Buddha's Warring States also had a face full of anger, "I really didn't expect, Garp, this kid's strength has reached this level?" Warring States said solemnly.

Garp's muscles burst a little, and he murmured: "I really didn't expect, this kid

The ghost actually has the same fighting power as Whitebeard and you and me! "

Zhan Guo's glasses reflected a dazzling white light. "Maybe... this kid has some special skills. He used some skills just now."

Now Zhan Guo still finds it hard to believe that an eight-year-old kid actually has such strong physical strength and domineering. No matter how talented he is, it is impossible to achieve such fighting power at the age of eight! Impossible!

Iron Fist Garp fell into deep thought. What Zhan Guo said was not unreasonable. An eight-year-old kid could withstand the attacks of himself and Zhan Guo, the two golden partners. What a joke? Garp also hummed heavily.

"Let me continue to try. What special ability did this kid use? "Zhan Guo's eyes were bright, and his ability to analyze the enemy was his strong point.

He was fighting against Bai Qi, a guy with all kinds of secrets. He could be said to be very restrained. Zhan Guo showed a confident smile, believing that he would be able to analyze Bai Qi's powerful secrets in a few rounds, and then he could get rid of this guy! Win a battle for the future of the navy!

Whitebeard was also sweating in shock at the scene just now. He really didn't expect that Bai Qi could actually break the induced attack of the Garp-Zhan Guo duo.

"Kuhaha! Bai Qi, you little brat, you really shocked me this time. To be honest, I may not be able to block such a strong combination attack! Kuhaha, you little brat! "Whitebeard laughed, and he was sincerely happy to have such a godson.

Looking at the solemn eyes and strange expressions of Garp and Sengoku, Whitebeard was extremely excited and relieved. This Bai Qi really made him proud!

Garp and Sengoku were his old acquaintances. Over the years, these two guys have not cultivated people who can inherit them, but Whitebeard has found a successor!

"Old man, don't be modest. You can resist the move just now, right?" Bai Qi naturally didn't think that Whitebeard would not be able to resist that attack.

Although it would be a bit difficult, Bai Qi believed that with Whitebeard's current state, he could still barely take it.

Otherwise, with Garp and Sengoku, these two people's understanding of Whitebeard, they would have released that combination attack on Whitebeard, not Bai Qi himself!

"Garp, let's explore again!" Dafo Sengoku said with solemn eyes.

"No problem!" Garp's iron fist has been wrapped in a thick layer of transparent armor!

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