The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

Marco, who was rushing to the Whitebeard battle site in the sky, was forced to stay in the air for a while. There was no way. Under the strong shock wave, the entire environment of the world changed drastically. Under the aftermath of the explosion energy, a strong hurricane blew head-on, and Marco's flight was naturally affected.

"Bai Qi... Bai Qi, that guy, was able to resist the attack of the Warring States?" Marco showed an incredible expression. Even his son, who had the ability of immortal flame, did not dare to resist that attack. Bai Qi actually did it~

Marco, who was confused, was depressed at this time. Wouldn't he hold Bai Qi and Whitebeard back in the past? The performance of Bai Qi and Whitebeard surprised him more and more.

First, there was Whitebeard's monstrous blow, and then Bai Qi fought against Sengoku's Buddha Golden Body Fist. Anyway, he would never be so awesome in his life...

The general Kizaru in the battle also showed an incredible expression, "Why does this kid feel stronger than when he fought with me? Could it be that this kid... has become stronger again?!" Kizaru's pupils dilated, and his face was full of strange expressions.

This kid's talent is really abnormal!

"What do you think, Kizaru, I told you that Bai Qi can create miracles!" Pluto Rayleigh slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said excitedly.

On the battlefield, Buddha Sengoku was furious, looking at Bai Qi with angry eyes. "I didn't expect that you, a sinful kid, have grown to this point..." Sengoku said with trembling lips.

"It seems that my decision was wrong! When you were in the Sabaody Archipelago, Garp personally requested to fight you, but I rejected it for the face of the navy. Now it seems that I was really wrong!" Sengoku's eyes reflected a white light, and he said expressionlessly.

"I will make up for the mistakes I have made here!"

Did Garp invite him to personally fight him? Bai Qi was a little surprised about this... If the person he was fighting against was Garp, he might have really died in Sabaody Island... It seems that he should not be too high-profile in the future~

Boom boom boom! Three loud noises~

Sengoku stepped forward three times, and it was another golden Buddha fist. There was a yellow shock wave on his fist. The shock wave continued to emit explosive energy and explosive breath. Bai Qi could feel that it was not weaker than the damage of his own Tremor Fruit.

"Taoyuan Shirataki!" Bai Qi did not dare to be careless, holding two swords and slashing again.

His own Peach Garden Baitaki is a passive skill. With his abnormal physical strength, even if he swings his sword and slashes a hundred times, he probably won't be too tired.

Bai Qi can feel that Zhan Guo's golden body state is very energy-consuming. It is completely wrong for Zhan Guo to keep fighting like this. It is meaningless!

The strong slash did not hit Zhan Guo's Buddha fist. A huge crack appeared in the whole Marinford.

The crack is bottomless. Looking inside, it is dark and scary.

After Bai Qi's terrifying slash, the whole Marinford trembled again. The ground was uneven and cracks and gullies were everywhere.

Whether it was the navy or the pirates, those minions stood unsteadily one by one, and were frightened by the shock like a natural disaster. Some people even abandoned their weapons and fled in the battle.

"It's terrible, it's terrible! This is not human power at all. I want to go home, I want to go home!" A young man who had just joined the navy shouted desperately.

What was waiting for this man was indeed the black hand of the people around him. The man who was frightened by Bai Qi's slash was directly wiped out~

War is so cruel!

In the entire navy, there are not only people responsible for fighting the Whitebeard Pirates, but also some special navy personnel specially arranged by Akainu. The mission purpose of these personnel is only one: "For the justice of the navy! Kill those pirates who try to escape and affect the morale of the army!"

When the earth trembled, a young pink-haired navy boy showed a strange expression. "Enough! Enough! Too many people have been killed, this war can't continue!"

The navy on the side hurriedly stepped forward to support him: "What's wrong with you? Coby, are you having a headache again?"

On the battlefield, Bai Qi showed a look of surprise. His terrifying slash, which was as fast as thunder, was actually empty?

But I clearly saw that it hit!

“That’s just my fantasy.

Just a shadow!" Just as Bai Qi was wondering, an old man's voice came from behind Bai Qi. It was the Navy Marshal Buddha Zhan Guo who had just disappeared!

For the first time, Bai Qi felt cold sweats. This was the most difficult battle he had fought since he traveled through time...

You should know that his three colors of domineering are now all activated to advanced states, and he has the qualifications of a peerless strongman.

When he can see the future, he can only see a phantom? I have to say that Zhan Guo is definitely not a simple guy!

Tada Tata Tata~ After the figure disappeared, the sound of footsteps came, just like thunder, people always see lightning first, and then hear the thunderous sound, just because the propagation speed of light is greater than the speed of sound waves~

"Razor! Storm Foot!" Zhan Guo's roaring voice came again.

"Moon Step" and "Shave" are the perfect fusion of the two Navy Six Skills, but on the basis of shaving, the flexibility of its own movement is enhanced, forming a sharp track in the air, and a terrifying slash appears out of thin air.

It is hard to imagine that this set of thunder operations actually came from the hands of Zhan Guo, who has such a huge body and the form of a big Buddha!

Zhan Guo's attack speed is too fast. Bai Qi hurriedly resisted when he caught the arrival of the slash. Armament-colored armor covered his whole body, and his two swords crossed in front of his chest. Bai Qi took a defensive posture.

This was also Bai Qi's full-body defense in a subconscious state. He did not catch the specific trajectory of the terrifying thunder-like storm foot.

Bai Qi was directly repelled a hundred meters away by this yellow storm foot, and during the period, a lot of ruins and debris were smashed. When he landed, there was a rumbling sound, and the landing point was directly blasted out into a large pit with a depth of up to 100 meters!

The entire Marinford shook violently, and a red liquid appeared and slid down in the sky.

The dust and dirt blown up by the energy around the pit, like a puff of smoke, filled the area of ​​​​a kilometer in radius!

"What's going on? Can we capture Bai Qi?" Above the sky, Morgan Gans in the bird house was nervously adjusting the angle of the telescope in his hand.

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